Mueller team have begun writing their report


Literotica Guru
Sep 24, 2018

But Trump's legal team and other lawyers representing witnesses in the investigation expect that the President's responses to Mueller could be one of the final pieces of the 18-month-long probe before the investigators present a report on their findings. Mueller's team has begun writing its final report, multiple sources told CNN.

What will be in it? Place your bets!

What will be in it? Place your bets!

From your linked article...

One of the sources familiar with the matter said the report will be detailed in part because Mueller's team wants to make sure it withstands public scrutiny. It is expected to include an analysis of the allegations,any information or statements made over the course of voluntary interviews, a legal explanation of why the evidence didn't meet the prosecution bar and an overall defense of the investigation.
Nothing will be in it. A lot of attorneys got paid big money to stretch it out as far as they could.
Nothing will be in it. A lot of attorneys got paid big money to stretch it out as far as they could.

No, I think they just got the DOJ salaries they would have been earning on any other assignment.