The Durham Report Is Out...


Prof Triggernometry
Feb 7, 2017
Everything we said about Trump being framed was true. There was never any Russian collusion. The Durham Report makes it clear the Crossfire Hurricane Investigation had no legal predication and should never have been opened. That means the Mueller Investigation was never needed or properly predicated either. The whole thing was dreamed up by Hillary Clinton, the Democrat Party, The Obama Administration, and corrupt officials in the government to interfere with the election and to subvert the presidency of Donald Trump. If the left and the media is now saying there was "no great reveal" it's because they knew it was a lie all along and were willing partners in this perfidy against the American people and the duly elected President. Every leftist here was on that bandwagon and swearing up and down to the truth of it all. Now, everyone knows how they were played by the media, the deep state, and by their own lack of intellectual rigor. You can read the report here:

Here is s snippet from the opening statement on Crossfire Hurricane:

As set forth in greater detail in Section IV, the record in this matter reflects that upon
receipt of unevaluated intelligence information from Australia
, the FBI swiftly opened the
Crossfire Hurricane investigation. In particular, at the direction of Deputy Director Andrew
McCabe, Deputy Assistant Director for Counterintelligence Peter Strzok opened Crossfire
Hurricane immediately. 22 Strzok, at a minimum, had pronounced hostile feelings toward
23 The matter was opened as a full investigation without ever having spoken to the
persons who provided the information. Further, the FBI did so without (i) any significant review
of its own intelligence databases, (ii) collection and examination of any relevant intelligence
from other U.S. intelligence entities, (iii) interviews of witnesses essential to understand the raw
information it had received or (iv) using any of the standard analytical tools typically employed
by the FBI in evaluating raw intelligence. Had it done so, again as set out in Sections IV.A.3.b
and c, the FBI would have learned that their own experienced Russia analysts had no information
about Trump being involved with Russian leadership officials, nor were others in sensitive
positions at the CIA, the NSA, and the Department of State aware of such evidence concerning
the subject. In addition, FBI records prepared by Strzok in February and March 2017 show that
at the time of the opening of Crossfire Hurricane, the FBI had no information in its holdings
indicating that at any time during the campaign anyone in the Trump campaign had been in
contact with any Russian intelligence officials. 24

The speed and manner in which the FBI opened and investigated Crossfire Hurricane
during the presidential election season based on raw, unanalyzed, and uncorroborated
intelligence also reflected a noticeable departure from how it approached prior matters involving
possible attempted foreign election interference plans aimed at the Clinton campaign. As
described in Section IV.B, in the eighteen months leading up to the 2016 election, the FBI was
required to deal with a number of proposed investigations that had the potential of affecting the
election. In each ofthose instances, the FBI moved with considerable caution. In one such
matter discussed in Section IV.B.l, FBI Headquarters and Department officials required
defensive briefings to be provided to Clinton and other officials or candidates who appeared to
be the targets of foreign interference. In another, the FBI elected to end an investigation after
one of its longtime and valuable CHSs went beyond what was authorized and made an improper
and possibly illegal financial contribution to the Clinton campaign on behalf of a foreign entity
as a precursor to a much larger donation being contemplated. And in a third, the Clinton
Foundation matter, both senior FBI and Department officials placed restrictions on how those
matters were to be handled such that essentially no investigative activities occurred for months
leading up to the election. These examples are also markedly different from the FBI' s actions
with respect to other highly significant intelligence it received from a trusted foreign source
pointing to a Clinton campaign plan to vilify Trump by tying him to Vladimir Putin so as to
divert attention from her own concerns relating to her use of a private email server. Unlike the
FBI's opening of a full investigation of unknown members of the Trump campaign based on raw,
uncorroborated information, in this separate matter involving a purported Clinton campaign plan,
the FBI never opened any type of inquiry, issued any taskings, employed any analytical
personnel, or produced any analytical products in connection with the information. This lack of
action was despite the fact that the significance of the Clinton plan intelligence was such as to
have prompted the Director of the CIA to brief the President, Vice President, Attorney General,
Director of the FBI, and other senior government officials about its content within days of its
receipt. It was also of enough importance for the CIA to send a formal written referral
memorandum to Director Corney and the Deputy Assistant Director of the FBI's
Counterintelligence Division, Peter Strzok, for their consideration and action. 25 The
investigative referral provided examples of information the Crossfire Hurricane fusion cell had
"gleaned to date."
Lol....this is about what I expected.

The Senate Russian interference gives plenty on the topic

The word collusion is truly given too much weight by Trumpies.
Another correction of a favored left-wing talking point:

"Our investigation determined that the Crossfire Hurricane investigators did not and could not corroborate any of the substantive allegations contained in the Steele reporting. Nor was Steele able to produce corroboration for any of the reported allegations, even after being offered $1 million or more by the FBI for such corroboration. 29 Further, when interviewed by the FBI in January 2017, Danchenko also was unable to corroborate any of the substantive allegations in the Reports. Rather, Danchenko characterized the information he provided to Steele as "rumor and speculation" 30 and the product of casual conversation." 31
Trump's own appointee took over 3 years to find nothing.

Trump's own appointee took over 3 years to find nothing.

He discovered and proved your lies were in fact lies. Yes, this investigation proves you and many others of your ilk to be liars, and fools willing to assist the betrayal of your country.
He discovered and proved your lies were in fact lies. Yes, this investigation proves you and many others of your ilk to be liars, and fools willing to assist the betrayal of your country.
Show us where I lied about this.

BTW, the irony of you having a quote in your signature from a book that your elk has banned is palpable. 😉

The ONLY article on the “Durham bombshell” that you need to read:

That ^ is an epic beat down of John Durham. It’s definitely going to leave a mark on his reputation.



However, over the course of more than 300 pages, the Durham Report doesn’t just fail to live up to Trump supporters’ expectations of a spectacular vindication; it manages to fail on every other level as well. Durham fails to rebut the previous findings from special counsel Robert Mueller or the Department of Justice’s inspector general. He fails to provide suggested changes that the FBI could make moving forward. He fails to acknowledge how much of the winking innuendo the report includes wasn’t proved in court. And, ironically, he fails to realize that his central argument includes a standard for politically charged investigations that Trump would absolutely hate to see put into practice.

None of these failures is particularly surprising given the arc of Durham’s investigation. When he began to wrap up in September, it was clear that he would be unable to live up to the right-wing hype. The only two cases that he brought to trial resulted in acquittals; the one guilty plea he obtained was of an FBI attorney for altering an email used to obtain a surveillance warrant for a Trump campaign adviser. But Durham still includes many of the allegations that the juries rejected, a move more likely to muddy the waters than provide clarity.

Consider the argument that rapidly began circulating on Twitter that Durham conclusively stated that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton approved a plan for her 2016 campaign to “vilify Donald Trump by stirring up a scandal claiming interference by the Russian security services.” It’s a hell of a claim, but the relevant section of the report actually says the claim is based on Russian intelligence analysis that U.S. intelligence agencies obtained in 2016. At no point was the claim ever confirmed, something even Trump’s director of national intelligence John Ratcliffe admitted in a letter to the Senate after declassifying the existence of the intelligence. Nor does Durham ever state it as a gospel truth.

Sucks to be Reichguide more than usual today.
The Mueller investigation paid for itself. Who’s paying for the $6.5 mil Durham failure?
For Harpy’s benefit:

“ As of September, the fiscal cost of the Mueller investigation was roughly $0.00. By that point, the probe had spent roughly $26 million. But, by striking a plea agreement with Paul Manafort for his myriad white-collar crimes — an agreement that required Trump’s former campaign manager to forfeit five multi-million-dollar properties, a life-insurance policy, and the contents of multiple bank accounts — Mueller’s investigation had acquired somewhere between $26 million and $42 million worth of revenue for the federal treasury.”

Hope that ^ helps.

👉 Harpy 🤣

See Laz link

For Harpy’s benefit:

“ As of September, the fiscal cost of the Mueller investigation was roughly $0.00. By that point, the probe had spent roughly $26 million. But, by striking a plea agreement with Paul Manafort for his myriad white-collar crimes — an agreement that required Trump’s former campaign manager to forfeit five multi-million-dollar properties, a life-insurance policy, and the contents of multiple bank accounts — Mueller’s investigation had acquired somewhere between $26 million and $42 million worth of revenue for the federal treasury.”

Hope that ^ helps.

👉 Harpy 🤣

Plus other fines and stuff. Thank you, Laz.

Now that I think about it, that might be Harpy’s first cite request. Though he should know it by now.
For Harpy’s benefit:

“ As of September, the fiscal cost of the Mueller investigation was roughly $0.00. By that point, the probe had spent roughly $26 million. But, by striking a plea agreement with Paul Manafort for his myriad white-collar crimes — an agreement that required Trump’s former campaign manager to forfeit five multi-million-dollar properties, a life-insurance policy, and the contents of multiple bank accounts — Mueller’s investigation had acquired somewhere between $26 million and $42 million worth of revenue for the federal treasury.”

Hope that ^ helps.

👉 Harpy 🤣

*Derpy has left the chat*
The Mueller investigation paid for itself. Who’s paying for the $6.5 mil Durham failure?
For Harpy’s benefit:

“ As of September, the fiscal cost of the Mueller investigation was roughly $0.00. By that point, the probe had spent roughly $26 million. But, by striking a plea agreement with Paul Manafort for his myriad white-collar crimes — an agreement that required Trump’s former campaign manager to forfeit five multi-million-dollar properties, a life-insurance policy, and the contents of multiple bank accounts — Mueller’s investigation had acquired somewhere between $26 million and $42 million worth of revenue for the federal treasury.”

Hope that ^ helps.

👉 Harpy 🤣

*Derpy has left the chat*
See Laz link

Plus other fines and stuff. Thank you, Laz.

Now that I think about it, that might be Harpy’s first cite request. Though he should know it by now.

Since I have several trolls on iggy, why don't you C&P his link for me.