Adam Schiff In Panic Mode


Prof Triggernometry
Feb 7, 2017
The jig is up for Schiff. He will now be exposed as a liar in making public statements about having irrefutable evidence of Trump's collusion with Russians. The AG has declassified the transcripts he's hiding from the public that incriminate him and other Democrats in making false statements. The acting DNI has instructed Schiff he has made the proper redactions, the transcripts are now declassified and can now released to the public. He also told Schiff in a letter that if he failed to make them public the DNI would release their copies to the public. The Hoot Owl has to be worried::D

Sources say Russia probe transcripts affirm officials came up empty on collusion: 'Schiff is in panic mode'

By Brooke Singman | Fox News

EXCLUSIVE: Transcripts of House Intelligence Committee interviews that have been cleared for release show top law enforcement and intelligence officials affirming they had no evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia during the 2016 election, senior administration and intelligence community officials told Fox News on Wednesday.

This would align with the results of former Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation — which found no evidence of illegal or criminal coordination between President Trump, the Trump campaign and Russia in 2016 — but the numerous transcribed interviews could raise further questions about committee Chairman Adam Schiff’s past statements saying that there was “direct evidence” of collusion.

Earlier this week, House Republicans sought over 6,000 pages of transcripts pertaining to interviews conducted by the committee in 2017 and 2018, after the panel in September 2018 voted on a bipartisan basis to approve their public release.

A day later, acting Director of National Intelligence Richard Grenell notified Schiff, D-Calif., that the redaction and declassification process was complete, and that the records were ready for release, putting the ball in Schiff’s court.

More here:
Works pretty goon on the CCP virus as well.;)

Schiff is a lowly snake who needs to be exposed.

He has been.

What hasn't been exposed is whether he had any hand in the fake whistleblower allegations leading to impeachment.
He has been.

What hasn't been exposed is whether he had any hand in the fake whistleblower allegations leading to impeachment.

The one in question he is still holding is that of ICIG Michael Atkinson. Paul Sperry wondered outloud on Twitter why Schiff was withholding Atkinson's testimony from the public, to which John Ratcliff tweeted:

"I know why @paulsperry_ It’s because I asked IG Atkinson about his “investigation” into the contacts between Schiff’s staff and the person who later became the whistleblower. The transcript is classified “secret” so Schiff can prevent you from seeing the answers to my questions, "— John Ratcliffe (@RepRatcliffe) November 30, 2019
Oh, my, the Deplorables' panties are twisted into a big knot, again.

Adam Schiff will be just fine. Hillary will not be locked up because of her emails.

Eight more months of your panty-twisting, and then we will drop most of your drama back into your festering cesspools on the fringes of society, where it belongs. :rose:
She's a nobody. Aka...a Trump supporter, well, really all folks around him are trying to advance their careers because it so easy to do with Trump. Praise him and your in the club.

Fake News
The one in question he is still holding is that of ICIG Michael Atkinson. Paul Sperry wondered outloud on Twitter why Schiff was withholding Atkinson's testimony from the public, to which John Ratcliff tweeted:

"I know why @paulsperry_ It’s because I asked IG Atkinson about his “investigation” into the contacts between Schiff’s staff and the person who later became the whistleblower. The transcript is classified “secret” so Schiff can prevent you from seeing the answers to my questions, "— John Ratcliffe (@RepRatcliffe) November 30, 2019

I can't wait to see how MSCCP and CCPNN spin it! :D:cool:
That dumb bitch's entire Twitter feed is "sources say..." "An anonymous source said..." "A senior official said... " :rolleyes:
Panic? Here’s panic:

Trump: 36% of women voters

Biden: 56% of women voters

That dumb bitch's entire Twitter feed is "sources say..." "An anonymous source said..." "A senior official said... " :rolleyes:

Sperry is a well respected investigative reporter and has been on top of this scandal from the beginning as the IG reports, congressional testimonies, and declassified documents have shown. You on the other hand are uninformed and have no desire to become so. Like Schiff, you have what's left of your credibility to lose.
Panic? Here’s panic:

Trump: 36% of women voters

Biden: 56% of women voters


Polls mean nothing at this stage of the game, or for that matter at any stage of the game, as you brutally discovered in 2016.
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Oh, my, the Deplorables' panties are twisted into a big knot, again.

Adam Schiff will be just fine. Hillary will not be locked up because of her emails.

Eight more months of your panty-twisting, and then we will drop most of your drama back into your festering cesspools on the fringes of society, where it belongs. :rose:

Such a predictable response, heavy dose of TDS combined with a rancid scent of Hillary adulation followed by the loones belief in Schiff's incessant hatred for Trump justifies a miscarriage of justice and a perverse sense of duty. The people spoke when it came to Hillary, she's out on her ass and has become an irrelevant felon who beat being prosecuted because of a corrupt Obama DOJ, that's the legacy you own. Schiff, perhaps, is safe just like Nancy. Your circus tent is filled with losers, you can start with dementia riddled Sleepy Joe and a democratic party so corrupt that they would knowingly push Joe into an arena he is incapable of handling. As far as the festering cesspool, you, perhaps should look down because you're standing in one.
Such a predictable response, heavy dose of TDS combined with a rancid scent of Hillary adulation followed by the loones belief in Schiff's incessant hatred for Trump justifies a miscarriage of justice and a perverse sense of duty. The people spoke when it came to Hillary, she's out on her ass and has become an irrelevant felon who beat being prosecuted because of a corrupt Obama DOJ, that's the legacy you own. Schiff, perhaps, is safe just like Nancy. Your circus tent is filled with losers, you can start with dementia riddled Sleepy Joe and a democratic party so corrupt that they would knowingly push Joe into an arena he is incapable of handling. As far as the festering cesspool, you, perhaps should look down because you're standing in one.

The screaming this coming November will be even more epic than in November 2016.
Who knows, maybe will be in the middle of another impeachment? :cool:

I doubt it.

If the D's don't keep the House and we're in another impeachment debacle, the new Congress will just wave their magic wand and make it go away. Which will make the D's look like even bigger fools than they do already.

If Trump wins in Nov, and the D's keep the House and take the Senate, Trump will be impeached and removed before he's supposed to take the Oath of Office in January. Bet on it.

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Sperry is a well respected investigative reporter and has been on top of this scandal from the beginning as the IG reports, congressional testimonies, and declassified documents have shown. You on the other hand are uninformed and have no desire to become so. Like Schiff, you have what's left of your credibility to lose.

Like you, she's a dumb hysterical partisan bitch.
Polls mean nothing at this stage of the game, or for that natter at any stage of the game, as you brutally discovered in 2016.

Yeah, right, until you see one you like. Which from now on ain’t likely.
I doubt it.

If the D's don't keep the House and we're in another impeachment debacle, the new Congress will just wave their magic wand and make it go away. Which will make the D's look like even bigger fools than they do already.

If Trump wins in Nov, and the D's keep the House and take the Senate, Trump will be impeached and removed before he's supposed to take the Oath of Office in January. Bet on it.

And then the shooting will begin. You can bet on that too.

I can't see the dems winning 67 senates seats.
If Trump wins in Nov, and the D's keep the House and take the Senate, Trump will be impeached and removed before he's supposed to take the Oath of Office in January. Bet on it.

And then the shooting will begin. You can bet on that too.

If Trump loses, it now seems likely Senate may be in reach for Democrats, but I don't think there's a world where Trump wins and Democrats take Senate. They may likely keep the House though. Well, especially with this year's events, anything can happen, indeed. I imagine your scenario may be most possible, even likely, if Trump refuses to concede election that he probably very narrowly lost, but with is in fact too close to call, and/or problematic enough to question.
Sunlight is the best disinfectant.

Sunlight is the best disinfectant.

It is the ultraviolet spectrum that does the job. I think Trump pointed that out about the so called "covid19" virus. A virus like Adam Shit needs a lot ultraviolet. Light defuses when it travels through swamp water but maybe a strong enough beam will reach the scummy bottom dwellers.