Daddy Fetish

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It is always a good idea to have your limits - both soft and hard - expressed and written. If he cannot abide by this, the person is not a Daddy, just a wannabe confused by porn and/or the internet.

Well said.

There is a lot more I'd like to say, but I'm in a brain fog right now.
Hi and welcome home after your long day! Hugs!

I agree with your last statement too. Submission is a special present to be given and received. Not demanded. Savored--good word.

Thanks! More hugs back!

So much of our lives involve involuntary submission. It is a given. We have to maintain control of what is left or all of our pieces will be scattered.

Yes it was a loooooong day but satisfying as I am at the end of a very very long project. I was able to close it out with a component that is my specialty. Nobody else can do it and when people in my industry look at it they know I did it. What a rush! Made the 2.5 hour drive home almost worth it:eek:

nite nite
Ok, I'm going to try and explain this, but I bet I end up rambling.

Submission is a gift, not something that can be taken by force. It is a privilege to be given that gift, because it comes with trust. Any Dom, Daddy or otherwise, will respect that trust and the bond between the Dom and sub. Otherwise, the relationship will inevitably fail.

Daddies are there to push our limits at times, yes. But, they also must know when those limits have been reached, and not continue to force the issue. If you are not comfortable enough to admit that something doesn't seem quite right to you, then maybe the trust isn't where it should be.

It should be both give and take, and in equal parts. There are days that I feel like I take more than I give. And I'm sure my Daddy feels the same. However, I'm comfortable with him, and we talk about everything, and I do mean everything. More than half of the time that we talk, it is just talking. Sharing our days with each other, experiences, thoughts, ramblings, etc. The sexual play is nice, but that's not all our relationship is about. They aren't just roles we play.

I hope that makes sense.
Hugs and kisses to the ladies

Quick nods and handshakes to the gents

Just got in from a long day. I wish I could have squoze in earlier for the group hug. In any case, it rubs off! I feel better just reading. Cool, huh?

Rose, I think you know you are not alone. We have all been through this to some extent. I know I have. Every relationship is a negotiation. Even those meant to be fun! We don't like reducing it to that most of the time, but in the end it is. Those too selfish to work on balance don't deserve the benefits of our friendship, even if we are, umm?, unconventional.

No matter in which direction played, submission is a gift to be given and received as a luxury, and to be savored as if it were the last time every time.

Wonderful way to put it, SW. :kiss:
Ok, I'm going to try and explain this, but I bet I end up rambling.

Submission is a gift, not something that can be taken by force. It is a privilege to be given that gift, because it comes with trust. Any Dom, Daddy or otherwise, will respect that trust and the bond between the Dom and sub. Otherwise, the relationship will inevitably fail.

Daddies are there to push our limits at times, yes. But, they also must know when those limits have been reached, and not continue to force the issue. If you are not comfortable enough to admit that something doesn't seem quite right to you, then maybe the trust isn't where it should be.

It should be both give and take, and in equal parts. There are days that I feel like I take more than I give. And I'm sure my Daddy feels the same. However, I'm comfortable with him, and we talk about everything, and I do mean everything. More than half of the time that we talk, it is just talking. Sharing our days with each other, experiences, thoughts, ramblings, etc. The sexual play is nice, but that's not all our relationship is about. They aren't just roles we play.

I hope that makes sense.

It made perfect sense. Thanks for posting it. :rose:
Polygamy, in any of its forms, CAN work, but if you have reservations going in and he is brushing them aside (I assume you HAVE told him, right?), then I would be concerned about you in this relationship.

Bringing another person in is a pretty big deal, and not one to just be forced upon a person. Being submissive doesn't mean being a doormat, as was said above, and it's not wrong to have a sense of self worth that goes beyond just taking whatever he wants to throw at you just because you call him Daddy.

Thumbs up!
Daddies are there to push our limits at times, yes. But, they also must know when those limits have been reached, and not continue to force the issue. If you are not comfortable enough to admit that something doesn't seem quite right to you, then maybe the trust isn't where it should be.

I hope that makes sense.

We push to find the limits, then honor them. Thats how we earn respect. Respect is always earned. Otherwise there is no trust.

I need to be pushed too. Sometimes I don't realize how static I've become.
Pops in for hugs and kisses.
I can add nothing more meaningful to the convo regarding Daddies vs The Asinine Who Walk Among

Another STELLAR day at work.. I guess my need to be useful extends past my sexually submissive nature.. Finished up an 85 pg reconciliation report given to me yesterday...
Got called into the boss's office and offered to be introduced more thouroughly to the business structure, etc. was asked my opinion on error trends I've noticed in the last few days since I started. I mentioned one in particular that stood out..:D

I pointed out that their lack of a user Friendly manual and adequate training in their proprietary software is what slows down the training of new employees. I'm Going to offer to restructure the manual in my spare time.. Because for FOUR DAYS I'VE BEEN EXPECTED TO LEARN THE SYSTEM BY ONLY WATCHING THE OTHER GIRLS KEY IN DATA.. :eek:

I'm good, but wonder their typical "training" takes 3 MONTHS..

I am loving this company,though, the job itself, and the people. I'd like to help streamline things for them in this department.

From anyone with an opinion, do you think I overstepped? I personally dont think so, because, well, he asked my opinion, so I gave
He wants me back in his office in the morning.. I'm taking that as a good sign.
Pops in for hugs and kisses.
I can add nothing more meaningful to the convo regarding Daddies vs The Asinine Who Walk Among

Another STELLAR day at work.. I guess my need to be useful extends past my sexually submissive nature.. Finished up an 85 pg reconciliation report given to me yesterday...
Got called into the boss's office and offered to be introduced more thouroughly to the business structure, etc. was asked my opinion on error trends I've noticed in the last few days since I started. I mentioned one in particular that stood out..:D

I pointed out that their lack of a user Friendly manual and adequate training in their proprietary software is what slows down the training of new employees. I'm Going to offer to restructure the manual in my spare time.. Because for FOUR DAYS I'VE BEEN EXPECTED TO LEARN THE SYSTEM BY ONLY WATCHING THE OTHER GIRLS KEY IN DATA.. :eek:

I'm good, but wonder their typical "training" takes 3 MONTHS..

I am loving this company,though, the job itself, and the people. I'd like to help streamline things for them in this department.

From anyone with an opinion, do you think I overstepped? I personally dont think so, because, well, he asked my opinion, so I gave
He wants me back in his office in the morning.. I'm taking that as a good sign.

So happy for you, RA.

We all knew you would be stellar!


I don't think you overstepped but I have been a housewife for many years, so I may not need to give an opinion. :rose:
Pops in for hugs and kisses.
I can add nothing more meaningful to the convo regarding Daddies vs The Asinine Who Walk Among

Another STELLAR day at work.. I guess my need to be useful extends past my sexually submissive nature.. Finished up an 85 pg reconciliation report given to me yesterday...
Got called into the boss's office and offered to be introduced more thouroughly to the business structure, etc. was asked my opinion on error trends I've noticed in the last few days since I started. I mentioned one in particular that stood out..:D

I pointed out that their lack of a user Friendly manual and adequate training in their proprietary software is what slows down the training of new employees. I'm Going to offer to restructure the manual in my spare time.. Because for FOUR DAYS I'VE BEEN EXPECTED TO LEARN THE SYSTEM BY ONLY WATCHING THE OTHER GIRLS KEY IN DATA.. :eek:

I'm good, but wonder their typical "training" takes 3 MONTHS..

I am loving this company,though, the job itself, and the people. I'd like to help streamline things for them in this department.

From anyone with an opinion, do you think I overstepped? I personally dont think so, because, well, he asked my opinion, so I gave
He wants me back in his office in the morning.. I'm taking that as a good sign.

Get as far ahead as you can but try to pace yourself. Don't burn out. Manage others' expectations on your own terms.

I pointed out that their lack of a user Friendly manual and adequate training in their proprietary software is what slows down the training of new employees. I'm Going to offer to restructure the manual in my spare time.. Because for FOUR DAYS I'VE BEEN EXPECTED TO LEARN THE SYSTEM BY ONLY WATCHING THE OTHER GIRLS KEY IN DATA.. :eek:

I'm good, but wonder their typical "training" takes 3 MONTHS..

I am loving this company,though, the job itself, and the people. I'd like to help streamline things for them in this department.

He wants me back in his office in the morning.. I'm taking that as a good sign.

If you hadn't used the personal pronoun 'he', I'd swear you were my ex's newest employee. Plus she's on vacation 2 states over with the progeny. But still, sounds like you work 'there'. Eerie.

In my kingdom thread, he is the Master Mason.

He is building a tower...

I love towers

and hot lusty men who have the gall to climb them and conquer me.:cool:

I've just noticed in my vest pocket that the errand-boy had earlier slipped me a note....four wagons of rubble drawn by four horses each will arrive tomorrow! I must prepare!
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