writing live

A rustle in the leaves
as these two fight. Hair askew
with whiskering white, wide eye horror.

Asking the premeditated question,
do you give up, no not I ... Never.
Fight till the death!

Rambunctious swipes
capturing preys. Tie'm up,
as red eyes glaze. Over
they tumble, fumble and tear
clothes fall off frolicingly bare.


lost train of thought, my bad ~

Today is a yellow day
where even the tap water
fizzes with extra oxygen
to look like cream
in the glass. Clarity
comes as a blow
between eyes, too late
to change back to black
or dark olive and blend
with the trees, shadows
dissipate at midday anyway.
Halloween is orange,
I might have to wear a hat.
today I must remember to live ...

yesterday I hid tail between two shaggy legs
head bowed and sniffed out a trail. I barked
at the shadow that followed then nipped narcissistically
at my furry belly, that growled for nourishment.
a juicy, meat steak dangled before me
I turned tail and ran, fearful of the bite ...

Halloween Horrors

A witch came yesterday,
called in not to pass the time of day
but to collect on her dues -
she received an orange ghost

in return. Not a thank you
passed her black lips,
no nod or satisfied smile
just a slight straightening
of her back as she strutted

down the driveway,
a tightening of the bend
of her hat
and a two feet clap
when she loaded her loot
into the car.
Life goes in circles.
Take a jump,
see where you land.

Life has a funny way
of putting one right back
where they started.

bushwhack these vagabond strands.
watch, as clip by snap, falling browns intermix
with the yellow strands from old book pages.
each telling a story, as if word by waxen word
could bring back the healing powers
that produced such a lovely garden ...
for you

an introductory flight
from here to there
where you hold the control
with only the wind
and an engine
keeping you 1000 feet
above this parched earth
where I stand
watching and praying.
pious poets posture
pick the perfect word
preferring syntax over substance

edit the emotion
submerge it in an ocean
of overthoought

morph the humanity into
boring inanity
fuck the perfection
fuck the relfection

moments of heart and hurt
are not about revision
but the incisons of the moment
open wounds
witout sutures
Please play ...

patiently pick, plunder

placate plaid pictures
portraying prisoners
planing pilgrimage

prosecuting prostitutes
propositions, perhaps

prolific patterns painting
popsicle ponies
pitfalls, protocols

pretend pity
pasted pie pact

just playing with words here, move on, nothing to see :rolleyes:

Can we take one letter in the alphabet, make a poem out of it?
all the way through. No other letters can start out the words,
just that one letter ...

Has this already been done?

May make an interesting challenge ... take it if ya wish ~

:rose: :rose:
WickedEve said:
I oil his skin
and tenderize him with my touch,
no longer sure if I'm going to fuck him
or slide him into the oven
for a good meal.

Care for some fruit?

He ponders this
when there is no need to ponder
something as simple as fruit.

Peeled grapes?

Of course he'd respond with peeled grapes.
He closes his eyes
but I can still see. I'm naked,
feeding him peeled grapes.

An apple for your mouth.
this is deliciously witty, Eve

:heart: it
Long black woods to where I roam
Swimming pool sheets all full of night
Where the dogs that snarl breathe in fits and
Where the city looms in its perilous beauty.

Better men have come here to fall
As if sirens lure the world with spangles and skin
Only to return to a monstrous form
In dreams that run down every street.

No lack of shadow
No shortage of limb
Flailing and hissing in continental winds
Ive lifted the cavedoor again and again.

A charade it is not
Shivering like ancestors on the long passage
From what I once was
Unto a bleak shore.

I rise I rise but I aint no jesus
Nothing immaculate behind the rolling rock
On the floor a broken vase
On the wall a frozen clock.
They tried planting a new tree
to replace my sturdy oak.
I fell for the ruse, for a moment
or two.

He has not the arms
to hold me tight,
like my tree. With a rolling
of eyes he makes me feel
a stupid sapling.

He waters and nurtures
the new ones. Sees
to their needs, helps
when the rain falls, but

his heart is wrapped too tight
around my roots. He shelters
and smothers. When the sun
is bright, all I want

is a breath of fresh air,
and a long lingering look
at my oak. All I see
is a new tree. I am not

at night, beacons of light
rise up the hillside
into the horizon

through the branches of trees
it's hard to see
where the homes transcend
into heaven
you can lead a whore to happiness
but you can't make her think
you can hover, offer to love her
but you can't make her drink

you can profer what she needs
but you can't make her see
you can try, but you will fail
unless she's willing to be freed
The other shoe never drops.

Just tied in knots, looping in circles
making me draw fast, shoot slow.
Trying to figure out which rope to tackle
or just let'm slip loose and fall into place.
romance in retrograde
as amour passes perigee
approaches apogee
2 bodies once in synchronous orbit
diverge, drawn by gravity
to opposite extremes, spinning
on axiis off kilter, the space between
grows to universal proportions
unable to bridge, even at lightspeed
darkness envelopes, swallows hope
whole, black, anti-matter over mind
tungtied2u said:
romance in retrograde
as amour passes perigee
approaches apogee
2 bodies once in synchronous orbit
diverge, drawn by gravity
to opposite extremes, spinning
on axiis off kilter, the space between
grows to universal proportions
unable to bridge, even at lightspeed
darkness envelopes, swallows hope
whole, black, anti-matter over mind
symbiosis complete...
black is white..
another night
the phone lies
fully charged, silent
on the bedside table
within shot reach
for finger to grasp
spead open, answer

another night
I lie,
fully charged, frantic
on sleep's edge
within reach
of dialing digits
end result. eager
tungtied2u said:
another night
the phone lies
fully charged, silent
on the bedside table
within shot reach
for finger to grasp
spead open, answer

another night
I lie,
fully charged, frantic
on sleep's edge
within reach
of dialing digits
end result. eager
life says
call me..
Three pails dangled, arms crossed
setting off as requested
pick me some blackberries
and I'll make ya'll a cobbler.

Three dark heads headed down
old dirt road, winding up
into the mountains for miles and miles.
We had never been to its end
but had been told to never, never try.

Briars plucking shirts, as fingers picked
while getting pricked and praying
we would not get snake bit.

Uncle Bob had told us all
eyes wide open, pay attention
in these woods, anything could get
ya at anytime.

Bare bushes left behind, as we passed
a neighbors old dark barn. Whispering
low, we contemplated maybe, goin' inside.
Just once we would try. None of us
had the nerve when slithering hisses
sounded out.

Away we ran down the mountain
screaming, scampering scouts
leaving behind those precious
precious berries.

Auntie didn't mind, she made popcorn
instead. Uncle Bob hooting with laughter,
set out back up the mountain trail, alone.

beneath grey winter skies
the mountains lie, bare and chilled
awaiting their seasonal blanket

of warming white, snowflakes singular
patch together like Quaker quilts,
giving peace and comfort

millions of individual memories
cascade, insinuate into hollows,
beneath rocks, (how do they get there?)

cling to the underbelly of branches
total immersion, coma imminent
the hills acquiesce, hibernate