writing live

A poet,
one of those nobodies
with pen

and an observation, saw crows
beneath her tree, plucking
apple rot from the ground.

Then they flew away.
You may not care
but consider this:

a poet doesn't have to rake today.
Instead, she has time for a poem.
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karen's indecent proposal

"closest we'll come
to sex is me fucking
your husband while you watch"

julia waits
for karen's voice but only paint
responds by peeling
down the wall
Fall evenings could be cool, summer
nights. Darkness comes early,
and we leave in our pajamas.

Hanna chooses
to be raised by wolves. I drive
further from home, following

the silent howls.
Again, I offer options:
Wild in the forest

or kindness at home,
where sister waits with headless bear.
this is why everything i ever make is given away - for free.
why charge for crap,
shit flung freely by an ass?

once got a trade,
a sprig of rosemary for an illustration of haiku.
he was a lovely man and couldn't understand why i would not accept his cash.

he brought the flowering sprig from his garden and left it on my desk
and that was the best payment i have ever had.

i don't need the money, just a clap on the back.
and there she goes
into her hole.

she won't peek out until the stromcloud passes.
for now she will wallow in self pity,
smear it on her body like grease paint stuck to filth
slipping down that hole.

the grease makes the going easier.
Waste recycled

toilet bowl swirl
sucks down, round and round
dizzy, confused, smelly
I go with the flow
hold my breath, wait
to surface with the effluent
clear my head and swim
towards the pristine shoreline
verdant, blossoming,sucking
the good from the refuse
middle territory

the cell bricks hold scratches
of history, anger tattooed
in permanent pale
from floor to ceiling. sometimes
it's hidden under yellow
paint, but mostly grey
contains the tale,
webs the story until even i
forget the beginning
of pain.
Her kisses are little pricks
against my skin. Puncture
wounds are always visible
in the morning, little purple

craters exposing my love.
If only they could spell

then perhaps I wouldn't
have to wear a scarf all
the time when I'm with her
her train of thought
wraps my mind like a string
round a yo-yo

she rocks the cradle
walks the dog
shoots the world

I am left dizzy
spinning in space
trying to find my balance

but the exhiliration
while being manipulated
is worth the ride
WickedEve said:

He left over a year ago.

We've been divorced nearly two years.

He died last month.

Debt collectors.

The debt is never paid

not for the presents
purchased in moments of exuberance
of love's first flush

not to the children spawned
as nature's instinct swam upstream
embroiled in the moment

not to the psyche
bought with promises of tomorrow
that would never come

but still the bills arrive
when I'm blind,
feed me rice from a bowl.
do not complicate the meal
with peas and ham
and some food like peas
on a plate.

dress me in one shade
from the blue closet,
though I prefer brown.
simply tell me it's brown.
I prefer bricks and cobbles
The rumble of trams
And the jabber of strangers
Passing my window

But today I'm surrounded by green
Plants whose names I do not know
Quadrupeds I recognize
From packets on supermarket shelves

This is land that keeps cities apart
I am an alien here
Sick with nostalgia
For the urban squalor
bricks and cobbles bricks and cobbles

bricks and cobbles
carry the grime of time
not even yellow
waterblasters purify
the concrete
in cracks and corners
it's not possible
to cleanse history
to change the perspective
or wash its designs
on the future.
the mountain has become an anthill
the baize carpet reduced
to mounds of brown spilling down
filled with scurrying soldiers
whose only aim is work, build
bury what was deep emerald
beneath regurgitated silica
shaved saplings and blackened tar
all for the pleasure of the queen
who rests
surveys and smiles
at the mindless minions
who scramble, sacrificing
the future for just a few crumbs
and a moment's shelter
Bipolar Baseball

My mood swings for the fences, every time.
It usually leaves me spun around,
corkscrewed in the ground and flushed.
But when woody bat meets moody ball,
there is a satisfying crack to my demeanor
and I skip around and everywhere is home.
You taint this body with unbidden, binding
table top thoughts. Spread out
a leisure morphing of partially taken pathways.
Teeth sinking bites, into the bountiful boudoir
of coy glances interceded in the exchanging
of secret blushes. I follow your patch
of sprinkling hair to the rivers edge, while I sup
and gather liquid courage to forgo it all
and just feast on you forever.
match sticks wouldn't hold my eyes
open today, and that's after sleeping in,
sleeping deep while outside spring
raged in an identity crisis
with autumn. little pink pills
take away the caring
eliminate the need to ignore
the noise
turns off the switch
to the firey nerve
that twitches in anger
when cicadas stampede non stop.
tonight i might use those match sticks
and poke my eyes
so the pain detracts, or perhaps
i'll walk into a punch or drink
or swallow more pink pills
or search for the star
i thought i heard fall
at midnight.
Scarface cowers in his blue igloo
venturing out only in cover of dark
to root for sustenance, gorge
on food, drown his sorrows
return to the safety of his solitude