Women on here?

How nice of you to pass judgment on someone you‘ve never met. With the amount of men on here one can either sit and wait to HOPEFULLY make some sort of connection and not come across as some sort of asshat. Or you get the ones that try and throw their penis around with some sort of complex.

Just a perspective
I think it's because you hopped on a thread that was meant for women to find other women asking if you were included in the asshat category. Just my perspective
How nice of you to pass judgment on someone you‘ve never met. With the amount of men on here one can either sit and wait to HOPEFULLY make some sort of connection and not come across as some sort of asshat. Or you get the ones that try and throw their penis around with some sort of complex.

Just a perspective
If this is you "just being you," then I think we've seen all we need to know what category you belong in. Maybe learn to read the room and (gasp) even read the thread before you comment & then try to feel like a helpless victim.

Just a correct perspective.
Try the Playground section. Its not a woman's only area, but there is a lot of people supporting to try and keep the creeps at bay and the women feel comfortable.
I love having conversations with other ladies but they are few and far between on here. There is a "Bi and Lesbian" chat room on the Erotic Chat side of Lit but I never found it to be much fun. I'm not sure what kind of group you have in mind but I would have an interest. I will link this Forum post to another lady my age who I have made friends with.
You should try Emily’s Place. Smaller and more friendly
From my time here you have to look at profiles of women carefully. Many are not women. You can tell by what they say sounding like something is off or repetitive with their fantasy or by the photos they post that they grabbed off the net or other profiles on other sites.
There are many genuine people here. But I have had some conversations that I later found I was conversing with an actor.
Even in this thread I am a man posting on a women's only section. But only because I couldn't find legit topics from women for a women only thread.
I hope you were able to sort your mail and make the group. As well I would like to know what the ladies are talking about. At times included in my history, the lack of ego is really fun! I like when ladies are candid like that.
Good Luck!
What does this mean?

Also, i believe that women are much better at discerning a fake profile than men are, only because we have the benefit of knowing how women speak to each other privately. So there’s not really a need for you to explain to us that some of the ‘women’ here are men with fake profiles. We can tell, usually immediately.
As a woman who is somewhat active posting things in the forum it is sad to me that we have so little contact amongst eachother. Other sites I’ve been apart of often have womens only sections/groups. If you wanna reach out and discuss please feel free. Maybe we can even start a group if we are many. ☺️❤️🌟


Oh, I apologise. I didn't realise this a closed thread for select people...
Not sure who KD is. Over the years I have seen her step in and stomp on a thread more than once.
From your perspective it is about who she selects not really about the discussion. Which is fine. It is a bulletin board.
Other times like ^^ she "doesn't understand" and creates a new topic [rant].
‘KD’ is KD 🤷‍♀️

I legit didn’t understand that comment and thought that I was a typo or autocorrect so I asked you what it meant.

What did it mean?
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Thanks. I guess I haven’t came across any. I like chatting with people. Don’t happen very much here
Try PMs, I think most women will at least respond.
And if you're looking for real-time chat, there's always the actual chat function of Lit
I’ve had a few chats. Some went for a bit but others just abruptly ended. People do get busy, distracted. Loneliness sucks
Try PMs, I think most women will at least respond.
And if you're looking for real-time chat, there's always the actual chat function of Lit
I have always enjoyed the Erotic Chat function of Lit. Conversations move much faster in private PM's than the message function in Forums. A lot of interesting ladies too!!
This place has toned down quite a bit.
Men have always been the way they are on here.
It's a sex site, expect things to get creepy. You have the power to control who you interact with.
Exactly why she created a thread for women to connect on. Funny how despite that men still feel the need to litter it with their insecurities and opinions.
I know..telling her to go interact with people is a terrible thing to do.

It's a message board. People are gonna give their opinions on things. If you don't like I suggest you see yourself out.

I hope she finds what she is looking for.
lmao, what are you fucking on about? This thread was created so people could do just that, interact with people. Just because you aren't the kind of person we're trying to interact with you think it's OK to a invalidate the effort?

Unfortunately, you and other men have already ruined this this thread. Typical, women can't have nice things without a man whipping his dick out and trying to claim or invalidate it. But it does serve at least one purpose still, giving us an easy way to sort insecure idiots like you into our block list.
lmao, what are you fucking on about? This thread was created so people could do just that, interact with people. Just because you aren't the kind of person we're trying to interact with you think it's OK to a invalidate the effort?

Unfortunately, you and other men have already ruined this this thread. Typical, women can't have nice things without a man whipping his dick out and trying to claim or invalidate it. But it does serve at least one purpose still, giving us an easy way to sort insecure idiots like you into our block list.
They do it every time.

Then they whine that there aren’t enough women here.
