WJ's Bottom Desk Drawer

I just find nothing redeeming about the philosophy she espoused. All I can think about is the slimy waiter in Dirty Dancing (the one who got Penny pregnant, then abandoned her), giving a copy of The Fountainhead to Baby, saying, "some people matter, some people don't." And she was quick to label people who disagreed with her as communists (she and the Joe McCarthys of the world got along great). Nope. Don't like her. Never will.
I mean, she is not one of the "5 people I would invite to dinner" 😂 - but that doesn't mean she isn't interesting. I don't agree with her Objectivist philosophy but it is a great reminder to read things from perspectives different from our own preconceived notions. If I only ever read things that I agree with then I'm just reinforcing my own single-minded thoughts with confirmation bias.
I mean, she is not one of the "5 people I would invite to dinner" 😂 - but that doesn't mean she isn't interesting. I don't agree with her Objectivist philosophy but it is a great reminder to read things from perspectives different from our own preconceived notions. If I only ever read things that I agree with then I'm just reinforcing my own single-minded thoughts with confirmation bias.
She's plenty interesting - and very wrong about very much. And I absolutely agree with your last point. That's why I read Atlas Shrugged in the first place.
Nothing cute or funny today. Just dumping some thoughts here as I found out this morning that a close childhood friend unexpectedly died yesterday. I don't know the exact cause - something medical. But he was the guy who worked out, ran marathons, went rock climbing, ate right... did all the things you're supposed to do. And that just makes this wrong feel extra wrong. Like, if it had to be somebody, it shouldn't have been him. We had a lot of laughs together, played cards together, and shared more than a few drinks together. I think this deserves a pour from the desk drawer bottle. This one's for you, D.
I have, regrettably, zero musical or acting talent. Yet I still have a list of roles I'd love to play in musicals. I think Noel Gruber just got added to the list.