What would it take?

Every day could be Steaks & BJ's if he'd just be present

WWITFYT share your Lit life with your significant other?
For him to open the marriage up knowing that we’re at opposing ends of the horniness spectrum

WWITFYT leave lit?
I love learning new instruments, it's a really big commitment so I'd only be looking to impress myself with that. I'm currently learning to play cello.

WWITFYT perform a talent on a stage in front of an audience?

I do it every Friday night so it’s no big deal for me.

WWITFYT go cliff diving?
WWITFYT go cliff diving?
Oh absolutely not… I have issues with heights and falling as it is! There would have to be some really strong medications in my system to get me to do that…

…or maybe the guarantee of a weekend with Anya Taylor-Joy, Jess Bush and Elizabeth Olsen if I do it. That might convince me.

WWITFYT perform a sex act with a partner for an audience?
Blurring my identity and an advance apology for putting everyone through the horror.

Wwitfyt seduce your someone else’s SO?
My "someone else's SO"? I'm not sure I understand. But, it would take an attraction to them to contemplate seducing anyone, first.

WWITFYT exact revenge on an ex?
(For educational purposes only) 😉
Oooo. What level of forgiveness are we talking about? I think I can handle cordial conversation. But beyond that? I’d need her to own her crap.

Wwitfyt help someone with their revenge?
Depends, if we're talking about @TigerLilly4U nothing at all. I've taken revenge on her behalf, months later. It was fantastic!

WWITFYT post publically the sins of your ex?
Have done it before, would never do it again.

WWITFYT post your real name ?
I don't think there would be anything that could get me to do that. Saying that,a few people here know my real name
WWITFYT meet a Litster from another country?