What would it take?

Knowing what a hall pass is. 🤷‍♀️

WWITFYT skip a holiday with extended family and go on a cruise instead?
The cruise tickets....although my family is on the other side of the country already.
But hers.... I'd be on it quick.

WWITFY to try a cuisine you haven't ever tried yet?
The cruise tickets....although my family is on the other side of the country already.
But hers.... I'd be on it quick.

WWITFY to try a cuisine you haven't ever tried yet?
A good review from a friend with similar food tastes.

WWITFYT try a food spicier than you’ve had before?
Finances and a tired aesthetic.

WWITFYT go big with a holiday you never get into?
A really, really, good reason, or a stack of cash & proof they didn't have cold sores

WWITFY to pm your Lit crush
Just the desire to do it and the lack of fear of rejection. :)

WWITT do a polar bear plunge? (Diving into super cold water during the winter)
Been there, done that 😂

WWITT travel and not be home for Christmas/Hanukkah/Kwanzaa/holiday you celebrate?
Keeping my family taken care sometimes takes that priority. Luckily, my current job does not require it.

WWIT for you to send an admirer a racy picture/video for their birthday or holiday?
Depending on who it is, not much. I'm a pretty accommodating guy haha 😁

WWIT for you to take a bite of a ghost pepper?
The promise of some major undiscovered treasure. Like make me richer than rich treasure.

WWITFYT have sex with a Litster?
It took trust with the right person, mutual understanding of our wants/needs, the right time and right place.

WWITFYT be a co-signer on a major purchase?
Nothing in the world could do that. I'm terminally stubborn.

WWITFYT respond to a pm from someone with a gross name.