What Made You Smile/Laugh Today?

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Fluffy did. He's a cat I speak to on the other side of the block. Big orange male. He was on his owner's car. When I walked up he jumped down like he clearly knew she didn't want him on her car. Struck me as funny that he would do that knowing he wasn't supposed to. Fuck you bitch, you aren't around so I'll get on your car anyway. :D
The fact that even though I feel somewhat like death warmed over and then allowed to cool again, I still have a sense of humor.

Depraved humor, admittedly, but at least humor.
My Sir as always made me smile this morning. When he says he loves me. When he "kisses" me...I can't help the silly lovestruck grin that comes across my face; knowing I am well and truly loved. It is still so new. Being loved. Being loved unconditionally.
A friend sent me this "Peep" show in an e-mail today, and it just made me laugh for some reason.

Going to the natural geothermal hot pools up in the mountains. Nothing nicer then soaking in an outdoor pool when there is snow on the ground and the sky is clear and sparkling with stars. My tired old muscles and bones feel all relaxed and peaceful.

And the other good part of the evening? Hiring a cabin up there so we could stay there all night and fuck till the sun came up. It was a beautiful sunrise :D
My 6 year old watching 'home alone 3' , the scene where a guy is punched in the neither region and she comments. " Ohhhh right in the wedgie!" and the 8 year old boy saying," It is NOT called a wedgie...."
A young kid (7?) stage whispering "she's preeeeeeeetty" as a woman (20?) walked past at the shops.

I laughed out loud. Best compliment you'd get all week
StumbleUpon. Today's find: Trivial facts. At the end of the page, the author(s?) post the following disclaimer: "While all attempts are made to ensure only accurate information is displayed on this site, no guarantee is given for the authenticity or accuracy of this data." Since they won't guarantee it, I won't either, but I found the following amusing, interesting, or just plain odd - and a lot of them were new to me. (If trivia doesn't interest or amuse you, just move on to the next post, please. ;) )

  • The women of the Tiwi tribe in the South Pacific are married at birth.
  • The lance ceased to be an official battle weapon in the British Army in 1927.
  • St. John was the only one of the 12 Apostles to die a natural death.
  • A South African monkey was once awarded a medal and promoted to the rank of corporal during World War I.
  • The Toltecs, Seventh-century native Mexicans, went into battle with wooden swords so as not to kill their enemies.
  • Pogonophobia is the fear of beards.
  • A parthenophobic has a fear of virgins.
  • When George I became King of England in 1714, his wife did not become Queen. He placed her under house arrest for 32 years.
  • The magic word "Abracadabra" was originally intended for the specific purpose of curing hay fever.
  • Albert Einstein was once offered the Presidency of Israel. He declined saying he had no head for problems.
  • John D. Rockefeller gave away over $500,000,000 (US) during his lifetime.
  • In the 1970's, the Rhode Island Legislature in the US entertained a proposal that there be a $2 tax on every act of sexual intercourse in the State.
  • At the age of 12, Martin Luther King became so depressed he tried committing suicide twice, by jumping out of his bedroom window.
  • It is illegal to be a prostitute in Siena, Italy, if your name is Mary.
  • The warrior tribes of Ethiopia used to hang the testicles of those they killed in battle on the ends of their spears.
  • On 15 April 1912 the SS Titanic sunk on her maiden voyage and over 1,500 people died. Fourteen years earlier a novel was published by Morgan Robertson which seemed to foretell the disaster. The book described a ship of almost exactly the same size as the Titanic which crashes into an iceberg on its maiden voyage on a misty April night. The name of Robertson's fictional ship was the Titan.
  • Some moral purists in the Middle Ages believed that women's ears ought to be covered up because the Virgin May had conceived a child through them.
  • On 7 January 1904 the distress call 'CQD' was introduced. 'CQ' stood for 'Seek You' and 'D' for 'Danger'. This lasted only until 1906 when it was replaced with 'SOS'.
    [Poster's note: One major reason for the change was to make the signal obvious when heard.
    CQD in Morse = -.-. --.- -.. ; SOS = ... --- ... ]​
  • In parts of Malaya, the women keep harems of men.
  • During the reign of Elizabeth I, there was a tax put on men's beards.
  • The active ingredient in Chinese Bird's nest soup is saliva.
  • John Paul Getty, once the richest man in the world, had a payphone in his mansion.
  • Iceland is the world's oldest functioning democracy.
  • When shipped to the US, the London bridge (thought by the new owner to be the more famous Tower Bridge) was classified by US customs to be a 'large antique.'
  • In 1849, David Atchison became President of the United States for just one day, and he spent most of the day sleeping.
  • Between the two World War's, France was controlled by forty different governments.
  • During the seventeen century , the Sultan of Turkey ordered his entire harem of women drowned, and replace with a new one.
  • There are no clocks in the public areas of Las Vegas casinos.
  • The Great Pyramid of Giza consists of 2,300,000 blocks each weighing 2.5 tons.
  • Ethelred the Unready, King of England in the Tenth-century, spent his wedding night in bed with his wife and his mother-in-law.
  • The Tory Prime Minister, Benjamin Disreali, was born 21 December 1804. He was noted for his oratory and had a number of memorable exchanges in the House with his great rival William Gladstone. Asked what the difference between a calamity and a misfortune was Disreali replied: 'If Gladstone fell into the Thames it would be a misfortune, but if someone pulled him out again, it would be a calamity'.
  • In the seventeenth-century a Boston man was sentenced to two hours in the stocks for obscene behaviour, his crime, kissing his wife in a public place on a Sunday.
  • A ten-gallon hat holds three-quarters of a gallon.
i was thinking of what to post, stopped, read what was posted. oh my gosh!! everything posted here had me baglmao!!! ty
Too damn good!

(Keroin, make this the first youtube vid you go to when you get back to civ, k? You'll lyao!)

Thanks SW!

I'm going fishing in two hours and the ocean is calm as a mill pond! Suuuuwwweeeet!

One last mahi mahi...cross your digits.
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