What made you say fuck today? II

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Everything and nothing. Not in the mood to be out of bed today
My hair coming out in huge clumps.....F****
Ohhh well new boobies, new hair :D

What has always made you beautiful, Emmy, is your attitude. Your cheer. Your give em hell and have fun doing it approach to everything.

You are still, in fact even more so, that beautiful woman.

Big Hugs.
emmy....we can rebuild them, we can make them better than before....better, bigger, firmer ;)

I always thought Dolly did it right with all the wigs.
Choose one to match your mood.

Part of the 10 pounds I lost last month seemed to have come from my boobs.... A first for me.

Sending you more prayers and Angels :rose:
Coming home from work today, there was a person driving recklessly behind me. We were stopped at a light to turn left, and apparently she thought I wasn't turning quickly enough, because she cut around me on my left, made the left turn and almost hit two pedestrians crossing the street (which is why I was waiting in the intersection to begin with). Asshole.
we have an African manager.....how the fuck he managed to stay with the company as long as he has AND get promoted is beyond me :confused:
Me. I did. Sometimes I'm the dumbest motherfucker I know. Why is it so hard to learn from past mistakes?
Having to jump through hoops this week to do something I told the ex two months ago needed to be done. But, he still thinks he knows it all. :rolleyes:
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