What made you say fuck today? II

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On my way to the mall and getting turned around in a town that I'm unfamiliar with on one way streets! Thank God for Google maps. And thank God I didn't go the wrong direction!!! :eek:
Ripping my wasteband and having to stop at home for a bit to change my pants.

I'm going to have to get these fixed. Fuck. Good thing I know a good tailor who will do it cheap.
I just wanted to come home to a quiet apt. Eat some dinner, take a bubble bath, drink a few glasses on wine, crawl into bed and watch t.v. until I fall asleep......but noooooo my little sister decided to come here after school with friends and have a party. Now I'm the bad sister for kicking them out and demanding my key back! Can she just leave for college already. FFS.
People who want jobs and go through the process of getting hired, only not to show up for orientation because they failed to mention that they had finals this week. Then why the fuck did you apply for a job and not mention you had finals. Communication is key.
Snow. Spring is here now, supposedly, so time for warmer temps.
The bite marks I frequently leave on my tongue to prevent baby momma drama. Only because someday he will want to know who Mom is. And because from me he will only be taught love. Not bitterness even when that's how I feel. So, I bite my tongue.

But how the heck can you worry so about being able to visit a friend when you don't visit your own child ? I offer a weekend visit she declined due to chilling with a friend. Fuck her and fuck my tongue hurts.
The bite marks I frequently leave on my tongue to prevent baby momma drama. Only because someday he will want to know who Mom is. And because from me he will only be taught love. Not bitterness even when that's how I feel. So, I bite my tongue.

But how the heck can you worry so about being able to visit a friend when you don't visit your own child ? I offer a weekend visit she declined due to chilling with a friend. Fuck her and fuck my tongue hurts.
I'm just thinking TforT is a fucking amazing lady.:rose:
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