What happened to all of the doom and gloom economic threads?

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I have not been keeping up with this thread. What is to keep us from going back to the gold standard?

The Socialists of the Chair would lose the ability to obfuscate the inflating of the money supply.

"Lenin is said to have declared that the best way to destroy the Capitalist System was to debauch the currency. By a continuing process of inflation, governments can confiscate, secretly and unobserved, an important part of the wealth of their citizens. There is no subtler, no surer means of overturning the existing basis of society than to debauch the currency. The process engages all the hidden forces of economic law on the side of destruction, and does it in a manner which not one man in a million is able to diagnose."
John Maynard Keynes
The Socialists of the Chair would lose the ability to obfuscate the inflating of the money supply.

"Lenin is said to have declared that the best way to destroy the Capitalist System was to debauch the currency. By a continuing process of inflation, governments can confiscate, secretly and unobserved, an important part of the wealth of their citizens. There is no subtler, no surer means of overturning the existing basis of society than to debauch the currency. The process engages all the hidden forces of economic law on the side of destruction, and does it in a manner which not one man in a million is able to diagnose."
John Maynard Keynes

That's another problem with the gold standard....historically, when it became inconvenient, they just went off it.
Sowell's analysis provides perspective on Obama's behavior. Obama has virtually no understanding of basic economics. Exploitation ideology is the basis for his world- and economic view. This ideology sees the world as a zero-sum game. In essence a fixed pie is divided. If one person gets more, others necessarily get less.

A country becomes successful by taking advantage of other countries. This naive view, based on the long-discredited concept of mercantilism, sees success as exploitation. Freedom, markets, institutions, incentives, and voluntary trade have no place in Obama's world. Success or failure is determined by one variable -- whether you are the exploiter or the exploited.

Exploitation theory does not comport with economic theory, history, or reality. As

Sowell points out:

It is hard to reconcile "exploitation" theories with the facts. While there have been conquered peoples made poorer by their conquerors, especially by Spanish conquerors in the Western Hemisphere, in general most poor countries were poor for reasons that existed before the conquerors arrived. Some Third World countries are poorer today than they were when they were ruled by Western countries, generations ago.
Obama's ideology blinds him to relevant variables. Incentives, institutional frameworks, profit and loss, individual initiative, saving and investment, hard work, etc. have no role in his simplistic world. He is a political creation with no experience in relevant matters. He does not understand markets, business, meeting a payroll, or managing an organization. This vacuum in knowledge produces failed economic results because policies do not consider the relevant variables for economic success.

In Obama's world, success and failure are moral rather than economic outcomes. Success is a marker for evil. Failure is due to someone else's success rather than personal shortcomings. Failure represents passivity, the choice to not exploit others. Proper moral behavior produces failure.

For Obama, economics itself is inconsistent with morality. Hence economics itself must be evil. This view of the world is both simple and ignorant. No, it is beyond that. It is a sign of stupidity! Recognition of this stupidity is the key to understanding Obama's behavior and policies.
Couple problems, like how to value the gold and the fact that a gold standard would be taking power away from very powerful people.

is there enough gold in the world, to move our money system to that? isn't that why we dumped that in the first place (wasn't enough gold)?
And lose the power that goes with it, no more patronage unless the revenues are there. No more going to work every day and working longer hours for Dollars that are worth less, but nonetheless moving you into higher tax brackets as you strive to keep up with your lost buying power.

Merc, TheDumbAssTrove, and I'm sure UD, want to move to a China based model. forget gold, the government owns everything

why don't these people just move to those countries?

Then there are always replacement commodities, silver and other rare metals...

Not at 23.2 grains per dollar, but we can also back it with uranium, plutonium, platinum and copper (that will be fun as wiring is ripped out worldwide (sort of like today).
Not at 23.2 grains per dollar, but we can also back it with uranium, plutonium, platinum and copper (that will be fun as wiring is ripped out worldwide (sort of like today).

we must pack Merc, UD, Ricahrd pockets full of uranium, plutonium

great idea!!!
Today, the Wall Street Pharisees and Sadducees are back at it, defiling the temple of free-market capitalism by borrowing money hourly from money center banks saved by the bailout to place bets on investments for clients and themselves -- including shorting stocks to bring down good companies. But on Main Street, where the real economy lives -- the one that creates jobs -- there is no credit. Commercial banks everywhere are loaded with bad assets that could have been removed if Paulson and the rest of the economic gurus in Washington had simply copied the RTC model as Paulson imitated unwittingly to attempt to save Lehman.

They did not, and today banking regulators have ordered banks to keep their assets high enough to cover the bad loans they made in the lead-up to the meltdown. The result: commercial banks will not lend as remaining toxic debt has been allowed to metastasize throughout the entire industry. Instead of cleansing the bad assets via an RTC model, this lingering, widespread financial cancer is slowly killing the recovery.
Bernie Reeves
The American Thinker

Then there are always replacement commodities, silver and other rare metals...

on the political front, Wall Street has fallen out of love with Obama. Wonder if he will reach his goal of $1,000,000,000 for his reelection campaign.

doesn't anyone find that a little gross? why is obama more worried about keeping office, then starving children ??????
on the political front, Wall Street has fallen out of love with Obama. Wonder if he will reach his goal of $1,000,000,000 for his reelection campaign.

doesn't anyone find that a little gross? why is obama more worried about keeping office, then starving children ??????

So, he's waiting for reelection to starve them?

He will exceed that goal if you include the soft contributions of the press in doing his dirty work to protect their legacy and place in history...
So, he's waiting for reelection to starve them?

He will exceed that goal if you include the soft contributions of the press in doing his dirty work to protect their legacy and place in history...

my point is that there is a better way to spend $1,000,000,000 than on a election....

I find that goal disgusting, and yet the left wingers will blame Rep for people starving or what ever spin tactic they use.

personally, all political leaders should only be allowed to spend no more than $1,000,000 on any election
Remember, in the beginning, Obama, the Pure, was only going to use public financing...

He was challenging his opponents to do the same.

THEN he came into some money.

Crony Fascism...
how do people like Merc, UD not see that?

They see it, rationalize it and compartmentalize it, then they cast their gaze about for someone who is a worse hypocrite and begin screaming and demanding "Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain (William Jennings Bryan)"...

A_J's corollary #3, “The New Age Liberal maintains contradictory positions comfortably compartmentalized. (This is because the New Age Liberal is a creature that believes in consensus as a short-cut to an examination of the facts and a reasoned judgment about said facts. Corollary #2.)”

A_J's corollary #5, “When lacking reason and sound argument, the New Age Liberal charges headlong into ‘debate’ with emotional cries of Hypocrisy. The New Age Liberal is, of course, immune to and incapable of Hypocrisy. That would require hard and fast standards.”
Clinton and Obama illustrate two political realities: People dont give a shit what you do or what you promise so long as theyre prosperous and protected from consequences.

Gay marriage and illegal amnesty and the rest only matter when we're fat and happy.

Obama can go on tv and promise how Democrats are gonna make your dick longer and grow hair on your head but at the end of the day even the dummies know its all BS.
Clinton and Obama illustrate two political realities: People dont give a shit what you do or what you promise so long as theyre prosperous and protected from consequences.

Gay marriage and illegal amnesty and the rest only matter when we're fat and happy.

Obama can go on tv and promise how Democrats are gonna make your dick longer and grow hair on your head but at the end of the day even the dummies know its all BS.

obama will scramble as his numbers keep falling, he will try to push an "amnesty" solution in order to get votes. hum, doesn't that make obama a whore?
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