What’s the go with men in cars with women?

I guess I don’t know most men because I just got off the phone with a man who absolutely blew my mind about salts.

A gift for Smiley

Everytime I point something out, while she's driving, I get reminded of my driving record.. I've taken some pretty wild rides.
Women are great at some motor sports, mostly NHRA drag racing. *Lookin at you Shirley "Cha Cha" Muldowney* John Force sure raised some high speed rocket driving daughters. All Champions in their sport. But my ex wife, yeah she drove like shit.
Why is it

that men have to make women aware of their surroundings while they’re driving? Why are men telling us women how to drive? Seriously.

I got my license just like you. I went through the same process (or somewhat similar) that men do.

I do the speed limit and see the speed camera signs etc while I’m driving, just like men do. I know what a yellow light means.

Why is it, that these blokes who get fines all the time, seem to think they can get into a car with a woman and tell her how to drive?

I asked that very question today to a mere male passenger who just got a fine last week for speeding. He reckons, “Because I don’t want you to get a fine”

Fuck me dead
Those that can do, those they can’t try to teach others?
If anyone starts that with me I give them the look. I’ll even pull over and give them the look. If they keep
It up, I ask them if they wish to walk.
My partner always drives so I can chill. I put on the music and we sing our hearts out to 80s cheese.
The only male whoever told me how to drive was my dad and he drove me up the fucking wall. And this was a man who had no UK licence apart from tractor driving! If I turned a corner he'd throw his hands on the dash like a limpet, glaring at me like I was Jeremy Bastard Clarkson. Another fave of his was if I went over a pothole he'd clutch the door in horror and mutter "for fuck sake child" like I'd brought total shame on the family with my driving. Obviously the night before any journeys I'd do a recce and made sure I'd dug the potholes myself just to piss him off.

It all came to a head one hot afternoon when he was muttering so much I pulled up and told him to fucking walk if he didn't like it. He did. Arrived home much later in a bog of sweat with a face like thunder but he never did it again.
Most men have a very limited range of conversation. How to drive, nice tits, sports, more tits, and politics.
I don't think that's necessarily true. It's just that discussions about the "Black Light Catastrophe" as the origin of quantum physics, or the differences between neoclassical, Keynesian, and the Austrian School's economic theories, or the history of French impressionism, including Monet's rise even as his eyesight failed and Seurat's introduction of pointillism, or the mysterious collapse of the late Bronze Age, aren't exactly panty droppers.

But I guess explaining the difference between a cover-one and a cover-two defense in football doesn't get women all moist either.
My girlfriend gets nervous with anyone else driving, so I try to drive peacefully with her in the car. I got us all the way from Ohio to Maryland at night through the Appalachians, so I must have done a decent job.
I don't think men are better drivers than women. I do know more and more people are driving like assholes.