Wesker's Secret Heart


Literotica Guru
May 9, 2017
Albert Wesker

Raven Wolff

Your name is Albert Wesker and you have been working for the Umbrella Coperation for well over ten years. You use to be part of S.T.A.R.S with Chris Redfield, Jill Valentine and Rebecca Chambers to name a few. Wesker left for a few reasons but the biggest reason was someone from his life, the only woman he ever loved. The only woman who he trusted and it wasn't a trust that was gotten easy.

At first Wesker got infected with the T-Virus and it bonded to him extremely well at first. When he was infected the only bad side effect was hid eyes, he wore the glasses to hide the fact his eyes were red. He was extremely fast and powerful, but seven years into him being infected his mutations slowly became more noticeable. He got a lot more muscular, got times where he would physically turn into a Nemisis or Tyrant.

For a while he traveled everywhere trying to learn to control what he was, but he learned that not everything could be controlled. He got in touch with his Friend again and she started to work on something to keep him stable. He is trying to hide what's going on but it seems he has fallen in love with her.

Now he has to figure out how to tell her that he is in more trouble then he wants to admit I figure he will be going through physical transformations he screams her name and she will hear him.

Pm if interested