Variations 2.0 - Pepper's Playpen

This was fun to make... Broke down the picture into vectors by color, shattered it with a mosaic tool, then filtered it through frosted glass to diffuse it! Been a while since I had a plan with these pictures 😅

Oh that is fun! You make it sound so simple too but I bet it wasn't
Oh that is fun! You make it sound so simple too but I bet it wasn't
Honestly, photoshop has so much assistance these days that, as long as you know what the tools are and how they work, it does most of the work for you! It's just a bit of trial and error. Still, I don't use like 90% of it 🫣
Honestly, photoshop has so much assistance these days that, as long as you know what the tools are and how they work, it does most of the work for you! It's just a bit of trial and error. Still, I don't use like 90% of it 🫣
I do keep meaning to pick your brain on photoshop. I've only just got the hang of filters haha but I'd love to learn more
Honestly, photoshop has so much assistance these days that, as long as you know what the tools are and how they work, it does most of the work for you! It's just a bit of trial and error. Still, I don't use like 90% of it 🫣
Still. Amazing work.
This was fun to make... Broke down the picture into vectors by color, shattered it with a mosaic tool, then filtered it through frosted glass to diffuse it! Been a while since I had a plan with these pictures 😅

Say what? With whom? And how?
I love browsing this thread. So much great work being shared. If ever I figure out Photoshop mobile (I no longer have a PC) I will attempt to contribute.

In the meantime, thanks everyone for posting your creativity here! 💕