TSCLT3.0: A Beast Unlike Any Known To Man . . .

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I'm a bit disappointed nobody was willing to step up to comment on the bottom end installation I mention in post #1518. Couldn't even get an offer of a good cylinder honing.:D;)
It's been a crazy day, I'm just getting lunch now But Rightguide I have no interest in your Cylinder for any reason
Home. Hot-n-tired, and it only got to 83* today. It wasn't the heat, it was the motherfucking humidity. :mad:

We did get a chance to get outta there early today, so we took it. We're not st000pid, yanno.

I came home to a very warm house. IT seems that the main breaker won't hold a load any more and had tripped. Since storms are on the way, I opened the windows, turned off the a/c, and will add a new main to tomorrow's shopping list.

It's naptime, and I don't give a fuck what anybody says . . . .

Here's a requisite pair awaiting the installation of a stoker type piston and rod.


Okay, I bit.

With the large number of readily available stroker kits, there isn't a reason in the world why this model shouldn't get built.


Happy Saturday!!!

My late afternoon nap just ended a few minutes ago. Coffee will be ready shortly. The cat is fed, as he insisted.

There be errands and chores what need be done today. As usual.

But there be no weasels what need seen, so . . . .



Seen's silly knotted-knickers thread about Teh Howwohs of how the construction industry is a constant race to Lowest Common Denominator (think cost) is like railing how the sun rises in the east at dawn. And all this from a fire in a city which, aside from ancient observations in Judaic and Babylonian laws, basically invented building codes after . . . a big-ass fire. Who knew?

All that "code-built" means is that a minimum acceptable standard was adhered to. That's all. Whereas it's perfectly okay to exceed code, and nobody will call a builder out for doing that, it doesn't happen . . . unless the architect specifies the change in question. Even at that, the builder is going to find the least costly way to implement said improvement.

Codes draw lines. If a building must exceed a certain size or height before a change in material is mandated, then the smaller building can and will be built to the lesser standard . . . unless the architect specifies otherwise. If the owner, under public pressure is outraged and decides to sue the builder because he should have known/done better, his only recourse is . . . to sue the architect.

This kind of thing is why there's a huge difference between what is legal and what is right . . . .

The same argument I have about government regulations making our lives safer and better. Regulations drawn up in a large part by agents of the regulators, I mean where the hell else are you going to find "experts" in the field? And I have yet to see a regulation that could predict and stop a future disaster.

They're all written after something bad has happened and the industry learned what not to do.
Similarly, the Left is now going after Trump for covering up something they've all admitted that he didn't do...

This is one crazy fucking world any more.
Yeah, it is.

The worst is the inshornce industry . . . "industry," like they ever produced a motherfucking thing. The gummint has to axe them how to regulate them because no one else has a clue how it "works."

So, we learn, bit by bit - we learn.

If we aren't paying attention, we never do . . . .

Ish has an interesting link to a Paglia interview.

I've read the first part, I'll save the rest for after work...

As he states, it proves that not all of the Left is bat guano crazy (my words).

I laid my head on the railroad tracks waitin' for the Gen'ral Lee
But the train don't run by here no mo'
Po' po' pit'ful me...
They're not.

It's the New Left that judges and then defecates on all that doesn't march lock-step with it.

Rather Stalinistic of it, isn't it???

Putting the national in National Socialiasm. But . . . they worked . . . .

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