Top Radical Feminist Lies of 2014 (too long for you nitwits to read, LOL)


バクスター の
Apr 3, 2010
Political movements - or more specifically, their leaders and highly popular adherents - often go on campaigns of fear, uncertainty and doubt when they face threats from the truth itself. For instance, the Republican Party went on a campaign of lies against women when Sandra Fluke spoke out in favor of publicly funded contraception. While a legitimate (but still tenuous) case could be made for not making taxpayers cover contraception (which would ultimately benefit both men and women), Republicans instead painted Fluke as a slut - and among their ranks this meme is still the gospel truth - although, like with all memes the GOP floats about women, it ultimately alienated America and, fortunately, cost them the 2012 election.

The more insidious and powerful Republican lies, however, have endured the test of time. The Benghazi scandal is still a major blemish upon the Obama investigation that will just not go away. This, despite the fact that a Congressional investigation showed Obama did nothing wrong. Republicans lied when they said Obama ruined the economy, and these lies propelled them to victory in the 2014 Congressional elections: despite the fact that Obama came into office inheriting an economy where 800,000 jobs were being lost per month and, as of 2014, 200,000 Americans were getting hired per month. Under Obama the "Socialist", over 8 million additional people have health care coverage, and the stock market has hit record highs, along with corporate profits. Under absolutely no socialist regime has anything like this ever occurred in human history. Yet Obama is called a socialist and this meme is believed by almost all white Conservative males. Plus there's the other undying memes of Obama being a Muslim and a Kenyan national. Plus there's their war on Islam, in which they use their political dog whistle to depict Muslims as terrorists (often with the help of Hollywood): hence Islamophobia is rampant in America, especially in Tea Party-land. Let's also mention Reagan's "Welfare Queen" lie that has adversely directed America's social safety net policy for over 30 years.

And so we come to modern, radicalized feminism, whose tactics are quite - and alarmingly - comparable.

Radical feminism, like the Republican Party, is threatened by the truth. Worse, it is also threatened by women who are (now openly) defecting from the movement: hence 2014 was also the year that "Women Against Feminism" became a major thing. In response to this, radical feminism floats its own barrage of memes based on misrepresentations and outright lies.

Unlike the Republican Party, however, few of these lies ever die, and they rarely blow up in radical feminists' faces. Whether they come from celebrities or well-known feminist leaders roosting at the mountaintop, or the darkest, most obscure corners of their universe, their memes quickly catch fire and they become part of not just the world's belief system, but its knowledge base: everyone knows the feminists (radical or otherwise) speak the truth... even when they're lying like a moldy rug. And let's be clear: not all feminists are lying, perhaps not even most - but when they do lie and peddle dishonest propaganda, it is never challenged by society. When confronted with the truth, radical feminists ignore the facts or attack the person refuting their lies. Or they outright falsely accuse their opponents of harassment, thereby getting their accounts cancelled off of sites like Twitter (where, in the past, quite a few dishonest radical feminist memes have been born).

In 2014, radical feminists have consistently aimed their lies at one target: Men's Rights Activists. While not their only boogeyman this year, MRAs (with three spots on this list) are their most reliable Islamic Terrorist panic button issue, their imaginaty monster-under-the-bed. Their other major target of lies in 2014, of course, has been Gamergate - another group of feminists who are fed up with the extremism of radical feminism.

Myth #1: Elliot Rodger Was a Men's Rights Activist
When Elliot Rodger went on his shooting rampage in Isla Vista, California, the radical feminists immediately declared that the Men's Rights Movement influenced him. MRAs are now and forever plagued with the reputation of being associated with him - much in the same way that Muslims are unable to escape the stigma of Saddam Hussein or Osama Bin Laden. Also see: Hispanics and illegal immigration - or: why Arizona passed a law allowing for the searching of people (read: Hispanics) for proof of citizenship.

There are many fatal flaws with this feminist propaganda. Out of the gate, however, one basic fact annihilates the entire "Rodgers was inspired by MRAs" argument. Elliot Rodger killed four men versus two women. This by itself discredits the radical feminist propaganda beyond recovery. But reality, as it is often want to do, is not satisfied with running over reactionary dogma once: in this case it backs up and runs it over, then plows forward over its remains, and repeats over and over again. Elliot Rodger hung out on sites like - a forum of pickup artists (PUAs). What radical feminists don't count on people knowing is that PUAs hate men's rights activists, and vice-versa. Ka-chunk. In the aftermath, of course, Elliot Rodger was defended by groups like the ultra notorious Return of Kings. Once again? They don't like MRAs and they even go at length to explain why: they see MRAs as too hell-bent upon equality. More here. Now, after reading that, would you believe the radical feminists say that Return of Kings are a bunch of men's rights activists? Well, they do.

As if the facts hadn't crushed this radical feminist lie enough, there is also this fact: Elliot Rodger, on the PUAHate website, asked "If you could release a virus that would kill every single man on Earth, except for yourself because you would have the antidote, would you do it? You will be the only man left, with all the females. You would be able to have your pick of any beautiful woman you want, as well as having dealt vengeance on the men who took them from you. Imagine how satisfying that would be." Now, perhaps on Planet Bizarro, Men's Rights Activists talk about exterminating all men so that one can remain as the man who gets the womenfolk. On Planet Earth? Not. Ever. Happening.

One other thing: Arthur Chu linking the Elliot Rodger issue to nerds is wrong on yet another level: Rodger was into bodybuilding. As one guy on Slashdot put it, "We (the nerds) are not taking the fall for this guy!" And nerds damned well shouldn't have to.

Does all this sound similar? It should. This is similar to the campaign that right wing loonies have used to tie Muslims to Osama Bin Laden. And it has worked marvelously among their equally bigoted constituents. Of course, like Republicans, radical feminists sometimes confess to their real agenda: that Elliot Rodger's shooting rampage was good for the feminist movement. Of course, as was said above, not all feminists are like this: as you can see in the giant crowd of (politically powerless) feminists who protested that statement.

Myth #2: Gamergate Is About Misogyny and Harassing/Threatening Women
This is how Gamergate began: a consumer revolt against the gaming media's disdain for gamers and their inability to tolerate dissent. It is also a revolt against the new Jack Thompsons of gaming, fanatics who say games foster misogyny (instead of violent crime). Since the goons whose behavior sparked the Gamergate controversy were two radical feminists - Anita Sarkeesian and Zoe Quinn - the radfems have been portraying Gamergate as a bunch of MRAs, and of course, cishet males - the go-to boogeyman of radical feminist quasi-religious mythology.

It doesn't help that, as Gamergate gathered momentum, troublemakers from the sidelines began issuing death threats to people like Brianna Wu and Jack Thomspon's radical feminist successor, Anita Sarkeesian. There has been absolutely no proof that the people hurling death threats to these women come from Gamergate - and do note how no feminist responding to this article will provide any - but when you're a radical feminist, who needs proof? Senator Joe McCarthy's hands thrust forth from the grave. Two thumbs up and a slow clap.

Shortly after the radical feminists unleashed their propaganda machine on Gamergate, however, they got broadsided by... wait for it... a crowd of minorities and women. The license plate of this particular freight train that hit the radical feminists read #NotYourShield - a Twitter-based hashtag. To this hashtag people posted pictures of themselves holding up signs telling radical anti-Gamergate feminists not to speak for them or talk over them when going on about gaming and the supposed misogyny therein. #NotYourShield was - and still is - a huge sounding board for women and minorities who are telling radical feminists that they do not agree with their propaganda. Now, mind you, many of these same folks are also feminists like Angela Night, and have little tolerance for actual misogyny, or harassment of others.

Of course, in response to being hit by the online version of the Flying Scotsman, the radical feminists turned and declared these people to be phonies. Yup, the feminist zealots have resorted to claiming that the people holding up pictures of themselves and saying "I'm not your shield" are all impostors from the troll forum known as 4chan.

Regrettably, though, another group has come out to support Gamergate: right wingers. Everyone from Breitbart to Reaxxion, a "gaming media" website run by Return of Kings' Roosh V, have jumped into the fight to vent their rage not only at radical feminists, but feminists in general as well as leftists, etc. The author of this article wishes to issue a warning to Gamergate: choose your allies wisely, don't be afraid to call these right wingers out, and don't be afraid to lose allies. "Friends" like these are more dangerous than enemies.

Myth #3: Hollaback's Catcalling Video Was About Catcalling
Late in 2014, a group called Hollaback posted a video of a woman named Shoshana Roberts, who walked through the streets of New York City, allegedly for 10 hours. The actual video wasn't anything near that long - it was only a few minutes long - but it showed men talking to her without her permission - one of radical feminism's new boogeyman issue. Okay, in all seriousness, a lot of these guys were catcalling - yelling stupid things at her that only idiots and hooligans say. There were a few creeps who also followed her as she walked, trying to prod her into a conversation. Nobody is defending these cretins, but some others didn't say anything except "God bless" and that, too, became a crime against womankind. Basically, the lesson is this: when a woman walks by, and you even so much as say "hello" or otherwise address Her Female Highness without permission, you are just like the jerk who catcalled her, or the lowlife who followed her and harassed her for her phone number.

It doesn't help, of course, that some truly misogynistic scumbags found out how to contact Roberts and sent her rape threats. The author fully endorses sending Femen activists after these punks. And the author knows of a few MRAs who'd also like to take baseball bats to their heads before or after the Femen's are done. But radical feminists don't want you to know that...

Anyway, as usual, when it comes to radical feminist propaganda campaigns, they shoot themselves in the head in full sight of any viewer with eyes that function even marginally. The entire video that Shoshana Roberts starred in, only showed minority men - Latinos and blacks - saying anything to her. This much is, again, painfully obvious to anyone who watches the video. It brings doubt to the total credibility of that video: all white men were edited out, and who knows how often she experienced that harassment in New York City. Worse yet? Some analysts have pointed out that the video comes from exactly two or three streets in the city.

The other kick to the head of this video? Men get harassed, too. Of course, as you know, radical feminists always say "if it happens to men, it's not as bad." And that's why 80% of Americans think feminism is outdated.

Myth #4: Saturday Night Live Skit About MRAs - by Lena Dunham
While the stereotypes that feminists propagate about MRAs is hardly anything new, this skit on Saturday Night Live is a 2014 thing. It hit on all the usual feminist hatemongering, but dialed up to 11: MRAs are (according to this SNL skit) for men being paid more than women, women should stay home, MRAs are who they are because they got their hearts broken by some ex-girlfriend, they shut down Planned Parenthood clinics, and of course they are all ugly virgins. Of course the actor who portrayed the men's rights activist in this skit was a pathetic looking man, as well as white. More on that later.

And, irony of ironies, it turns out that Lena Dunham, one of the women in this skit, is in fact an unrepentant, self-confessed child molestor. Mind you, she was outed by a Conservative blogger, who probably would rise to the defense of a Republican pedophile, but Lena Dunham's confession about molesting her sister was right there in her own autobiography. In black and white. In her own defense? "And by the way, if you were a little kid and never looked at another little kid’s vagina, well, congrats to you" was her exact words.

To put this in perspective, read this spirited defense of Lena Dunham and then ask yourself "if a man had written about doing this to his sibling as a kid, would Vox be defending him?" Can we say "rape culture" and "lynch mob", ladies and gentlemen? Of course we can.

In closing: Remember what I said about how Saturday Night Live depicts MRAs? Imagine the shock on the faces of countless feminists out there when, after drinking this "MRAs are angry pathetic-looking white cishet males" Kool-Aid, they got hit by the social media (and real-life) bullet train that is Women Against Feminism.

Myth #5: Nerds Are a Misogynist Threat to Women
On the heels of the Elliot Rodger's shooting rampage, a blogger and Jeopardy champ named Arthur Chu decided to seek favor with feminists by placing some of the blame for Rodger's behavior on nerds. Nerds, for God's sake. The most marginalized and disrespected group of men in the Western world are now also, according to him, rapists-in-training and mass shooters. One of his examples was Steve Urkel from "Family Matters" because Urkel kept chasing this girl who didn't like him. You heard that right: Steve Urkel the nerdy kid was an example of rape culture, in Chu's now-famous rant. Look out, laides, if he looks and acts like Steve Urkel, he's gonna gitcha.

It's bad enough that this Jeopardy genius implied, in his Daily Beast article, that nerds just lust for women who are "out of our league" and we have no love for women who are like us. His claim that the media teaches nerds that they can get that unattainable woman through sheer forceful persistence didn't, obviously, include any reference to "Real Genius" in which the super genius Mitch rejected a move by the hot blonde in favor of a relationship with the frumpy young woman fellow genius named Jordan. No, that can't possibly be us nerds. We're the social losers who chase hot cheerleaders and deceive women into sex. And... wait for it... Arthur Chu even had the nerve to say Ayn Rand's rape-tastic psychopath heroes (such as John Galt) are also the heroes of nerds. 'the frak? Has this dude even spent a minute on Slashdot, where the vast majority of us bemoan the way in which the Cult of Galt has wrecked the economy for the working class?

Arthur Chu is right on exactly one thing, though: that Lewis and the cheerleader scene from "Revenge of the Nerds" was rape. But now I guess this isn't the right time to remind people of how, in real life, feminists had Bill Clinton's back even after it came out that he physically grabbed the breasts of White House aide Kathleen Willey? And perhaps it's really not the time to suggest that women should be as afraid, or moreso, of male feminists?

In any case, thanks, Arthur Chu. You've made it so that nerds, already despised and laughed at by society, will face even more bullying - this time by alpha male jocks who can justify their violence by saying they're white-knighting for feminism. Further proof that low-status males get nothing but the backhand of modern feminism.

Myth #6: MRAs Made Fun of Shia LaBeouf's Rape Story
The last big lie propagated by radical feminists this year is arguably the meanest and most blatant of 2014: that when actor Shia LaBeouf claimed he was a victim of rape during his "I Am Sorry" exhibit, Men's Rights Activists came out and made fun of him. Lindy West of The Guardian was the first to float this lie. (And as you can see, others are picking it up and running.)

Radical feminists have yet to show any evidence of MRAs doing this. But again, who needs proof when it's a claim being floated about MRAs by radfems? Unfortunately for the feminist zealots, however, there are known examples of MRA-bashers and other folks like Piers Morgan who raged at Shia LaBeouf over his rape claim and said, in essence, "I don't believe you." And other feminists said, point blank, that they don't have any reason to believe him - and why? Because, as feminist writer Meghan Murphy said, he's a male, ergo a member of the oppressive class. This isn't to say all feminists are making fun of Shia LaBeouf - indeed some feminists are standing up for him against these detractors. But MRAs have said nothing bad about Shia LaBeouf with regards to his claims of being raped. However, like all other lies, feminists say MRAs scorned him over this, and America now believes it... without there being even a shred of evidence to support this.