To those who haven't seen...a formal apology for below post


Jun 16, 2003
I'm sooooooo sorry. I didn't understand until I read all the posts. I just read a couple of them, and I had a really bad night last night. Now I completely understand. Which proves to me that I am the dumb one. I'm not a mean person, just when I feel that I'm attacked, I tend to strike out, and it was stupid and I'm sorry. Especially when it wasn't an attack now that I read them all...and understand what it's all about.

I wrote this a reply to my idiot post below...and again, sorry...we all have the right to free speech, even if it is offensive to some...

Unfortunatly, the rules of the forum don't reflect that fact...

I've already responded in the original thread. I do appreciate you not thinking I'm in bed with the KKK and the neo-Nazis though. :)