The Rebel Princess (closed)

She just looked at him nodding with a numb smile.

Yeah... We should get cleaned up.
He carried her away from the birds and beasts, feeling proud of her but concerned as well. Finally he found a water fall and small pool.

Dies this meet my ladies approval?
Yes... This is fine I love this spot so peaceful.

She smiled to him finally seeming to break free of the numb haze a little.
He carried her out into the pool. She is about to say something, when he falls as the bottom falls away. They laugh and splash each other. The last hours suddenly forgotten in the the moment. The warm water refreshing them both.

What is this place? Does it have a name?
Not that I can think of though it probably does.

She smiled and wriggled at the cool water.
Mago enjoys the refreshing waters with his love. The tropical scenery something out of his dreams of paradise. Not for the first time, the outside world disappeared for him with her.
She smiled to him curling against him some as she looked around. It truly was a beautiful little area.

I love this...

Her words ended but her mind thought because nothing can touch us here. It was simply a hope.
And I love you My Mago.

She smiled kissed him softly.