The Last Thing You Thought...

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I think we're going to end up killing Vail with all this skirt talk.

Me in a skirt, Vivi in a skirt... who else wants to join our skirt party?
I know right?! I want him.

I kid you not, I saw him in the show, had to put the DVD in my computer to just capture a picture of him! I was intending to use him in a story but I never get around to starting the story.

Either way... I'm kidnapping.

*whispers to Vivi* Let's be sure to keep FD away from him.

I'll help with the kidnapping.

But I'm not so sure I want to keep him away from FD.
Boy kisses are hot too. :D

Captain Jack sealed that deal for this girl.
Is it bad that I suddenly had a total Nazi uniform fetish moment?

Bunnies are terrifying.
Stop it with the licking would you?
You're always licking!

No it's not strange, yes they are, and holy shit why would you want him to stop licking unless he had terrible coordination or you wanted him to alternate with suction?
Yeah I'd totally do him!

Erm I mean.. what?

Glares like a cyclops


I was going to post tonight for VT and Thyri but I am just to blasted exhausted. Sorry ladies, maybe tomorrow.

I'm going to be out of town and without a computer starting tomorrow. So I'm not going to even see a post till after the insanity. Take your time.
Ooo, let's talk about our favoritest school item!!

Mine was/is pens.

I love pens.
I have fond memories of Trapper Keepers ... getting a new one each school year was the best along with peachy folders and pencils, but when I could graduate to pens I loved pens.
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