The "Fuck you cancer!" thread

Good news (sort of)....I had some testing done and the initial reports look very good...

Some more testing this week but cautiously optimistic that I may be in remission...

I was going to cautiously hug you *LOL* but to hell with that *giant hug* Whoo hooo! Every bit of good news we great news in my eyes! :rose::rose: And...FUCK YOU CANCER!!!!!
Finally some good news for me after nothing but bad news on all the results. Cancer Treatment Center of America is going to see me next week for some more evaluation and testing. Then we can get started on some kind of treatment. Very hopeful here, anything beats surgery for now.
Finally some good news for me after nothing but bad news on all the results. Cancer Treatment Center of America is going to see me next week for some more evaluation and testing. Then we can get started on some kind of treatment. Very hopeful here, anything beats surgery for now.

Glad you've had some good news and I hope they find some noninvasive alternatives for you :rose:
Finally some good news for me after nothing but bad news on all the results. Cancer Treatment Center of America is going to see me next week for some more evaluation and testing. Then we can get started on some kind of treatment. Very hopeful here, anything beats surgery for now.

This is good to hear. :rose::rose:
Finally some good news for me after nothing but bad news on all the results. Cancer Treatment Center of America is going to see me next week for some more evaluation and testing. Then we can get started on some kind of treatment. Very hopeful here, anything beats surgery for now.

Glad you got some good news! FUCK YOU CANCER!!!
Finally some good news for me after nothing but bad news on all the results. Cancer Treatment Center of America is going to see me next week for some more evaluation and testing. Then we can get started on some kind of treatment. Very hopeful here, anything beats surgery for now.

Devlishone4fun I am so happy you found a place that helps you...hoping the treatment is not too tough on you...

Praying for you sweetheart...
I was going to cautiously hug you *LOL* but to hell with that *giant hug* Whoo hooo! Every bit of good news we great news in my eyes! :rose::rose: And...FUCK YOU CANCER!!!!!

LMBO...thank you my bouncy friend. I am giving you a great big hug right back...

You are right...fuck cautiously optimistic...I am speaking what I want and what I WANT is total eradication of this nasty disease...FUCK YOU CANCER!!

Stay well my friend....
LMBO...thank you my bouncy friend. I am giving you a great big hug right back...

You are right...fuck cautiously optimistic...I am speaking what I want and what I WANT is total eradication of this nasty disease...FUCK YOU CANCER!!

Stay well my friend....

It doesn't cost us a damn thing to hope and want the very best for ourselves!!!! :rose::rose::rose::rose:
terrified of my upcoming thyroid biopsy.

that it should have been done years ago only serves to make the potential results more horrifying than the prospect of a needle in the throat.

the actual whole reason I've been posting lately.

I know you must be scared Oberon...but the way I live through the biopsy uncertainties is to tell myself "It ain't nothing 'til it's something" and if it becomes something then you can deal with it. I understand and appreciate your fears my friend but do not let the 'what if's" make you crazy...

Sending you every positive vibe I can!
Hang in there cmslt, Devlishone, apple, emmy_c, smtst5, Stag (fuck. I KNOW I missed someone!).

May cellfucker have the gnat-like attention span of Donald Trump and leave you the FUCK alone.

terrified of my upcoming thyroid biopsy.

that it should have been done years ago only serves to make the potential results more horrifying than the prospect of a needle in the throat.

the actual whole reason I've been posting lately.

*looks you straight in the eye*

stop fretting about having put it off. That doesn't matter any more. All that matters is that you are getting it done now.
And there is nothing to worry about until there is SOMETHING to worry about.

Just get the biopsy (those ENT folks are wicked good at those biopsies - they do them all the time) get the results and your medical team will tell you what the results mean your options are.

Sending you a BIG warm hug in the meantime.
I'll meet you for a hard cider as soon as you are able to have a drink again after your biopsy. Name the place honey.
you know.. I don't usually do bars.

mixing ADD with social anxiety with limited income makes bars pretty inhospitable.

At least I'm not as light sensitive as I used to be. Neons don't bother me anymore, but LED's still can.

I'll keep it in mind just the same. My wife might thank you for the idea.

So back to the topic:

AFK Elixirs & Eatery in renton has closed :(

wait... thats not the topic. what was the topic?

Oh yeah... this is FUCK YOU CANCER

Sorry about the place in Renton. And I am not much for bars either.
you are more likely to find me in a... I think they call them "gastro- pubs"
good food, good micro beers, no neon and no sports TV and not too loud.
A place where you can find a dark quiet corner and hear the person you are talking to. Sounds like even you could manage that Staggy. ;):heart:


part of the stress of this stage is the "hurry up and wait."

Doctor order the biopsy (through another company.. because insurance sucks), and now I have to wait for the letter or call from the hospital for the date/ confirmation.

And it's taking fucking forever.

Is there someone you can poke with a stick to make sure it is moving along?
Sorry you are stuck in the red tape zone now that you are ready to have it done.

FYC and all of the damn bureaucracy that makes the disease even fucking worse.

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For all the voices that speak here and all of those in all of your love orbits, my heart goes out to all of you. I'm so sorry that it hurts to face it and endure as it fans the fear and hard shakes the hourglasses, but from one human to another... thank you for loving anyways.

I'm so inspired to love even more honestly and completely now.

FYC. :rose:
terrified of my upcoming thyroid biopsy.

that it should have been done years ago only serves to make the potential results more horrifying than the prospect of a needle in the throat.

the actual whole reason I've been posting lately.

Sorry you are facing a biopsy, but I agree with all the great support and advise you got here already! One of my kids gave me one of the cancer rubber bracelets at one of the cancer walks and it said "Fear Nothing". It was about not being afraid about facing diagnostics. We can only fight what we know. You can't change that you waited a while to have the biopsy so don't even think of it. Wait until you hear the doctor's opinions and then cheer great results... or iIF you get bad ones, grieve for a little bit but then, pick your butt and follow their advise and kick ass!!! Sincere positive thoughts and prayers headed your way!!! FUCK YOU CANCER!!!!
biopsy scheduled. Baby steps.

Oh how I remember that back at the start of this month and then waiting and waiting for the results. Hang in there Stag...

Emma,, You Rock Girl!!!!

Hey CBound. How you doing?

Hey cmslt2326. Hang tough, because I know I still am.

To everyone else I know I missed:

Wishing you a brighter, happier and not to hot weather of a Saturday today:)
For all the voices that speak here and all of those in all of your love orbits, my heart goes out to all of you. I'm so sorry that it hurts to face it and endure as it fans the fear and hard shakes the hourglasses, but from one human to another... thank you for loving anyways.

I'm so inspired to love even more honestly and completely now.

FYC. :rose:

Very well said :rose:

Update: Just got back from CTCA. Today was my first visit. A lot more paperwork and talked to about five different nurses today. More blood test. At least they are willing to listen and try to explain things to you as you ask questions and they explain things. I was told about some of the various treatments they offer, but plenty more to learn. Bigger day tomorrow as I will get to see more specialized doctors. They offer so many different treatments. Its a lot to take in right now.
Update: Just got back from CTCA. Today was my first visit. A lot more paperwork and talked to about five different nurses today. More blood test. At least they are willing to listen and try to explain things to you as you ask questions and they explain things. I was told about some of the various treatments they offer, but plenty more to learn. Bigger day tomorrow as I will get to see more specialized doctors. They offer so many different treatments. Its a lot to take in right now.

You hang in there. It sounds as if you have a place and people you can put your trust in. I hope it proceeds well and you get more answers and some clarity and even a little ease.

Update: Just got back from CTCA. Today was my first visit. A lot more paperwork and talked to about five different nurses today. More blood test. At least they are willing to listen and try to explain things to you as you ask questions and they explain things. I was told about some of the various treatments they offer, but plenty more to learn. Bigger day tomorrow as I will get to see more specialized doctors. They offer so many different treatments. Its a lot to take in right now.

Glad you are finding options and people who help you understand those options! Keep your spirit up and keep moving forward!!! FUCK YOU CANCER!
5 nurses talked with me yesterday for all intake. Bunch of departments today and still more tomorrow. CT Scan tomorrow also. Now they got me on supplements, starting tonight on them. Its to help build my immune system and get my strength up for what lies ahead of me. Will know more after CT Scan tomorrow.

Thanks everyone for the prayers and thoughts. I am still praying for the rest of too!