Thanks, Biden!!!

Biden administration restores LGBTQ+ healthcare protections that trump dismantled. Should have been done sooner, but he has been very busy cleaning up the trump clusterfuckery

The Biden administration announced Friday it is reinstating federal protections for LGBTQ+ people seeking health care that had been unraveled during the Trump administration.
Under sweeping rules finalized Friday by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, government health officials, organizations receiving federal health funding and health insurers that do business through government plans must abide by the nondiscrimination standards. Officials stress the rules are about prohibiting discrimination against patients rather than compelling providers to perform procedures.
The rule focuses on Section 1557 of the Affordable Care Act, which bans health care providers from discrimination based on race, color, national origin, sex, age and disability in health programs that receive federal funding. HHS can enforce strict penalties against organizations and workers that the agency concludes broke the law — ranging from requiring additional training to kicking offenders out of federal programs. Federal officials say the rules preserve religious exemptions.
The FTC just banned non-compete agreement in contracts, which is a huge win for workers. Thanks, Biden!
I actually don't agree with that. Non Compete or non Disclosure clauses have a purpose. I have had several contracts with them embedded. However they all would sunset after an agreed upon time after exiting the contract.

It's where there is not an agreed upon period of time (open ended) that I would say they are a problem.
I actually don't agree with that. Non Compete or non Disclosure clauses have a purpose. I have had several contracts with them embedded. However they all would sunset after an agreed upon time after exiting the contract.

It's where there is not an agreed upon period of time (open ended) that I would say they are a problem.
Companies can still protect their trade secrets by having key employees sign NDAs or confidentiality agreements.
Companies can still protect their trade secrets by having key employees sign NDAs or confidentiality agreements.
Non Compete clauses are when a person leaves the employment, and enters employment with a direct competitor. They are not the same as an NDA or Confidentiality contracts. Most times, both are included in the employment contract. I also fail to see the difference if the NDA is conjoined in the contract, or a separate article. I will also mention I'm not clear on what the rules were, and are now that you were referencing in your post.

If for example, the old rules were a company could enforce both, as a general term of employment, and now the law states they have to be either named, or added as separate contracts, then I can see an improvement for workers, with little to no detraction to the employer.
while the repubs, who sank the border/immigration controls bill by voting against it because trump told them to and despite it giving them a lot of what they'd demanded, hold their pointless meetings under jim jordan, the Biden admin has put forward a workaround to crack down on terrorists/criminals seeking to abuse the current asylum system. It should come into force after a 30-day comment period:
WASHINGTON (NEXSTAR) – Ejecting migrants with terrorist links or serious criminal backgrounds will happen faster under a new proposal from the Biden administration.

The Department of Homeland Security says the change allows for a faster assessment of asylum eligibility than current standards.
“People that will ultimately be denied six or seven years down the road needs to happen sooner,” said Suozzi.

DHS says the change would cut down the assessment to a matter of days before rejecting them, but Republicans immediately criticized the rule as too little.
A Global Tax on Billionaires? Janet Yellen Says ‘No’
Treasury secretary came out against the proposed global levy, which proponents say would stop the rich from shifting wealth into countries where they can avoid paying the tax

FRANKFURT—The U.S. opposes a proposed global wealth tax on billionaires, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said, rejecting an idea floated by Brazil, France and other nations to tip the economic scales away from the megarich.

It is Brazil’s turn to lead the Group of 20 major economies this year and the country has called on the group to develop a coordinated approach for taxing ultrawealthy individuals who can move their money into low-tax jurisdictions. The goal is to mirror a global minimum tax on corporations, which roughly 140 countries signed up for in 2021 but has since run into roadblocks in the U.S. and elsewhere.

Yellen said the U.S. wouldn’t support the talks on the issue. She is due to meet later this week with finance ministers from the Group of Seven advanced democracies, who are expected to discuss the global wealth tax.
A Global Tax on Billionaires? Janet Yellen Says ‘No’
Treasury secretary came out against the proposed global levy, which proponents say would stop the rich from shifting wealth into countries where they can avoid paying the tax

FRANKFURT—The U.S. opposes a proposed global wealth tax on billionaires, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said, rejecting an idea floated by Brazil, France and other nations to tip the economic scales away from the megarich.

It is Brazil’s turn to lead the Group of 20 major economies this year and the country has called on the group to develop a coordinated approach for taxing ultrawealthy individuals who can move their money into low-tax jurisdictions. The goal is to mirror a global minimum tax on corporations, which roughly 140 countries signed up for in 2021 but has since run into roadblocks in the U.S. and elsewhere.

Yellen said the U.S. wouldn’t support the talks on the issue. She is due to meet later this week with finance ministers from the Group of Seven advanced democracies, who are expected to discuss the global wealth tax.
That's an interesting development in that Biden has called for a "Wealth Tax" on anyone with over $100 million in assets.
That's an interesting development in that Biden has called for a "Wealth Tax" on anyone with over $100 million in assets.
Yes, on the surface Biden appears to be at odds with his Treasury Secretary. However, there might be a fundamental difference between the G20 proposal that Yellen rejects and the billionaire tax that Biden proposed.

My understanding is the G20 would like to impose a 2% annual tax on the assets owned by the richest people in the world.

My understanding of Biden’s proposal is that he’d like to impose a 25% tax on the income of people who possess the greatest concentration of wealth.

In other words, the G20 wants to tax assets of the wealthiest. Biden wants to tax income of those who have assets worth billions.

My interpretation of the two proposals could be wrong. I can’t find many details about either proposal but it’s hard to imagine that Biden is proposing taxing total assets at 25%. That would imply the taking nearly all the assets of billionaires in just four years.
Thanks, Biden, for making Deplorables worry about a tax increase for their rich overlords.

To be fair, what’s happening to the rich overlords they worship, is exactly what happened to Jesus Christ…

Thanks, Biden, for making Deplorables worry about a tax increase for their rich overlords.
The Dow topped 40k for the first time in history. Data backs that the economy consistently does better under a democratic president. The last 3 democrats had to clean up disastrous Republican messes. The top 1% percent make more money with a booming economy. The poor and middle class tend to spend their windfall from economic prosperity rather than save discretionary income which brings in even more revenue to the corporate sector. Yet, a Republican promising another batch of failed recession causing tax cuts is a reliable con pulled on conservatives every election cycle. Freedom is not free just means differently across the political spectrum.
The Dow topped 40k for the first time in history. Data backs that the economy consistently does better under a democratic president. The last 3 democrats had to clean up disastrous Republican messes. The top 1% percent make more money with a booming economy. The poor and middle class tend to spend their windfall from economic prosperity rather than save discretionary income which brings in even more revenue to the corporate sector. Yet, a Republican promising another batch of failed recession causing tax cuts is a reliable con pulled on conservatives every election cycle. Freedom is not free just means differently across the political spectrum.
That’s great news today. As of last Thursday, the Dow had risen 28% since Biden was inaugurated. Today’s rise bumps it up even more.

Let’s hope it keeps going. The Dow rose 57% under Biden’s predecessor, despite a global pandemic. It would be fantastic if the Dow surpasses that by the end of Biden’s term.
That’s great news today. As of last Thursday, the Dow had risen 28% since Biden was inaugurated. Today’s rise bumps it up even more.

I love ❤️ you!
Have told you that lately?
I posted this to attract 1 member and in this sewer of Lit PB you found me! 🥰🥰🥰🥰

Here’s the bait and switch flaw in my own argument:

Presidents have little to do with stock market performance but that doesn’t stop them from taking credit when markets are performing well.

I know, I know I traveled a long way to point out a hypocrisy but tell me again which person you want to give credit to for the Dow?
I love ❤️ you!
Have told you that lately?
I posted this to attract 1 member and in this sewer of Lit PB you found me! 🥰🥰🥰🥰

Here’s the bait and switch flaw in my own argument:

I know, I know I traveled a long way to point out a hypocrisy but tell me again which person you want to give credit to for the Dow?
Thanks for the warm show of affection. Quite a few folks here share your deep feelings about me. I should probably start an Only Fans site for you guys.

I don’t give credit to any single individual for stock market performance. CEOs, monetary policy officials and politicians around the globe, consumers, workers, acts of God, innovators & creators, trading algorithms are among the many contributors to stock market performance.

Trump took credit for market performance during his term. Biden’s taking credit now. I don’t care who gets credit. I just hope it continues. I will give a shout out to Powell and his Fed colleagues though. At my stage of life, I’m more weighted in fixed income securities. It’s nice getting decent returns on low risk bonds.
Thanks for the warm show of affection. Quite a few folks here share your deep feelings about me. I should probably start an Only Fans site for you guys.

I don’t give credit to any single individual for stock market performance. CEOs, monetary policy officials and politicians around the globe, consumers, workers, acts of God, innovators & creators, trading algorithms are among the many contributors to stock market performance.

Trump took credit for market performance during his term. Biden’s taking credit now. I don’t care who gets credit. I just hope it continues. I will give a shout out to Powell and his Fed colleagues though. At my stage of life, I’m more weighted in fixed income securities. It’s nice getting decent returns on low risk bonds.
Be sure to provide us all with your future OnlyFans link.