Stolen Away (Closed for KaosDancer)

Grateful to have something else to think about than those damnable petals, I looked through what he had brought out. Running through what was here and what I had brought with me, I began to run through a list of what I could create. I could make beef and burgundy, or solianka, or a wild mushroom and… I glanced over at my companion, and suddenly realized that I had no idea of his tastes, Better keep it simple then. I thought to myself. “Looks like beef stew to me and biscuits to me.” I told him with a smile.

Pulling a peeler out of my gear, I handed it to D saying, “If you would please,” gesturing over to the carrots and potatoes. I then turned to the fire. To my surprise even with the amount of time we had left it alone, it still had a good bed of coals, probably even enough to bake the biscuits. Adding some wood to one side of the fire, I hung my cook pot over it and went to work. Onions and the canned beef with a bit of water, brought to a boil… Humm, I thought to myself, tasting the concoction, A bit salty, but the potatoes should cut that. Adding more water, thyme and dried mushrooms, I left it to simmer as I started on the biscuits.

We worked along in comfortable silence, almost anticipating each other’s needs, and soon we had the stew boiling away and the biscuits tucked under the coals.
Smelling that stew, my mouth watering, I looked at the woman I seemed to be stuck in the same boat with, and decided it was about time we got to know each other. "So tell me Theresa, what do you do for a living?"
I looked up from stirring the stew, and said, “I’m a system analysis for a small biotec firm.” “And you?” I asked, setting the spoon aside and taking a seat across from him.
Shaking my head slightly, I grinned at her and said "Well, I'm about as far away from that as you can get! I'm a general contractor for a small construction company. You know, rough construction, concrete work, roofing, like that." I looked up at her, my face darkening a bit, and asked a question I wasn't sure I wanted to "So... I'm assuming you were out here by yourself, and I ain't seen a ring. You got anybody what's gonna be missin' you?"
I shook my head and sighed, "Only my co-workers," I told him softly, "and they won't be looking for me for two weeks." I paused for a moment and gave him a frank look. "How about you?" I asked, "You got a wife and a couple of kids waiting for you back there in reality?"
"Nope." I said thoughtfully "The only guy who'd be likely to miss me was with me when this started. Hell, when I don't show up for work on Monday, they'll just fire me and move on."

I got up to get the tableware for dinner, still thinking about it, and when I came back to my chair, I looked at her and said "So what does our data look like now? We have food, water, and shelter. The weather seems fairly calm, and we ain't seen a sign of nobody since we got here 'cept for each other. Am I missin' anything?"
I leaned forward and rested my head on my hands. I still wasn’t sure I could trust him, and I really didn’t want to relive my earlier experience, but… I raised my head and gave him a sick smile, “Yeah, you are.” I whispered, looking off in the direction of the waterfall.
I waited. She said nothing. I waited more, and she remained just as silent.

That’s enough of that!

Slapping the napkins I happened to be holding down onto the table I stood and walked over to her, squatting down again directly in front of her, giving her no option but to acknowledge me. "Now look here missy," I said quietly, my eyes locked onto hers "There ain't but you and me here for us to turn to. If you start holdin out on me now, I'll just pack up and git. I don't share camp with those what don't want me here. Now I don't know what kinda folks you're used to dealin' with, but I can pretty much assume wasn't none of 'em me."

I sighed heavily, dropping my head slightly as I continued speaking, saying "I don't know where we are, I don't know who brought us here, and I don't know what they want. If you got an idea about it, I need you to share it with me. Clear?"
I looked down at him, wanting to tell him, but scared, so scared he’d laugh and walk away like so many had before. No one had ever believed me when I tried to tell them what I had seen, so I quit trying years ago. But he wasn’t about to let me off, and so I sighed and said, “I’m not sure why they brought us here, and I don’t know what they really are, but I can tell you that we’re not alone. There are no other people here, but we’re not alone.”

I paused for a moment, reluctant to tell him more, but I had to. He had to be warned. “I had an… encounter down at the water. I thought it was a dream, but it wasn’t.” I wrapped my arms around myself and shuddered. “But it wasn’t.” I whispered.
Her trepidation was clear... She knew something, something important, and more than likely it was scaring the hell out of her. I could only think of one thing that might get to me like that, and felt the blood drain from my face.

I had always known there was something going on, something just outside the view of my eyes. The stories my Grandma had told me, the dreams I used to have, they all seemed to melt together after awhile. I had never spoken of them, not even to myself, had never admitted there was anything wrong or out of sorts, had never asked any questions. I could almost feel those fingers in the dark again, hear the soft voices singing to me as I drifted between sleep and wakefulness...

I fell backward, my backside landing hard on the grass as I stared up at her, not wanting her to say it, and knowing she would. The rock... the mist... I understood now.

My voice weak with fear, I spoke... asking the one question that I knew would let her know I understood... "So... what songs did they sing to you?"
“They sung to me as a child.” I whispered. “Come play with us. Dance.” I shook my head and shuddered again, “But they haven’t sung to me in years. They don’t lure me away in dreams anymore. Now I’m just there.”

I looked at him for a moment and said, “I thought I was going crazy. I’ve spent a fortune on psychiatrist and sleep studies, but they only made it worse.” I looked off into the distance and whispered, “I gave up years ago. After my fiancé walked out, there was no reason to even try anymore, and now this.”

“Damn them!”
I rose slowly, oddly relaxed now that the truth was out, and eased forward. I was acting impulsively, not even thinking. I understood her, and I knew that she understood me. This had never happened before, and I didn't even bother trying to figure out what it all meant.

I wrapped my arms around her, drawing her into a comforting hug and breathing a shuddering sigh of relief. "Well," I said softly "At least we know what’s going on now."
I hugged him back. "He believes me!" I thought to myself in wonder, "No one has ever believed me before" Then his words sunk into my brain and I shuddered as I said, "Yeah. We've been stolen by fairies!"

I didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but I was afraid to allow myself to do either, so I tried to hold myself in check, but it was not to be. The shock of what I'd been though today, coupled with the relief of having someone who believed me shattered through the shell I'd been building for so long, and began to cry, softy at first and then harder until the sobs threatened to tear me apart.
Stolen by Fairies... It seemed so odd to hear it said aloud. I felt her begin moving slightly against me, and thought for a moment that she was laughing at the absurdity of it, but knew better soon enough.

She broke down, crumbling in my arms, and I held her as she cried. She sobbed harder, and I rocked her slowly, instinctively. My hand stroked her hair, my breathing shifted to become deep and even. "I've got you sweetie..." I murmured to her gently "I'm right here."

I held her for as long as she cried, and held her while she rebuilt her composure, not looking at her, simply holding her close without judgment. I had managed, with the aid of several thousand dollars worth of alcohol, to avoid the madness she had endured over the years. I had not dealt with the rejection, with the frustration... All I had to deal with was being perpetually broke, and having enough hangovers to have killed several average college students.

I held her... and I enjoyed it.
Once I had regained a margin of my composure, I didn’t pull away. His arms around me filled me with such peace that I didn’t want to move. Then, suddenly, I smelled something and pulled away with and exclamation of “The biscuits!”
Laughing loudly, I rolled backward, turning a complete flip to land on my feet once more as I got out of the way as quickly as possible. Snagging a potholder, I tossed it to her, and went to stir the stew, making certain that it wasn't sticking on the bottom.

"So since we have both been through this," I said carefully, unsure of her reaction "You wanna share some experiences? Myself, I've been having the dreams and such since I was a little kid. Never told anybody about it 'cause I didn't wanna be called a freak, I suppose... Then, when I finally got old enough, I just got drunk alot. It helped some, I guess..."
Catching the potholder, I fished the Dutch oven out of the fire. “I’ve always avoided alcohol myself.” I told him as I carefully brushed the coals from the top of the pot. “I couldn’t bear to relinquish what little control I had over myself – even if it would have meant a moment’s peace.” Lifting the lid I scowled down at the chard mass within. “So much for my cooking,” I laughed as I sat the pot aside and turned and looked at him.

“As for my experiences…” I stoppedm looked around at the clearing and sighed. “Maybe that’s a discussion better left for the light of day,” I told him, nodding off toward the setting sun. “Let me grab some bread, and we can eat, if the stew is salvagable.”
Nodding triumphantly, I hefted the pot off its rest on the stove, and brought it to the table, arranging the other sundries as she hunted through her provisions, and settled down into a pleasant meal once she had returned.

Sharing the meal with her, however, I found myself thinking again of what I had seen, or at least glimpsed that afternoon, and on more than one occasion caught myself allowing my eyes to drift across her now-clothed form. I wasn't leering... not exactly, but I was enjoying her proximity, that’s for certain, and snapped back a couple of times to find her speaking with me.

Shaking my head, I passed it off as being tired, not unreasonable considering the strain I had pushed these sore muscles through today, and caught back up. When she turned to begin cleaning up after the meal, however, it was difficult to do much else beyond stare after her, watching as she bent over to do this or that, stirring the coals of the fire or scraping the plates clean before dropping them into the waterfilled tub.

I was filled suddenly with an almost overwhelming urge to stand up and just take her, to rip the clothing from her sensual form and feast my hunting eyes on her prominent charms. In my mind I saw the scene over and over, her reclined form squirming across that wet stone, and wanted nothing so much as to pry her legs apart if need be and simply make her...

Shaking my head again, this time with nothing close to sleepiness, I got up to help out, washing and drying the few dishes we had dirtied in an attempt to distract my fevered imagination. Once that was done, more for her safety than anything else, I told her that I was gonna go lay down, and wished her a good night. Leaning close, I halted myself a few inches away from her, the surprise clear on my face as I realized that I had been about to kiss her... I wouldn't have minded... not at all, truth be told, but was a bit freaked out that it had been almost instinctual, all but automatic to do it!

Damn... This girl had better cave in soon or she was gonna wake up raped, and I wasn't really sure at the moment if I'd have much to say about it!
Setting the last of the pans aside, I heard him say he was heading to bed, and I turned to wish him a good night. He leaned down, as if to kiss me, and I found myself unconsciously raising my face up to. Suddenly, he seemed to realize what he was doing and backed away.

Startled by his advances and my unconscious response, I stood and looked at him for a moment and become conscious of a hushed expectancy in the air around us. So that’s why we’re here. I thought to myself, Well, I’ll be damned if I’ll do what you want.

Stepping back a bit, I smiled at my companion and said, "Sleep well," and turned and walked away. Working hard to keep my composure, I unzipped my tent, stepped inside and zipped it shut behind me. As soon as I was done I collapsed to the floor, shaking in reaction to the heat which filled my body at the aborted encounter. When I could stop trembling, I stood and began to get ready for bed. The familiar rituals of teeth brushing and pajamas calmed me and I was soon able to convince myself that we hadn’t almost… "Don’t think about it." I whispered to myself as I turned out my light, "He’s a nice guy." I insisted and climbed into bed.

I didn’t think I’d be able to sleep with all that had happened, but found myself lulled by the sound of the distant waterfall and the delicate scent of rose petals and, sooner than I'd ever have thought possible, I drifted off to sleep.
I sat in my behemoth of a tent for what seemed like forever. My body seemed determined to betray me, with hands that refused to stop shaking, a heartbeat that thudded and raced out of control, and a mind that steadfastly refused to ignore the fact that she was right there, so fucking close! I raised my trembling hands to my face and dropped my elbows to my knees, shifting forward on the sturdy little chair that had been provided, and took a long, slow, deep breath, trying desperately to calm my fevered reactions. Damn... I thought feverishly I needed a drink!

I waited though, knowing full well that the beer was outside... with her. I waited until I heard the sound of her tent zipper, and only then moved to exit my new home, daring only then to chance looking outside of these canvas walls… Moving quickly, I threw open the flap and slipped out, heading directly toward my battered cooler, and the cool, sweet nectar that lay hidden within. Grabbing not one, but two of the slender aluminum canisters, I closed the lid and sat on it, still trying to relax, and spotted the glow of a camp lantern coming from her tent.

I didn’t mean to look, I even tried not to… but the moving shadow displayed so clearly across that nylon wall captured my attention, and once it had, there was no looking away. She rose up just as I glanced over, coming to a standing position and stopping directly in front of her lamp… I couldn’t have asked for a better view from a peep show. I had a clear vantage of her movements, and watched with wide eyes and quickening breath as she looked down at her chest, undoing the buttons one at a time as she stood in flawless profile, and couldn’t even blink as that shirt slipped down her arms, her hands sliding along as if guiding it. I snapped open the top on my first beer as she flipped the shirt off to the side, stretching exquisitely and twisting as she reveled in her sensual grace… Her bra was next, her deft fingers slipping behind her to find those troublesome fastenings and popping them free with an air of practiced skill, and she repeated the guiding actions of her delicate hands as she slid the straps free of her shoulders and down her arms. She stretched again, more expansively now, and cupped her tender breasts with her hands, massaging them to ease the ache that the bra had caused. Her nipples, free of their confinement at last, sprang forward obscenely, the perky points showing deliciously on the shifting shadows that I witnessed, and making my mouth water even as I watched.

Sliding her hands down across that gentle swell of stomach, she at last found the hook and eye combination that marked the top fastening for her shorts, and I watched in utter fascination as she worked the tight closure open, and could plainly hear the sibilant, teasing sound of her zipper easing down, even as her shadow matched the movements. Then, much to my delight, she bent at the waist, still in beautiful profile, and slid those tight coverings down her shapely legs, rising to step out of them with a dainty charm even as she adjusted the sides of her panties with her hands in an unconscious movement. She paused then, seemingly thoughtful, before tucking her fingers into the waistband of those skimpy coverings, and easing them down as well, even as I groaned in response and swallowed the last gulp of my beer before I choked on it.

She spent a good amount of time then preening and posing, although I doubt that’s what she thought she was doing, before at last slipping into her pajamas, ending my private show, but leaving me with a swollen cock the likes of which I hadn’t had in years! Rising quickly, I stumbled toward her tent, my other beer forgotten, and my hands now intent on only one thing… I must have her! I must take her, must possess her, must FUCK HER!! I was almost there, almost to that thin wall that separated us, soundlessly approaching what was soon to become my victim when I heard her quiet voice from within.

”Don’t think about it.” she whispered, thinking that there were none to hear her ”He’s a nice guy.”

A nice guy… Nice guy… I’m a nice guy… A nice guy… that me… Nice guys do not do this. Nice guys do not rape women just because they are there!! I stopped in my tracks, my mind and body struggling against each other, and ground my clenched fists against my forehead. I was a nice guy alright, but one that had been about to change his status pretty much forever. I couldn’t fight my urges… My need, my desire was too strong. But by god I could control some things… Turning, forcing my body to move by focusing only on the strong muscles in my legs, willing them to move me, to get me the hell away from here, I struggled to save her. I fought to keep her safe… from myself.

Charging through the grasses, stomping through the night, I growled and hissed, my body shook and twitched as I raged against my own impulses, as I struggled to regain my humanity, my civility. I wandered in wide circles, venting my frustration as best I could, and failing miserably. I needed something else… something to help. What I needed was a goddamn cold shower, but there wasn’t… HA! Turning sharply, I ran, pushing myself as hard as I could. I had to reach the lake, had to get to that cold water!

Plunging through the woods, the branches tearing at my clothing and hair, I flew down that hill, and reached the waters edge with a breathless sense of accomplishment, tearing free of my clothing and diving into the cold, dark water head first. The icy chill of it slammed into me, shocking my senses and killing the desire I had felt boiling within me within mere seconds. I broke the surface and gasped for breath, my arms and legs swirling to keep me above the surface, and closed my eyes in blessed relief. Once more was I myself again, once more was I in control…

For almost an hour I floated and swam those frigid waters, and when at last I got out, I sat on that same stone, the same one I had seen her writhing on, and thought nothing of it… at first. Sitting there in my bare flesh, however, I remembered the last time I had seen that stone, and that it had been covered with naked flesh then too… I glanced up to the top of the falls, wondering for a fleeting moment how she had felt, what she had felt, before shrugging my shoulders and stretching out on the hard surface myself.

I noticed almost immediately that the surface wasn’t as flat as I had thought, but that there were actually subtle dips and rises spread across it, odd contours that seemed to be custom made to hold my lanky frame. My ass fit just fine in that depression there, and my back was supported perfectly by the rise right beside it… The only things that didn’t seem to fit were my long legs. The stone was just about a foot too short for me… but there were spots for me to catch my toes if I kicked my feet back and sat them flat on the rough surface. It felt odd to lie like that, like I was on display or something… and that’s about the time I spotted someone in the woods.

Shit! She saw me! I thought as I bolted upright, anger and shame mixed in fair amounts in my mind. She had followed me, despite the fact that I had come here to save her, and had been spying on me this whole fucking time! Pissed as hell, I jumped off the stone and tore ass up the hill, my tattered clothes forgotten in the furious rush that I was feeling. I hit the treeline and kept going, a strange fire growing within me, and barely noticed that I was growling and snarling as I fought my way through the trees. I was scratched, whipped with limbs and shrubbery, and I didn’t fucking care!

I saw the slim form running through the trees ahead of me, and my mind locked on the target like a homing missile. I roared and stomped, breaking limbs and crashing through the forest like a wild beast, and caught that fleeing figure near the crest of the hill. My hand, iron hard and lightning quick, reached out and clamped onto her arm, just above the elbow, and I spun her to the ground with a vicious fury. I had fought, I had struggled, I had done every fucking thing I could think of to keep from tearing into her… and she had come out here after me, wiping out everything I had achieved! My cock was hard as stone as I stared down at that soft skin, at that cascade of wheat-blond hair, and I knew that I… Wheat-blond hair?

The woman I had caught, the woman that I had attacked, was not Tess, but someone else entirely! "Who the fuck are you!?" I demanded bluntly, no longer willing to put up with anything from anyone. She didn’t answer… ”Who Are you dammit!” I bellowed, stepping forward menacingly, but still she stayed silent, merely lying there, curled about herself where I had thrown her.

I had had enough. Reaching down, I smacked her hard across the face, sending her head flying back and up, laying her out across the ground in a startled sprawl. Pouncing forward, growling like the beast I must have resembled, I landed full across her, my feet hooked across her ankles and my right knee wedged between her thighs. My bloodied chest crushed her to the fallen leaves and my outstretched hands quickly wrapped around her wrists. This girl, whoever the fuck she was, had found me at just the wrong damned time.

Snarling and gnashing my teeth, I tore into her neck, all but breaking through that white skin as I gave in to my desires at last. She isn’t Tess. I’m not raping Tess. I’m still a nice guy… Over and over that mantra ran through my fevered brain, the only truly coherent thought that existed there at the moment. I drug her hands together over her head, thereby more able to hold them with one hand of my own, and relished her struggles… She knew full well what I was about to do, I could see the terror of it in her eyes, and I laughed straight in her face and reached down with that free right hand and gripped a handful of soft tit flesh and nipple. I ground the meat of her breast back against her ribs, watching her pained expression with a glazed interest and fascination, and switched tactics a bit to pinch just that pale tan nipple between my finger and thumb, drawing it upward until she squealed in pain and thrashed her head back and forth, eliciting another laugh from my sneering lips. I drove forward then, forcing my mouth onto hers, piercing my tongue between those soft lips, and pinching that nip hard to make her open her jaw.

I kissed her hard, bruising her lips and not caring, and began to relax just a bit much I suppose. I’m not quite sure how the bitch bit me, but I do know that that was the last bit of impetus I needed to send me completely over the fucking edge! Roaring in fury, I lurched to my knees, dragging her up with me by her hair, and clubbed her with my balled up fist. I hit her once, twice, a third time… I was enjoying it… I was going to be sick… Rising further, still dragging her by the hair, I reached my feet and drew back my leg to kick her in the stomach, doubling her over as she crouched there on her knees, and only releasing her hair to grab her by the back of the neck while she was bent over. ”You bit the wrong motherfucker tonight bitch” I spat at her, pressing her head down to the dirt ”All I fucking wanted was your god damned name. Now, all you are going to want is free of me!”

I had played at the bondage thing before, had experimented, just the same as everybody else, but this was different. This time… this time I fucking meant it! Switching hands on her neck, I crouched down beside her and ran my hand down her back, my calloused paw dragging like claws down the sensitive skin as I traversed my way to her ass, and stopped there. ”You bit me girl.” I said in a nasty, guttural tone I had never heard myself use before ”And that was bad. Bad girl… bad girl… Now what do we do with bad girls, hmmm?” I didn’t wait for an answer, didn’t even know if she could give me one, but instead just brought that hand up high and slammed it down again, the stinging slap of skin on skin ringing through the trees as she twitched and jerked in response. Again that slap met her flesh, and again, and again. I beat her till my arm became sore from the effort, till her ass was red and swollen, hot to the touch and beautiful to behold. I beat her until she was hot enough to begin dripping…

I could smell the scent of her, all but taste her cunt on my tongue, and I liked it... Flipping her over, her mouth opening wide in surprise as her sore ass hit the rough ground, I grabbed her by the hair once more and stood quickly, dragging her to her knees and maneuvering her to the position I wanted. Knees wide, back on the heels… just right. Beautiful… Stepping forward then, my mind filled with the vision of her naked and raw sexuality, I gripped her head with both hands and drove my hot cock between those silent lips.

She had a natural talent for sucking cock, and I made damn good use of it. Pounding into her mouth, driving myself deep into her throat, I listened to her gag and didn’t bother stopping. I slammed home again and again, forcing her to either relax or choke to death on my dick, and sat up a rhythm that suited me best. Steady and slow, deep and smooth, I slid back and forth between those lips, pausing only long enough to let her suck and lick at the underside of the tip before driving back again, as solid as steel, as unstoppable as a fucking machine… I let my cum build slowly, let it pulse and percolate deep within my balls before I quickened my pace, before I shifted my now-twitching grip to the back of her head. I didn’t know if she swallowed, didn’t know if she knew how… It was gonna happen, and there wasn’t shit she could do about it!

Groaning and growling, my knees flexing and my body arched, I rode that building wave, and slammed in harder and faster as I felt that crest rushing at me. With a screaming roar, a guttural, savage, and ringing tribute to the sexual frenzy I was experiencing, I flooded her mouth with cum, spit shot after shot deep within her throat and sprayed it all over her face when she choked and gagged in response. I forced my way back into that mouth, driving in and grinding hard, her nose crushed against my pelvis as I cut off her air and shot the last of my ‘gift’ directly down her gullet.

I released her then, letting her fall back and gasp for air, breathing hard and fighting to stay upright myself in the lightheaded euphoria that follows a powerful orgasm, and leaned against a tree for support. I watched her as I rested, and it was well that I did, for I was able to snag her ankle and drag her back when she tried to escape! She had been compliant, had gone along with my wishes, and was now trying to make her escape while I was weakened… She didn’t know who the hell she was dealing with, or she would never have tried it.

Dragging her by that ankle, I reached up and found a better purchase in the familiar grip of her hair, and backhanded her across the face for her troubles, grinning at her with a malevolent pleasure. "Where the fuck do you think you’re goin’?” I snapped, throwing her down to the ground again and standing on the back of her neck, holding her there ”I ain’t nowhere near done with you yet.”

Still grinning, I worked my hand up and down the length of my still-hard cock, and pondered what to do next… I had taken her mouth, and that was a fine, fine thing, but that left her pussy and ass. Aw hell, I wanted her pussy first! Dragging my foot free of her neck, a crouched down again, my dick sticking out like a damned flagpole, and swung around behind her. I reached up and grabbed a handful of that long and twisted hair, and yanked her head back, using the strands like a bridle on a horse to drag her backward, lifting her up from her docile positioning, and lining her dripping cooze up with my shaft perfectly. I wrapped my right hand in those blond hairs, and reached between us with my left, using thumb and forefinger to explore the flooded folds of her cunt before I dove into it full bore… What I found was astonishing, and delightful. ”Fuck me, you’re a goddamn virgin!” I sneered at her. ”Oh this is gonna be fun!”

Grinning, I guided my thick hammer to that squelching treasure, and paused, placing my left hand now on the small of her back and pressing down slightly, making that ass rise up to me a bit, and giving me a better line on that pussy before easing my way in. I felt it, that thin membrane that separates girls from women, and rubbed against it for a moment before drawing back a bit and punching forward, stopping just after I felt that sudden pop, and groaned slightly as her cunt snapped down on me, grinning and laughing while she jerked and tried to pull away, knowing the pain I had given her, and reveling in it. I gave her a few moment to compose herself before I yanked on the reigns again, dragging her head up, and forcing her back to arch with my other hand. It wouldn’t do to have her first time be anything less than a stellar experience, now would it?

Slowly, maybe even gently, I slipped deep within her, settling myself in completely and grunting as I ground myself all the way in. Damn she was hot! I slid backwards, drawing my length out of her, and felt her still silent body shudder in response... or maybe pain before driving back in with a sudden force, slamming all the way to the depths in a single thrust that sent her into spasming agony for a few seconds. I paused again, giving her a moment, and wondering what it would take to make this bitch scream, before beginning this fuck in earnest, dragging my cock out, almost to the crown of the meaty head, and driving back in, crushing myself against her with each deep thrust. Again I set the rhythm, but this time, this time I wanted it to last. I switched up between fast and slow, alternated a bit between deep and shallow strokes, and even shifted my weight around a bit to try different angles. No, this one was going to be good… I was going to hear her scream this time, or at least make her wish she had!

Speed, depth, position, I explored her cunt with the tip of my dick, and found her secret places… I knew she liked the slow, shallow strokes, so I threw in a fair amount of them. I knew that she tingled a bit when I slammed all the way in from a lower angle, so I would occasionally drop down and lurch forward, spiking into her and making her twitch. I found also that when I put my hand under her stomach and lifted a bit… just a bit… I slid directly across that most magical of spots every time I drove into her. It wasn’t long before her movements shifted from the pained seething of a victim to the wanton writhing of the fully initiated... but still, she made no sound, not even a gasp, not a moan... NOTHING! In the absence of vocal responses, I listened to her body instead, tuned out everything but her reactions, listened only to her shakes and twitches, to the spasms and writhing thrusts… and I listened as well to the motion, if not the sounds... of her breathing as it got faster and faster… faster and faster…

Her body shaking now, slamming back against me of its own accord, she fucked herself on my cock, throwing her head back and forth in near delirium… I let go of her hair, it was useless to hold it now, and instead took hold around her slender hips, wrapping my long fingers around those soft curves and taking control once more. Where she suddenly wanted hard and deep, I gave her slow… agonizingly slow, and the needful thrusts, the frustrated and almost dangerous jerks and jabs of her overheated body were a thing of beauty. I knew just where to play, just where to drive my dick to get her off… and came damned close every time. I held her there, on that trembling edge of orgasm, for several minutes. Her body, not used to such ravages and demands, began to seek revenge on her for the constant abuse, and I could see the charlie-horses coursing up her thighs and forearms, watched with giddy delight as she struggled simply to stay in contact with the flesh she now needed so badly, the sinful pleasure that she had fought so hard to get away from... and still I held her from release.

When she came at last, nudged over by my caressing shaft, her mouth opened in what should have been a violent shriek... but instead left only a blistering silence as her face and chest turned a vivid purple from the exertion. I fucked her then, driving my cock through her clenching pussy to seek my own release, and found it soon enough. She was still shaking from her savage ride when I pumped my jizz into her, and the only movement she did once I had drug myself free of her was to keel the fuck over onto her side! I staggered over to her, inspecting the damage as it were, and found her breathing but unconscious, dead to the world… driven to oblivion by the crushing weight of the experience she had gotten. I stood there, grinning like an idiot, and was caught completely off guard by the next visitor I received…

”What ho, my Lord. Thou hast fair rendered yon Nymph bereft of her very senses!”

Spinning around quickly, I lost my balance and fell on my ass, which is just as well. I would have needed to sit down when I saw her anyway… Rich chestnut hair draped in ringlets down to the small of her back, and her tanned skin and toned physique hadn’t taken anything away from her feminine charms. Full, round breasts lay fully exposed, their puckered tips seeming to point straight at me while she spoke, and the striking beauty of her face was enough to make any man hard… and I could prove it! The problem, however, lay in her lower anatomy… which consisted on two little cloven hooves at the end of her furry goat legs! Stolen by motherfuckin FAERIES!”

”Alright…” I said as calmly as I could ”So you’re a Satyr then, right? And this girl… this one is a… a Nymph…”

”A Dryad, to be precise, Master, aye. Thou hast the gist of it, well enough." she said in that sultry voice of hers… Damn it, I was so fucking hard!

”Alright then... So maybe one a you two cunts can tell me what the fuck is going on here!" I roared, staggering upwards and stomping toward her threateningly without even realizing I had regained my feet.

”Aye, sweet Master, tis just that. Thou art here... to fuck…” she said in that teasing tone, stopping my rage with a single lewd caress down the length of my turgid shaft. ”The pair of thee, thyself and thy gentle Mistress, art here to enjoy the comforts we have sought to offer thee for so long… and with this staff of thine, we could start e'en now as might be thy wont…”

I blinked. Twice. Here I was, lost in a dream somewhere, cut off from my friends, cut off from everything I had ever fucking known. I had come damn close to attacking the one other person I had found here, and I had just brutally raped and beaten a mythical creature… Only to be approached and propositioned by another one. I was fucking insane. That was it. This was a delusion, and I was strapped to a fucking table in the psycho ward somewhere, probably getting my brain deep-fried as I sat here wondering about it!

What the fuck... I thought to myself If I’m gonna be nuts, I might as well be really fucking nuts.

Reaching forward, I ensnared the goat legged whatsit, and leaned forward just enough to get my teeth on those nipples, chewing and gnawing at the resilient flesh even as she grunted and moaned in response, her hands never once leaving my cock. I reached up and ran my fingers through that glorious hair, encountering the little nub-horns I had half expected, and gripped her by the back of the neck with my strong fingers. I left her breasts then, and traveled to her neck, biting and licking at the silky skin, and breathing my hot breath across the tiny hairs. I gnawed the tender folds of her ear, and traced the edge of its pointed expanse with my thumb when I turned her head to get to the other one. I growled against the skin, allowed my body to build up the tensions and desires needed to raise my bodies temperature once more, and then sought out those lips with my own, engaging in soft combat with her when our tongues met and entwined, and felt her moan into my mouth in response to my ministrations.

Reaching down, I explored her strange body, finding pretty much what I would on a normal girl, but slightly different in placement… Teasing her swollen labia, I got the same response as I would any other girl, and when I dipped deep enough to feel her growing wetness the scent of her sweet nectar was about the same… Still, I was a bit out of my element here, and there was no real reason not to ask… ”So… I want to fuck you, I really do. But I don’t think the logistics are gonna work here… How exactly am I supposed to get myself into you?”

Without so much as a decent pause, this furry-legged slut was bent at the waist and had taken the weight of her torso onto her arms, shoving her backside straight at me. ”Thy previous paramore doth give tell that thou hast already partaken of both mouth and cunny, aye? Well then, my sweet Master, that leaves only one thing more for the gamut then. I would that you pummel into my arse Milord, if this be not beyond the keen of thine interests... I have felt thy heated and glorious strength, and woulds't gladly give myself over to such a pleasure… Please, Master… I ask... nay, beg thee piston into my nethers with whate'er abandon thou dost wish!”

I didn’t bother to ask how she had gotten that sort of information from someone that had yet to so much as breath heavy, mush less speak a single damned word as far as I knew, I just shrugged my shoulders and got down to business! Slipping forward, I plowed myself into her pussy, finding an easy access from this angle, and brought a good moan to those shapely lips before I withdrew with an audible pop. Spitting into my hand for a bit more lubrication, I palmed my cock with one hand even as I nudged into her tender asshole with the thumb of the other hand. A few stroked is all I dared, and I rose to a more comfortable height before pressing the spongy head of my manhood against the sphincter of the Satyr girl… I waited for a single heartbeat, almost an eternity when you are poised at a good assfuck, and then drove straight in, going full bore on the first stroke, and meeting her twitching little goat tail with my stomach at a solid slap.

She let out a sound… not quite a scream, not quite a bleat, but somewhere in between, and threw back her head in reaction to my drive. I didn’t hesitate, I didn’t think, I reached up with both hands and caught that mass of curls, digging my fingers in even as I ground my hips around, settling myself into the perfect fuck position for this animalistic bitch. Once I had a good grip, I slid back, moving only my hips as I held her in place by that mountain of hair, and then drilled back in once more, getting a deep grunt from her extended throat. ”I don’t know what you expected here “Little Goat Peep”, but we’re gonna do this thing my way. I’m gonna fuck you slow and steady… I’m gonna slide my cock into your ass like I own it, because for the moment, I fucking do. Do you understand me bitch?”

I hadn’t expected an answer, hadn’t heard anything from the other one, so why should I get a word outta this one? Still though, I had asked a question, and a question begs an answer. I heard her words, heard what she said, and even knew how she meant it… but was a bit ill-prepared when she struggled to nod and whispered ”Yes, my sweet Master.” in a voice as pure and sweet as fresh milk.

Master… Yes, Master… I liked that. She had said it before, yeah, but with the way she had been speaking it seemed like a natural thing to say... kinda like "sir". This one though... yeah, this one was different. And I liked it. Looking over at the still crumpled form of the Dryad, I caught her watching us, her eyes taking in every twitch, every plunge… ”Get the fuck over here slut.” I ordered, plowing away at the ass in front of me ”You got a mouth, and I fucking know it works, even if you don't fucking talk... Get your skinny ass over here and get on this pussy.” She was up and moving before I had even finished speaking, sliding over the leaf-covered ground to slip beneath the Satyr, lifting her head to dive tongue-first into the dripping cunt I had abandoned to get to this asshole. ”That’s a good girl…” I purred ”You do a good job and I might let her eat you out later, so make damn sure she enjoys herself now, ya hear?”

I was in heaven... fucking heaven! A tight ass for me to fuck, two willing slave girls for me to use and abuse however I fucking felt like, and nobody else around to tell me my business! I slammed home again and again in that furry ass, my fingers locked in that shaggy mane while the slender Nymph licked and sucked, rubbed and nibbled, making damn certain that this bitch was enjoying herself! I plowed ahead for what felt like hours, slicing in and out of that fuzzy backside with the same slow, methodical rhythm that always seemed to get me off the best, and rode out the storms of not one, not two, but three mind-blowing orgasms that the goat-legged cunt had gotten to have. One thing about Dryads, they seem to know their way around a pussy!

I felt my own orgasm building fast, surging and pulsing within me in preparation for the final strokes, and began growling again, my mind sliding back to that primal sate that had proved so eventful for the first girl, and I began pounding harder and harder into her ass, again shifting my grip from hair to hips so as to get a better hold. My hands wrapped easily around her furry flanks, and I dug my fingertips into the soft flesh beyond those strange bones, no longer allowing her to move herself, but instead guiding her, moving her, directing her as to exactly where I wanted her on my dick. As I came, as I felt it rush forward, so too did I, slamming hard into her ass and grinding away, trying to pour every bit of my soul and body into her ass even as I emptied my seed within her. I did not yell, I did not roar. These are simple terms, far too simple to explain the sound that issued from me, and I emptied my lungs with the effort of it. The trees shook, leaves fell around us, and I thought I heard an answering peel of thunder from far away… All seemed to fade, however, as I slowly collapsed across that furred back, slipping out of that exquisite ass, and to the soft ground in utter exhaustion…

I lay there, gulping air, and gazed at the two women-things that I had ravaged. They seemed stronger somehow, stronger than I was right now, at any rate, and I felt a momentary fear. They could retaliate now, and I would be virtually powerless to stop them… I watched, eyes wide, as the Dryad turned, her face no longer bruised or bloody, her hair neat and smooth once more, and began crawling toward me… I saw the Satyr, her hair perfect and her skin unmarked now from the passage of my teeth, as she eased to the ground as well and began to crawl toward me…

They met beside me, kissed lightly to show their love for each other, and then kissed me, each in turn. ”I thank you, my Master.” the Satyr said with her pretty forehead brushing the ground… The Dryad, silent as always, clasped her hands together between her breasts and then lay them flat on her spread knees, backs to the thighs, sitting back on the heels, head bowed and eyes downcast… perfect… Beautiful. "You are welcome, my pretty girls…” I whispered, a faint smile playing at my lips as the last of my strength fled me, and I slept.

Waking, I stretched, the cot shifting and creaking under my weight, and extended my bare arms well over my head. I rolled out of bed and was halfway to the doorway before I realized that I was completely naked… and covered in well healed, but still faintly traceable scratches… ”Aw fuck…” I whispered to no one in particular, closing my eyes against the reality I knew I was living in. Opening one eye, I glanced down beside the cot, and there, sure as the world, torn and rent where I had fought to get free of them and still cool from the mist of the falls, lay my clothing in a neatly folded stack. Swallowing hard, and kicking those tattered remnants under the cot, I dressed quickly in one of my other outfits, pretty much a copy of the whole tee/jeans/overshirt combo that I had been wearing before, and left the tent. I didn’t know if it was still there or not, but I seem to remember there being two beers getting pulled out of that cooler, and I most certainly could stand to rescue it from its loneliness right now if I could find the damned thing…
I awoke to the fading sound of feminine giggling. Clutching my sheet up to my chin, I looked around my tent in the rosy glow of the light of dawn. Everything seemed fine – or at least like I left it last night. Easing out of bed, I walked over, unzipped the upper corner of my door, and looked out. There didn’t seem to be anything amiss in the camp. I looked over to the fire and saw the coffee press sitting on the table. Coffee! What ever else this strange place would bring today, at least I’d have my coffee first. I slipped my feet into my slippers and threw on my robe, and stepped out to face the day.

I had to stop in wonder at the beauty of the sunrise. As I watched, the sky lit up in a brilliant display of oranges and reds, as if it had just been waiting for me to appear before it began its most dazzling display. I started to shrug aside that conceited thought, when I suddenly realized that it probably had. Wherever we are and whatever else they may be wanting from us. They had, so far, gone out of their way to make this pleasant for us. As the light rose, my eyes were caught by an even more magnificent display. Sometime during the night our surroundings had changed once again, and we were now surrounded by an astonishing display of flowers. The riotous display of colors took my breath away, and begged to be explored, but first…Coffee!

I turned my attentions to the fire – working with practiced ease; I brought the coals up to a nice blaze in no time. We’re gonna have to get some more fuel for the fire today. I thought to myself as I looked over the pitiful remnants of our supply of fuel for the fire. And water. I added as I easily lifted the last of our water jugs and filled the kettle. With practiced ease I set up the coffee press and set it aside to wait for the water to boil. The coffee started, I stopped and surveyed the lush surroundings. With a frown, I noticed the unopened beer sitting on the top of the cooler. "He really should learn to put things away." I said as I walked over, picked up the beer and opened his cooler. "Huh,” I said in surprise as I looked at the contents of the cooler. It contained a couple of the silvery cans like the one I held in my hand, but the rest of the space was crammed full of corked earthenware bottles and ice. "Well, that must be what they were doing." I say with a smile as I remember the giggling voices. I shut the cooler, shrugged and returned the can to its former position.

The loud whistle of the kettle dragged me from this new mystery back over to the fire. "Well, whatever’s in those bottles," I said to myself as I poured the water over the grounds. "I’m sure it’ll turn out to be something he enjoys." I set the press aside to steep, and moved the kettle over to where it would stay hot, but stop screaming. Turning back to the press, I pushed the plunger down clearing the grounds. I held one of the “gift” mugs up smiling at the workmanship and then filled it with the dark brew. Taking a careful sip, I walked over and started to sit down, but the day was already growing a bit warn, so I sat down my cup and took off my robe. Feeling better, I settled into my camp chair and kicked off my slippers. Picking my cup back up, I sat and played with the cool grass with my toes as I sipped on my coffee, letting the worries of yesterday fade, and wondering what wonders the day would bring.

I finished my coffee and stood up, intending to get some more when I noticed a path of grass that led off through the flowers, with a smile; I wandered off to see where it led.
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Still stretching, I exited the cavernous maw of my tent, spying the gleaming silver cylinder of the lonely beer without much effort. I didn't remember leaving it on the cooler, in fact I was all but certain I had left it beside the thing, but what the hell, at least it was easy to find.

Snagging it up in my weary hand, I plunked myself down on the old blue beast and popped the top open, looking around at our so-called cage once more. Everywhere I looked I saw flowers festooning the landscape, blossoms of every color, of every description rioted with each other for prominence among their fellows. The sun was warm, the air was sweet, and the faint traces of coffee were in the air.

Coffee? Damn, she must already be awake! Looking around again, I spotted the teakettle, moved off to the side of the side of the pit so as not to scorch, , the coffee press nearby, still filled with grounds from her first cup of the day, and even caught sight of her robe and those silly slippers of hers... but Tess herself was nowhere to be seen... Where the hell was she then? Guzzling the beer, I thought about all that had happened last night, and wondered idly if she might be off on her own... adventure... Not likely though, I thought. Those seem to take place more at night than anything else, just like the dreams... No, she wasn't in any real danger, of that I was certain, but I was curious, to say the least.

Rising at last, the empty beer can left sitting on the nearby table, I took a hard look at those colorful surroundings again, and spotted a small footpath that lay carved through the tumult. Thick grass seemed to make a carpet of sorts there, and I could see clearly where the morning dew had been disturbed. Shaking my head, I headed off to follow, moving at a leisurely pace, not hurrying at all, and knowing that I had no reason to.

Where this place had once seemed a cage, had brought me to the edge of reason and fright, I now saw it for what it was, a gift, just as that luscious little Satyr girl had said. I was at peace this morning, and saw no threat in her wandering alone... our "friends" would watch over her...
I wandered down the path for a bit, admiring the profusion of flowers and reveling in the feel of the soft grass on my feet. The land’s contours had changed during the night, and I soon found myself out of sight of the camp. To my surprise, I felt a rush of relief when I could no longer see the camp, not sure where it came from, whether it was the pressure that I felt when I was around D – or if it was just the shocking look of the horribly mundane tents against the glorious backdrop of this fantasy world.

I took a deep breath of the crisp clean air, and let it out slowly, allowing the last of my worry to fall away. I looked around me. Ahead, the path led off on a gently wandering trail down the hill, to my left the land rose and then abruptly dropped off, so I could not see what lay on the other side. Never one to take the obvious trail, I smiled and turned and left the path, picking my way carefully through the flowers, trying not to bruise their delicate petals. It took a while, but I was in no hurry, and soon I crested the hill, and stopped a started down into the secluded valley that lay before me.

I clapped my hands in delight at the vista spread before me. There was a small bubbling spring in the center surrounded by what looked like strawberry plants. And behind the spring was a bower of twisted grape and morning glory vines, laden with fruits and flowers. But the most astonishing thing of all was the butterflies, hundreds of butterflies. Wait. Those aren’t butterflies! They’re fairies! To my surprise, I felt no fear at the sight. Instead my heart was filled with wonder at the majesty of the sight of these delicate creatures.

I start down the hill, and find myself suddenly surrounded a swarm of fluttering fairies – "Mistress, my Mistress.” “So glad to have you back Mistress.” “Flowers for your hair Mistress?” “Berries? Shall we bring you berries Mistress?”

Still completely free of fear, I allow myself to be coddled and cajoled over to a seat beneath the bower of flowering vines. As I took my seat, and looked around the grove, one of them came up to me and said, “Your hair Mistress. Lean back and let us fix your hair.”

Why not? I thought to myself. If you’re going to go down a rabbit hole, you may as well see where it leads. With that, I did as they requested and settled back into the seat. Immediately they began combing and arranging my hair. I closed my eyes and simply enjoyed their ministrations. It felt so familiar. So… No! I was not going to dwell on it. Down that road lay madness. I opened my eyes and looked at the nearest fairy and said “So. Why do you guys keep calling me mistress anyway?"

“Because you are.” One of them said with a bright laugh.

"I don’t understand.” I said softly. “I’m… I’m a human.”

"No! No, Mistress!” a delicate little creature with blue wings scolded, as she flew in front of me shaking her finger at me. “You just need to remember Mistress.”

“Remember?” I scoffed, “Remember what? My childhood? I remember being lured here, but I was still a human."

"Before that Mistress.” 'The blue-winged fairy said softly, “Mistress just has to remember.”

Just then, two of the enchanting creatures flew up in front of me holding an enormous strawberry between them. “Thank you.” I said softly as I took their offering. I looked at it for a moment. It was the most perfect berry I had ever seen, bright red, seemingly ready to burst from the juice within. I took a small bite, and was almost overwhelmed by the taste. It was nothing like I had ever tried before. It was as if every strawberry I had ever eaten up to now was but a shadow of this one. So strange… But no… this was familiar… this taste… what in the…. I sat there for a moment with my eyes closed. It was like a memory, but not… And as I reached for it, it faded, and not even another taste could bring it back.

I opened my eyes to the expectant face of the blue-winged fairy. "What?” I asked. “That was nice but…” I shook my head and sighed. “I don’t belong here.”

“You do Mistress.” She said softly. “Mistress will remember.”

”Well.” I said with a frown, “I sure don’t recollect being your Mistress.”

“You will.” She laughed. “Now stand Mistress – we have your gown.”

“Gown?” I asked with a shake of my head. “I don’t really think…”

"Stand Mistress! Yes, Stand! Stand!” came from all sides of me, until I gave up and did as they asked. They then descended upon me like a swarm of bees, tugging and pulling on my clothes, and then slipping something over my head as they pulled the shirt from my body. The softness of the delicate fabric upon my shoulders and breasts distracted me as they pulled my pants, and then my underwear away.

“Step Mistress” one of them said, and I did so without much thought, and as my foot lifted from the pants crumpled at them, they slid delicate, almost insubstantial underwear onto my feet and then pulled them up and settled them in place,

"He’s coming.” one of the said with a giggle.

"Not ready yet” the blue-winged fairy said with a frown. “He’ll ruin everything!”

“We’ll slow him!” a group laughed, and flew away.

“What in the world…?” I asked.

“Come with us Mistress." The blue-winged fairy said, "Yes! Yes Mistress!" "Come!" "Come Mistress!" "Follow!” came a chorus of delicate voices from the fluttering throng.

“Who’s coming?” I asked, looking back the way I had entered this place.

“Not important Mistress!” they insisted. “Come!”

I started to follow, but kept glancing back behind me to see what was going on. To my surprise I saw D cresting the hill, with a throng of madly flapping fairies around his head.

“No Mistress.” The blue-winged fairy said firmly. "You’ll see him later. Mistress must come with us now."

I looked over at the demanding fairy and then back at my friend. I wasn’t sure what they wanted, but it made me uncomfortable that they wanted to keep us apart. “No!” I told her. “I’m not going!”

“Please Mistress,” The blue-winged fairy said softly, “You need to remember Mistress. Glorymorn willl help you remember.”

Help me remember? That didn't sound quite right to me. I glanced back up and D, and then over at the fairies. “No!” I said firmly, “Leave me alone!” With that I turned and started making my way up the hill to my friend, the only one I trusted around here.

As I walked, I heard the now-familiar voice of the blue-winged fairy as she called to me. "Please Mistress! You have to remember! And if we fail, then they're going to make you remember, and they won't be as nice!"

I looked back at her, and almost returned to her side before I remembered that she, or at least others of her kind, were responsible for all the pain and terror I’d felt in my life. And now this, this insane kidnapping, and trying to tell me I'm someone I'm not. With that memory, I turned away in anger and continued on up the hill.
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The cool dew splattering across me toes felt good, better than I remembered, and quickly told me that I had forgotten my boots. I considered returning to camp to get them, but cast the thought away in a wave of child-like revelry, grinning as I scrubbed my feet through the wet grass, wriggling my toes in pure joy. I wasn’t gonna die from wet feet, and it did feel pretty good.

The Sun on my skin felt wondrous, and the gentle breeze that wafted across the scenic landscape brought me the sweet scent of the innumerable wildflowers that had grown around our camp, and felt like nothing I could recall as it washed across my skin. This was a magical place, both in truth, and in essence… I felt better today than I had felt in years, hell than I had ever felt. I was alive… alive and free! This place, this land, was here to make us happy, I was sure of it now, and I had lost all trace of the fear I had felt before. I smiled again, wide and honest, as I wandered down the meandering trail, and gave only the idle thought to where I was going, or what she might have found. Then something made me pause…

I’m not sure if it was some barely noticed difference in the path, a slight deformity in the carpet of flowers that banked either side of it, or some other, unknown quality that I hadn’t the comprehension to name yet, but I looked down that path, saw the way it wound back and forth down the hill, and knew for sure and certain that she hadn’t gone that way. I took a few steps backwards and looked around, soon finding the barely visible break through the flowering mound leading up the hill, and shook my head as I smirked at the determination she showed. A clear and easy path to a luscious greensward all lain out before her, and she tears off for a steep climb to a broken ridge. With a sigh, I set my bare feet on this new track, trying to wiggle between the stems so as not to damage the flowers with my big tromping feet, and had only taken a few steps when I was suddenly swarmed by a horde of moths and butterfl… wait a minute…

I looked closer at the tiny creatures that zipped and swooped around me, and discovered that they may have had butterfly-like wings, but their bodies were as far from insects as you could get! Long, well defined legs, sensual curves at hip and bust, flowing, graceful movements, fluttering wings that put me in mind of not only insects, but of blooming flowers, or falling leaves… Sprites. Sure, why not?

Smiling, my eyes dancing with delight at the panoramic display, and getting a bit turned on by their tiny naked bodies floating around me, I held out my hand, not really knowing what else to do or say. I was delighted, no, almost enthralled, when a few of them landed in my upturned palm, their tinkling laughter coming to my ears like soft music. ”Greetings Master!” one of them spoke/sang to me, coming forward and perching herself on the heel of my hand, allowing her tiny feet to dangle down along my wrist. Standing, she couldn’t have been more than six inches, tops, and her little body had every curve a man could wish for, topped with a mop of dark purple hair pulled into high pigtails and held in place with what looked like tiny, hand-drilled riverstones of bright blue. Damned if she didn’t look like an anime freaks wet-dream come to life, and here she was, with her bare little backside all snuggled down against my hand, and her own little paws stacked on top of each other between her knees. He wings, the color and shape of Spiderwort petals, were fluttering slowly, and her wide, slightly oversized eyes of dark violet held only adoration as she looked at me. I couldn’t be sure, but I swear I felt her little body grow warmer as she sat there…

”Well hello there little Spiderwort,” I said, instinctively going with a name that seemed appropriate ”And how are you today?”

”Oh I am overjoyed, Master!” the small form sang, wriggling against my palm in delight ”You knew Spiderwort’s name, knew without asking! Spiderwort is so happy!” She paused then, cocking her head to the right just slightly, setting her ponytails to bouncing around her head, and scooted herself back a bit while she thought, leaning forward at the same time to maintain balance, and allowing her tiny but copious breasts to slide forward, only to be squeezed together as she straightened her arms to push herself back, seeming for all the world like she was simply trying to make herself more comfortable… or as if she were trying to relieve a really interesting itch, and spoke again once she had herself settled, saying ”Can you tell who the others are Master? Can you remember their names?"

Remember? What the hell was this wanton little bug talking about? I called her Spiderwort because that’s what she reminded me of… didn’t I? Of course I did! ”I don’t know their names Spiderwort, how could I? I only called you that ‘cause you look like one!” I was staring at her, watching every move her tiny little body made… I honestly wasn’t sure if she was trying to tease me, or if she was simply unaware of what she was doing, but her movements, her little wiggles and shifts to get comfy, the widespread fluttering of her bright wings, that hot little sway and bounce that she may very well have intentionally put into her bountiful chest… Damn. Everything about this little creature spoke of sensual heat, of oozing sexuality and blatant carnal gratification. How the hell was I getting turned on by a critter smaller that my hardening dick? And what in the fuck were her playful little friends doing to my upturned fingers!?

I lowered my hand, my brows coming together as I peered over her widespread wings to see three other little Sprites, one that looked like she had soft green moss for hair, and wore just enough bits of green and brown bracken across her body for the covering to enhance not really conceal her yellow-skinned form, another that seemed to have taken the exoskeleton from a large beetle and reformed it to just, and I mean just cover everything my mother told me not to look at, and had a rather interesting habit of dragging her segmented antennae across my skin as she flipped her blue-black hair over her shoulders, and the third that seemed to remind me of swirling maple leaves in the late Fall. Her multi-hued, red-orange wings echoed the shape of the leaves I remembered, and her curvaceous form was a pale pink, looking like she had been caught in the first frosts of winter… and then there was her hair. Like a dance of flame it was, the color being a mix of deep, rich umber, blazing red, and burnished copper, and it swept to her small waist, swirling around her like a fiery nimbus as she… as they… Oh. Dear. God.

I watched, my eyes wide and staring, as the three behind Spiderwort worked on my fingers as if they were strippers poles, undulating, writhing, and generally grinding against my upturned digits as if they were irresponsible drunken coeds on spring break, kicking back tequila shooters giving each other outrageous dares. Spiderwort, for her part, had eased herself onto her back, laying atop her still-splayed wings, and was drawing the minuscule fingers of one hand through the hairless junction at the top of her thighs, while the other had slipped up to caress and pinch her pointed little purple nipples. She looked up at me with a sloe smile, her languid eyes rippling with heat as she said ”Do we please you Master? We so wish to please you… Let us go to your wood! Take us with you and let us pleasure you, please Master?”

I was suddenly aware of the others, a veritable swarm of naked, sensual little women, all of whom had been pawing and petting me even as I watched the dancers. Some played with my hair, combing and preening it as if that were the only reason they were even born, and others had perched on my shoulders, leaning in and petting my neck, my ears… A few, I have no idea how many, had even snuggled in beneath my shaggy hair to pet and lick… yes, lick at the back of my neck, sending shivers through my entire body. They were under my t-shirt, caressing my skin and washing their tiny tongues over my hardened nipples, crawling and clambering all over my torso, and were even trying to creep up the legs of my jeans, only to be stymied by the unremitting creases at the knees… which I wasn’t sure if I should be glad for, or disappointed about. They straddled my toes, as many as they could anyway, and I could just make out the faint groans as they drug their notably damp selves back and forth across my skin…

My attentions, however, were drawn once more to that fiery dancer, to the Autumn-colored Mapleflame. The other two, sensing my attentions, simply slid to sitting positions, their legs splayed to either side of their chosen digit, and their arms entwined around them in fierce embraces as they hunched and flexed against the webbing at the base of my fingers, letting her dance alone while they reveled in the contact with my coarse skin. Mapleflame, however, became a creature possessed, her body seemed to become infused with the full sexual energy, the silken grace of all the others, and I could hear Spiderwort whispering to me as I watched her dance, saying ”Isn’t she wondrous Master? She shines like a glowing ember now, knowing you find her so attractive. See her skin, so soft and smooth? Can you not imagine it sliding across you? See those breasts, those hips? They are warm, my Master, and her nectar is sweet… Take us to your Wood that we might please you! We can do so much for you, more than you can imagine… We want so to please you, to give you pleasure. Take us with you!”

I felt dizzy, as though I had been removed somehow. I could feel every one of them as they writhed and crawled across my body, I could hear the syrupy whisper of Spiderworts words in my ears, could even see her as she threw decorum to the winds and drove both of her hands into her slippery slit, moaning and bucking as she found her favorite spots, and letting me see it all. I did see it all, too. I saw Spiderwort, I saw Brackenmoss and Chitinshine as they drove themselves insane against the stiff folds of skin between my fingers, and even saw the first bunch of Sprites fall away from my toes, totally spent, only to be replaced in a flash with as many new ones as could fit. I could see all of them, and I had no idea how, but I was only focused on one. Mapleflame was driving herself against my finger slowly, her knees bent, and her heels beneath her, up on her toes as she leaned back against her hook-handed grip and pressed her tiny sex against me as hard as she could. Her brilliant hair swept the center of my palm as she threw her head back, and I could see the desire for more etched deeply into the expression she was wearing.

Pulling herself upright in a single, fluid movement, she spun on one foot, her arms, wings, and hair flying wide as she turned, and stopped only when she faced me again. With a fire in her eyes that made her hair seem cool, she leaned back, allowing the full weight of her slight form to fall on the very tip of my finger, and then looked straight at me. She arched her back, never breaking the contact our eyes had made, and swiveled her hips in a slow figure eight, working herself against my fingertip in a wordless plea. I knew what she wanted… knew it as sure as if she had screamed it to me, and allowed the most fleeting of smiles to ghost its way across my lips as I slowly… so slowly… curled that finger inward, curled it down. The flare of sexual hunger that washed across her features was the perfect reward for my fledgling mind reading attempt, and for the first time I heard her utter a low, shuddering groan as that probing digit speared inward just enough to touch exactly the right place…

Her body was bent forward at the waist, her hands on her own knees as she ground herself backward, and her head was thrown up and back in pure, unbridled sexual bliss… Beautiful. She looked just as I imagined Tess would if she ever managed to finally relax enough to really cut loose… Tess. Where was Tess?

I shook my head, throwing a few groaning faeries into the air once more, and I looked down at my hand again. I didn’t look at Mapleflame this time though, and I didn’t look to the other wriggling dancers either… instead I focused only on Spiderwort. She was still writhing across my palm, still slipping her fingers into her own drooling sex, but I caught something else as well. Every once in a while, just every so often, she would glance at me out of the corner of her eye… like she was being sneaky about something…

Snapping my fingers out straight, I flung the dancers off them, and closed my hand around her seductive purple-hued form. ”Close, little bug. You almost had me. Now where is Theresa?”

”But Master, we only want to…”

”Yeah, save it. I know a con job when I see one.” The other Sprites, at least the ones that weren’t still clinging to me in some way, began flittering about, calling for me to let Spiderwort go in their sing-song voices, or trying their own versions of the vamp act she had damn near snagged me with. ”Shut the fuck up!” I snapped, my cold tone slicing through the last of the spell they had been weaving ”I hear one more word out of any of you, and Spiderwort here goes squishy, got it?” Hell, I wasn’t sure if I could hurt her, and I know I didn’t really want to, but they got the message, and snapped their pretty little mouths shut tight.

”Now then bug,” I said to Spiderwort, uncoiling my index finger so I could see her now tear-streaked little face ”Where is Theresa? And be warned, I’m getting rather tired of asking that question.”

”But you mustn’t see her yet!” she wailed struggling to get free of my hand ”She is not ready! There is much to do, so much to do. And you are not to see her yet! You would ruin it all, and we are not…” Her eyes went wide, and her pouting lips pressed firmly together, eventually getting sucked into her mouth as she realized she had gone just one, single step too far.

Raising one eyebrow, I looked at her with an unforgiving look, and asked the question she didn’t want me to ask. ”You are not… what?” She shook her head sharply from side to side, not willing to give away any more, and began to sob quietly as I increased the pressure in my gripping fist. I increased the pressure again, and yet again, until I had squeezed about as hard as I could, and I could see the dim light of success flicker in the depths of her eyes. Then I want dead calm, and held her in a grip only just tight enough to hold on to her. It wasn’t the pressure of my fingers that held her now, however, but the cold, unflinching core of anger that she had awakened within me. I saw the fear in her face, the understanding of what she had done, and had I not been angry at the time, I would have folded right there. But as it was, I only sneered at her, and spoke in a voice that dripped with a venomous threat. ”You know, when I was a boy, I had a cousin that collected insects. One day my brother and me snuck into his room and pulled all the wings off his Butterfly Collection.” I heard the communal intake of fearful breaths from the gathered swarm, and grinned as I continued, saying ”It was fun… it was easy… Now I’m going to ask you, just one… more… time.” I paused only long enough to pinch one of her petal-like wings between my thumb and forefinger, and in a sickeningly sweet voice said ”Where is Theresa?”

She was tough, and among faeries she may have been one of the biggest bad asses on the block, but I was still riding high from beating and raping the nymph and satyr from the previous evening, and had some seriously good examples of some rather nasty ideas to draw from. The little bug never stood a chance. ”O…over…over the r-r-ridge, M-Master…” she said quietly, her head hung as low as she could get it to go, and her body laying very still within the confines of my hand.

”Good girl.” I said calmly, releasing her wing and striding up the hill even as I wrapped my finger back around her. She didn’t dare complain… The cloud of Sprites came with me, or at least a few of them did… Most seemed dazed either by my anger, or their own sexual release, and had slunk back into their haven within the flowers, leaving only about two-dozen of the flittering creatures to continue trying to convince me… silently, to release Spiderwort, and to convince me to leave the area before all was thrown awry. Yeah, fat fucking chance.

I came over the ridgeline like an advancing warrior, and was well down the other side, headed toward the rather lush looking valley tucked away there, when a rather startling sight came charging up the hill to say hello. Her hair done up in a rather stunningly attractive style, and sporting an alluring gown that seemed to be created of diaphanous silks and good intentions… and that was just thin enough to let me know she was not wearing a bra under, came Tess herself, with her own string of Sprites in tow. A rather vocal blue-winged example that put me in mind of a Morning Glory seemed determined to get her to return to the valley with them, and so, after a quick hug to let her know I was glad she was safe, and, unfortunately, to let her know that I really liked her new dress, I fixed Glorymorn with a cold stare and said ”Listen to me very carefully you little shit, as a matter of fact, all of you. If she had wanted to stay, she would have. She didn’t, so she don’t, got it? And I am bloody well gonna go wherever the fuck I want! Now I want all of you to back the hell off, and give us some fucking peace! NOW!!!

The swarm seemed to hesitate, looking to Theresa, who simply had to add ”You heard him." to get them to leave us alone at last… all but one, that is. I noticed Tess looking curiously at my hand, and brought the still trapped Spiderwort up between us, again pulling back only one finger to reveal her face. Seeing Tess, the captured Sprite began speaking rapidly, hoping to talk her way out of whatever trouble she might be about to find herself in, but a quick squeeze from me shut her up without much trouble. I was about to explain what happened myself, when I had the oddest sensation flash through me, sort of like an impish mischievousness, mixed with an unidentifiable insight… and when I did speak up, it wasn’t what I had planned on saying at all, but even as I listened to myself, I had to admit it was a pretty cool idea. ”This little trickster...” I said, shaking the fist that held Spiderwort ”And others like her, have gone on and on about how they wanted to stay with me, how they wanted to show me what they could do. I was thinking of making sure at least one of these freaky little critters was as good as their word, and decided to start with the one that had done most of the talking. But let’s be fair here. What do you think Tess? Should I keep her? Make here and her little friends keep their promise?” I had turned Spiderwort toward me again at this point, and had slipped that confining finger over her head again, making sure to keep her quiet for a moment, and knowing that a moment was all it was going to take.

”Yeah, sure.” she said ”Sounds fine to me…”

She had never looked up, had never even shifted her eyes from the waist-high target that had captured her attention, but I was too wrapped up in what I had accomplished to notice what she was looking at right now. I heard her though, plain as day, and opened my hand completely after the words had reached me, had reached us, to smile down at the tiny nude form in the palm of my hand.

Tess didn’t know what she had done, and even I only had the vaguest inkling… but Spiderwort knew exactly what had just happened, and simply sat there in the middle of my hand, her anime eyes grown larger still, and a look of utter disbelief painted on her features. ”Bound by your word, bug.” I said with a smirk, not bothering to ask how I knew that. ”You said you wished to serve me, to do for me and please me? Well now you can.” I tapped my shoulder with my free hand, indicating where I wanted her to sit, and she hung her head for a long moment before heaving a heavy sigh, for her size anyway, and fluttering to her spot, smiling faintly now, and trying to turn this into a good thing if she could.

She landed on my shoulder, then leaned over to whisper in my ear, saying ”Spiderwort has a very sneaky Master… Spiderwort thinks she will like that! And she will discover what you desire, sweet Master, and then we shall see what there is about Spiderwort, that you like.” With a faint giggle, the Sprite sat on my shoulder now, scooting close enough to touch and pet my neck, and held onto my shirt collar for security. I could barely feel her weight there, and had she not spoken, I might have been forced to reach up and check that she was still there, but the occasional caress, and the giggles as she waved proudly to the other faeries told me she was there well enough now, and I only smiled as I thought of how I must look.

Looking back at Theresa, however, I noticed that she happened to be looking at the front of my jeans, and it only occurred to me then that, oh yeah! I’ve had a rather painfully confined erection ever since I had been covered in Sprites… and also that I smelled distinctly like sex musk, especially my hands. Oh… damn. Spinning around quickly, I began walking toward the nearby spring, and spoke to Theresa over my shoulder, saying ”Give me a minute here and I’ll wash my hands. I think this little bug might have been scared or something, my hand’s all sticky.”

I heard Spiderwort’s sharp intake of breath, and thought she might have been about to yell at me or something, but instead felt her fall over laughing, clutching my collar as she fought to stay in place and kicking her little feet at the joke. ”Oh yes!” she said when she could breath again ”Little Spiderwort was very frightened, and she did indeed make Masters hand sticky!” She leapt to her feet then, having waited until we were well away from Theresa, and licked up along the outer edge of my ear for as high as she could reach before stepping to my cheek and pressing herself against my sensitive skin, dragging her heavy breasts and hard nipples back and forth through the soft upper hairs of my sprouting beard as she whispered ”And she very much hopes to get to do it again, Master!” before planting a quick kiss on my skin and settling herself back on my shoulder… but this time with back and head resting against the structure of my neck, and her hips and legs stuck under my shirts. She began humming quietly, truly happy now, and dangled her left leg down behind my back as she straddled the wide curve of my shoulder, and caressed the skin of my neck beside her head. I hummed too, and felt her shiver and gasp as the vibrations ran straight up her spine from her tailbone to her shoulders, and also ran from her hips all the way around to her warm belly.

I laughed as she groaned, vowing to remember that little trick for later, and washed my hands quickly, the skin going numb almost instantly from the icy chill of the spring, and I stood again and began struggling to lift the bottom of my overshirt with my unfeeling paws so I could dry them off, only to hear a small gasp from my shoulder and have the cloth gently, but firmly, removed from my unfeeling grasp by a quickly relocated Spiderwort. ”Spiderwort will dry them for you Master, it is her duty!” I was about to point out that I could do this myself, and that I had two hands anyway, when I felt my other hand enfolded in the snare of my other shirt-tail. I turned my head, and was surprised to find Mapleflame carefully patting my cold fingers with the absorbing fabric.

I let her finish, and then looked at her curiously, to which she hung her head and spoke, saying ”Please Master… allow Mapleflame to serve you too? She wished to serve, she wished to please you… and wants very much to be… to be b-bound in service to you as well.”

She was blushing furiously, from the tips of her ears to the ends of her toes, and couldn’t bring herself to look at me as I stood there. I slid my eyes over her body, remembering the dance she had done, and regaining a bit of the ground I had lost in the tight-pants department, before looking over at Spiderwort. The wording of my appeal had allowed for others… and the hungry look in her eyes all but made my mind up for me. Still, I decided I’d better do this right. I glanced back over at Tess, who seemed distracted and well out of earshot, and said ”Alright, so let’s get this straight. You wish to become my servant, just as Spiderwort here is? You wish to serve me in whatever manner I might wish, and to do what I say without question? You will call me Master at all times, and accept any punishments I give, no matter the reason? And you bind yourself to me of your own will, not due to some outside influence or previous sense of duty or punishment?”

I had gotten emphatic nods to all my questions, and even a gushing ”Oh yes, very much!” when I got to the part about her own free will.

”Spiderwort, can you accept Mapleflame as a sister slave, and work beside her to serve me?”

”Oh yes Master, Spiderwort can accept Mapleflame as her slave sister, and will do her best to help Mapleflame serve you.” Her words were calm, and spoken in an even tone, but her body had grown warm again, and my little slave was trembling against her Masters cheek.

”Then under these conditions, by right I have already gained, and until I, and I alone chose to release you, I accept your vow of bondage, and allow you to submit to me as my slave and servant. Spiderwort…” I said with a smile ”Take your new sister to my tent and greet her… properly. Enjoy each other my pets, and stay within the tent. Do no harm, and you may do as you wish, it is my gift to you, as long as you remain in the tent.” I watched the giggling slaves flitter away, purple and red-orange, hand in hand, and shook my head as I tried to calm myself a bit. It wouldn’t do to go back over there with my boner trying to tear through my jeans, now would it?

Splashing a bit more cold water on my face, and then drying my hands again, I managed to regain some composure at last, and returned to Theresa’s side just as she finished snapping at another group of Sprites… or was it the same ones again? I’m fairly certain I saw Glorymorn in there, but I can’t be sure. I was about to ask Tess if she was alright when my gut let go with this rather loud, rumbling growl… I looked at Theresa, she looked at me, and we both said ”Breakfast?” at the same time, breaking into wide grins at the chance timing. They faded in a flash, however, when a small, quiet voice, from over by the spring piped up with ”Berries?”

I’m not sure which of us threw their rock first, but the cannonball-like splashes from the ice-water spring rained down over a good ten foot wide area, causing the hidden faeries to explode in screams and yowls of shock and dismay as the entirely-too-cold water fell on them with no remorse whatsoever. We both laughed and ran, she in her flowing gown, me in my flapping shirt, and we topped the ridge and sprinted for the comfort of our distant tents like children at a campground. Our laughter echoed across the grassland, and bounced off the hills and stones beyond, spreading a wash of color behind it as our carpet of flowers seemed to spread like butter in a hot skillet. Yet all we saw were the smiles on each others faces, and the merriment in each others eyes…
As I neared him, I noticed how upset and angry he was, and at first, I wasn’t sure what was wrong. Then he hugged me, and I realized what had happened. It was obvious. Probably rather painfully so. I thought to myself as I looked down at his over-tight jeans, trying desperately to hide the grin on my face. So that’s how they tried to slow him down. His angry outburst confirmed my suspicions. There is nothing as enraged as a man who has been teased!

I looked around to see if they had obeyed his demand and was surprised to note that they were looking at me. How odd, I thought to my self, it’s as if… I stopped, because I suddenly realized, they are mine. Somehow, someway, these delicate creatures were my rightful subjects, and they were not answerable to him. With a simple, "You heard him.” I dismissed the throng.

I started to think about what kind of creature might be beholden to him when I notice that one had not been able to leave. He had this one firmly clenched in his hand. Giving him a puzzled look, he showed me who he had caught. I instantly recognized the little ringleader of his discomfort. It was the one who had laughed at the statement “He’s coming". The creature began pleading her case, but I quickly shut her up with a thought. “Hush.” I told her. “I don’t know what kind of mistress you had before, but I’m not going to put up with behavior like this!" I looked down at D’s painfully entrapped member and told the infuriating creature. “We are not toys, and you will all have to learn that!”

I stood there for a moment, trying to think up an appropriate punishment when I became halfway aware of what he was saying, something about making this little creature keep her word. That’s it. I realized. Make this little creature pay for what she and her sisters did. Make her pay for all the lost years, and the… Too far! I tell myself. You can’t make this one little…

“Mistress?” came a tiny though into my head. “What are you…?” I looked over to the worried face of my little morning glory friend and the back at D’s crotch.

“She’s going it make it up to him.” I announced to them all, “and that’s all there is to it.” With that I turned my attention from the shocked throng, shrugged my shoulders and said, “Yeah sure,” To my expectant male companion, “Sounds fine to me.”

I grinned as I saw his trapped member twitch at the news. Sometimes men were such predictable creatures. He suddenly became aware of my attention and how he smelled and with a few mumbled words went over to the spring to wash up. As I watched his interplay with his new little toy, I heard the almost imperceptible sound of an approaching fairy. I turned and looked, and it was little Glorymorn again.

“I told you to leave me alone!" I said sharply.

“But please Mistress…”


“But we just want to serve you Mistress.” Glorymorn said sadly.

“I really just can’t deal with this right now!” I growled. “Maybe later, but for now…” D came walking up and as I turned my attention away from hoard of fairies, his stomach growled loudly. We both grinned and said “Breakfast!” in unison. Then one of the little persistent creatures over by the spring had the gall to pipe up with “Berries?” Almost without a thought, I scooped up a rock and pitched it into the spring spraying the entire hoard of creatures with ice cold water.

Laughing in delight at the reaction of my little persistent followers, we sprinted off to camp to make our own breakfast, as befitting humans, not pets. As we crested the hill, I heard a familiar soft voice echo in my mind. “Ok Mistress.” We’ll leave you alone… for now.”