#SmallWins Whats yours?

Mild enough to open the hives and feed the bees some sugar syrup. Wow did they get sucking!
#smallwins. Driving home from work and it wasn't completely dark
#SmallWin~ last week you had 2 snoring males in your bed and one wasn't your dog. ;)

Lol. Good way of looking at it. And if everything goes asnplanned today. Ill have 3 extra in or near my bed tonight. 1 being a human male and the other 2 being his dogs. Ohhh its getting serious when he brings his dogs to meet me. Lol
Lol. Good way of looking at it. And if everything goes asnplanned today. Ill have 3 extra in or near my bed tonight. 1 being a human male and the other 2 being his dogs. Ohhh its getting serious when he brings his dogs to meet me. Lol

yeah, but don't forget, he's still "NYB." :rolleyes: hahaha!
#smallwin: 30 minutes on home trainer thingy
#smallwin: no hip ouch

Yay, that's awesome!

#smallwin: remembered to do everything for work I was supposed to get done, and put away my clean laundry and folded the SO's.