Sinegard Academy for the Wayward


"No deal and no eating" Callo growled. Then she decided to answer Van's earlier question, but if you don’t know already, dragons like to brag or in their way of thinking… tell the truth.

“I believe either way this goes, I come out on top. Either the queen thanks me for capturing all of you, or I acquire the companionship I seek. I must admire my superior dragon intellect compared to you lesser humanoids. It is really no wonder why we are an apex predator.” Callo growled in satisfaction.

“So, you will do it?” Gem asked, just to be sure.

“Yes” Callo answered.

Gem quickly cast the spell, charming M’Kael as she altered his short-term memory. His new memory was finding Callo as the dragon finished tying up the last prisoner.

“Ok everyone, line up as if we are all tied up. Be sure to wrapped the rope around your hands a few times.” Gem suggested. Someone had a rope and everyone started to line up before she “awoke” M’Kael.
“Your choice,” The Other replied to Callo’s denial of a deal before Ravyn was back.

“This isn’t going to work,” she sighed as she got in line. Last in line she was in front of M’Kael, her mind running a mile a minute as she tried to think of a way to fix M’Kael. But without a Wish or something equally powerful, they were fucked.

Could she use the dice and force him to recover? A deal was enforced, created, and bound by the dice. Those fucking things cold work miracles, as long as you worded it right, putting a fucking comma in the wrong place and you had a right royal mess.

‘I love eating my friends family and pets made you a chaotic evil psycho. I love: eating, my friends, my family, and my pets made you a lawful good paladin.”

Bound by the letter of the contract, never the intent. The wish of a Jin had more wiggle room.

Maybe the coin? Take him to hell, the Abyss, or one of the other dark places until she could get his memories restored? Pot, frying pan, and fire.

She could feel him staring at her and suddenly jerked to look at him “What?!” she demanded, before she realized where he’d been staring.

Her ass and legs!? Her fucking brother?! Fuck this was weird and creepy! She wanted to slap him so hard right now!

“Nice ass,” M’Kael told her. “When the Goddess is done with you, maybe she’ll let you join the bed.”

Looking over at Angus he gave a snort. “She’ll allow you, it’s a given.”
The Fortress of Memories

Callo grabbed the rope and pulled the prisoners, while M’Kael took up the rear.

No one said too much as they walked to the fortress. However, Callo sang a haunting song about the Raven Queen.

As they neared the impossibly large fortress in the dark valley, it looked totally different from the last time they had seen the fortress. Flocks of ravens flew around it. There were strange clouds circling the highest tower.

“This is not the fortress of memories” Angela whispered to herself.

Callo’s dragon ear heard her statement

“This is but one vision of the shattered fortress.” Callo explained. “See the highest tower, those spinning clouds are a tornado of souls drawn to this place. The Queen has shepherded them away from their former life.”

“Why?” Angela asked

“Only the Queen knows” Callo answered “Here is where the queen gathers all memories and treasures that catch her fancy, locking them up for all eternity. Anyone is allowed to enter the fortress and seek council with her majesty as long as they're willing to pay the castles entry toll: one of your most valuable memories.” Callo explained

“Since this is involuntary entry, no memory required?” Angela asked almost as a joke.

“The Queen will get her memories from you, but not now” Callo answered

The massive main gate to the castle opened as they approached. The doorway big enough for a full-sized dragon. Callo however, changed into her human form, as they entered the fortress. She became beautiful woman with alabaster skin, green reptilian eyes, white blond hair with silver streaks and hands with silver tipped claws instead of nails.

“I told you Callo was hot” Angela whispered back to Gem

As they walked thru the fortress, the halls twisted and changed. Doors appear and disappear whenever they took their eyes off them, but those who are familiar with the building, like Callo and M’Kael knew exactly where to go, which doors to open, which doors to not.

A few times, they would get a glimpse thru a window or an open door, that these rooms lead to many places and housed many things. Memories that The Raven Queen had collected and now displays as a gallery of her treasures.

They approached a larger room. The hallway was lined with six hollow suits of crimson armor. Each one holds an ornate shield and an intricate glass lance, which was topped with a glowing glass sculpture that resembles a flickering torch.

Then they entered a Dining Hall. Large windows on the west wall of this opulent dining hall look toward the valley. Fourteen plush chairs surround a dark walnut table. The seats near the head of the table had ornate place settings: fine goblets, plates, silverware, and a few bottles of wine.

On the plates were cooked streaks, potatoes, vegetables, and bread. There was no food at the head of the table. Seated in that chair was a mass of ravens. Piled together tightly, squirming and moving like worms.

“Please have a seat” Callo ordered everyone, as she removed the rope from their hands. Everyone took a seat as the mass of ravens grew darker, as if turning into shadows, and then a pale and regal elf sat in the chair.

“Welcome, I am the Raven Queen” The elf said “Please enjoy the food as we talk”
Sliding into a seat Ravyn put food on her plate but didn’t eat, or drink, anything. Instead she moved it around on her plate. “Thank you, for the Hospitality.” she said softly.

M’Kael moved to stand near The Queen, though he stayed where she could see him, never behind her.
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Van sat down and filled his plate as if he were at a family dinner. Smiling politely and filling wine glasses for those around him. “Very gracious of you Queen, thank you” he said cutting into a very rare steak.

Angela looked at the food and realized she had not eaten in a while. Meaning not sucked the life out of someone. She had hoped to run into more bad guys, but no luck so far.

“Thank you for the food” she said to the queen. As she put the steak and potatoes on her plate. Angela had never been one to wait, and she liked being direct. “However, I feel like we are being fattened up before our slaughter.” She said to the queen.

“Angela!” Gem said trying to correct the vampire’s directness.

“If you are depressed, you are living in the past. If you are anxious, you are living in the future. If you are at peace, you are living in the present” The Queen said calmly back to Angela

“Well, those are nice words. But we are not here to live in the present. We want you to restore M’Kael’s memories. We have heard you collect objects associated with strong emotions, and powerful feelings. We can trade for his memories” Angela suggested

The queen’s face showed no reaction to Angela’s words. “The resistance to the unpleasant is the root of suffering”

“I’m planning on resisting” Angela told the Queen as she took a sip of the wine. She realized the wine was not wine, but blood. At some point the queen had changed her wine into blood. She drank the whole glass and placed it back on the table.

“Inner peace can only come from yourself” The queen replied.

“What Angela is suggesting in a crude way is a trade where each of us walk away winners.” Gem said in a less confrontational way.

“The dead are at peace” The Queen replied with an evil smile.
“I have memories of my own death I’m willing to separate with. How many souls here have died on many occasions? In multiple ways, i would prefer to forget those events if possible.”

"Let go or be dragged.” The Queen commented.

"I'd love to let go, but someone else won't let me forget. Oh, I'd also love to forget all the times of seen that disgusting M'Kael naked or caught him fucking someone or something." Maybe if she couldn't remember she'd stop being so angry with him. And she could stop thinking about him using his cock on her. Gods what would it be like to be fucked by his hard shaft? The feel of it deflowering her, pounding deep inside her body before he pumped his thick creamy seed into her tight pussy. FUCK! she needed to forget so many things.

The obstacle is the path." The Queen said with a knowing smile.
Van reached in his satchel and brought out the memories of mortal anguish he had purchased. “ In truth I had purchased these in an attempt to persuade you to release Mkael. Or perhaps now rather for him not only to be released, but to have his memories back as before his time spent here with you… but in all honesty, neither of these would be for his or your benefit solely. I feel as if there is something larger at stake. So for now I offer these only in kindness as I have no use for them.” He said placing them on the table near the queen.

“The greatest gift is the act of giving itself” she said with a rather knowing tone.

“Indeed, your grace… thus I would ask only for you to allow us to bestow upon you this greatest gift…to give Mkael the freedom to continue to spread your influence through his own deeds in what is to come, as you have clearly and wisely chosen him as your champion. He without your blessing would be a weak and useless soul…thus only time would be your gift, til his return to regale you with the memories of his conquest in your name?”

Her mask likened face remained steady …as if considering…perhaps…
Angela, Gem, and Angus

Angela tried to read the queen’s face, but it was impossible. She showed nothing. Her replies were riddles or platitudes, or just meaningless. With no body language and verbal clues, Angela did not know if the items suggested were to her liking.

She was pretty sure the Queen liked Van’s gift of mortal anguish and his suggestion of freeing M’Kael, only to pull him back later.

The queen also seemed to like Ravyn’s suggestion on death. However, her answer on seeing M’Kael naked or fucking someone was even more interesting. The queen said “The obstacle is the path”

Was the queen suggesting removing their memory of M’Kael? That would end their quest to find M’Kael. Or as Ravyn said the obstacle was her memory of those acts? Ravyn had such strong emotions related to M’Kael, the Queen would desire those memories. Or was she suggesting some other obstacle. Removing M’Kael ability to fuck? Taking his cock away?

Angela had been with M’Kael in bed. It was an experience to remember. No way she’d go along with that idea.

“So do we have a deal! Mortal anguish, some Ravyn’s death experiences, a few nude images of M’Kael taken from Ravyn?” Angela said with confidence.

The Queen shock her head no. Then pointed at Gem, Angus, and Angela.

“I have few objects that I have strong emotional ties with” Angus commented as he thought. Then an idea hit him. “Horns are very important to minotaurs. The length and thickness are a source of pride for minotaurs. Minotaur horns symbolize their great and noble heritage. I have some big thick horns. I am very proud of them. I offer them up for M’Kael memories and return”

There was a small gasp of shock from Gem at Angus offer. She knew that was a big deal to him.

“If we get M’Kael back, it is worth the price” Angus said, his mind made up

The Queen looked at Gem.

“I’m willing to offer anything… I just don’t know what you would like best?” Gem admitted honestly

Suddenly floating above the table was a small screw from under the kitchen table. It was the screw she had taken out as the baby sitter to seduce Mr. Mar.

“You may have the screw… if we get M’Kael back” Gem agreed.

Then the queen’s eyes turned to Angela

“I know what you want. You can have your cup of shadows back. Here” Angela agreed and placed the object on the table.

The queen shook her head no.

Angela was surprised. “Ok, let me think of something else…”

She tried to figure out something else. She had her weapons… but those she had no strong feeling about. She felt her pocket and suddenly there was a big smile of her face.

“Here is something that millions are passionate about, that induces orgasmic joy in many, and is all about unrequited love.” Angela said as she pulled out the DVD with “Ron Jeremy’s greatest Tits”

The queen nodded her head in agreement

“I help mortal beings face their fears to cleanse their souls, each of you must face your greatest fear. Then the exchange is complete.” The Queen stated
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“I’m afraid that puts me in a rather awkward position. My greatest fear has always been to settle into the status quo … to accept my fate as my fathers hand…. So I ran… into trouble….into the military, into this fucking school… only to find in the end that every choice I made only brought me closer to accepting that fate. I recently , for what I thought, and only hope still is the right cause… agreed to serve as my fathers hand and take my place at his side…so you see… my greatest fear… I’m living it.”

It was the most vocal, and most truthful Van had ever been about his situation… gods he wanted to be anywhere else in that moment… drinking, smoking, fighting… fucking…. Anything… so long as he didn’t have to feel anything ever again.

He popped open the top three Pearl snaps of his shirt and turned where only the queen could see him… the sigil of his house burned brightly as if always freshly branded. He recovered his chest , fastening the buttons once again and retook his seat.
“Face my fears? I’m living it. Every second of every day I face my fear. It’s why I survived. My greatest fear was dying. I was an idiot. Dying would have brought peace. Instead I live in a living Hell.” Ravyn replied, firmly. She didn’t look up from picking at her food. She still hadn’t let any of it pass through her lips. “Taking any memories would just mean I don’t remember dying. Or why it keeps happening. It won’t change it. Won’t stop it happening. One day I'll be drunk or drugged and I’ll get knocked up by some fucking idiot. Then I’ll stop living. Once the baby is born I die at it’s birth. The Asshole is free and I burn in hell for making a deal. But until that happens I can’t die. The Inquisition tried.”
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“Very well” The Queen said and both Ravyn and Van disappeared.

Each of them found themselves in a dark room with a spot shinning on them from high above.

In Van’s room stood his father.

In Ravyn’s room stood a naked M’Kael

Each of them heard the queen’s voice in their head. She said “Fear is not a trivial matter. It restricts our lives; it imprisons us. Fear is the tool of oppression. Because of fear, we do many harmful things, individually and collectively, and people who are hungry for power over others know that and exploit it. We can be made to do things out of fear.

Fear is a very tricky thing. Sometimes we put up a pretense of virtue, but really we’re afraid of being bad. Are our good deeds true virtue or just fear? Fear also stops us from speaking up when we know we should. Fear is often what causes people to leave the path of enlightenment. When things start to go deep, beyond self-improvement, they encounter fear and say, “This path is not for me.”

Fear has two extremes. At one extreme, we freeze. We are petrified, literally, like a rock. At the other extreme, we panic. How do we find the path through those extremes?

Before you is one of your fears. Examine the fear and dissect it into its components. Where does it arise? What is the sensation when you feel afraid? What kind of thoughts race through your mind when you are in a state of fear? What are you really afraid of? Understanding, examining, knowing, slowing down—those are the first steps in working with fear, the beginning of the path to fearlessness.

“Yeah I was in therapy for my issues, you suck at it. Trying to force someone to face a fear like this doesn’t help. It makes shit worse. You want me to fuck him? To get it out of my system? Fuck off.” Ravyn replied, looking at the naked image of her brother. She’d seen and done enough to know she and he could have been teleported to this location, it could be mental imaging, or straight up illusion with her sitting at the table with the others watching her.
“”Well, this is is definitely an illusion…. The old man wouldn’t leave his precious pet project long enough to venture here… especially for me… but I’ll play if you are curious.” He walked around the image portrayed to him by the queen.

“Not bad… the skin should be a bit redder… like this, and the wings and horns greater in proportion … size does matter you know.”

In truth, Van had not seen him like this in many years. He always took the form of one of his mortal aliases…but… it was nevertheless impressive.

“So what would you have me do? Fight him? Kneel to him?” He put up his fists and shadow boxed around the visage jokingly, then took a grand a pompous knee in front … but after a few moments of nothing happening he stood again.

“ No no…. I’m afraid you misunderstood my predicament my good queen… I’m not afraid of my father… I am afraid of becoming him… or worse.”

Angus stood before his younger self. He too did not tell the Queen his greatest fear. That was because he did not know what it was. He was not scare to monsters, failure, success or his parents.

Before him, stood his childhood self. Why? Why had the queen chosen that image? He had always done his homework on time; his writing was neat; He kept his bedroom tidy; he was a little shy, particularly with the girls, but that was not a bad flaw;

He always helped his parents; He was a pretty good kid. Gem, at least what she had told him, had been a bad child. Skipping classes, fucking everything… doing thing to piss her parent off. He was the opposite. He had done everything that’s expected of him.

“Maybe that is the key” Angus said to himself.

In Angus opinion Gem acted poorly because she was screaming for her parent’s attention. He acted good because… he wanted too.

“Why did you want too?” Angus heard the Raven Queen’s voice in his head ask.

“Because…” Angus started to answer, but then found he was not sure why.

His first answer was because it was the right thing to do. But that was not really the answer. He dug deeper and thought harder. “I was but I loved my parents” Angus answered.

“I did not want to add to their problems. Dad and mom were running a farm and it took everything they had to make a little bit of money. I did not want to add any more complications or difficulties to their lives.” Angus explained more. He was not sure if the queen was listening, but talking out loud felt like the right thing to do.

“I received attention as well. My busy parents did show interest in me when I did well.” Angus explained. That was when he knew what he feared. “I feared losing the farm… losing them… losing everything, unless I was a prefect child. I…” Angus realized “I… suppressed my desire to act out, to misbehave, to be with a girl because I had to be the “good” child.”

The young Angus faded away… and he found himself back in the dinning room.

Ravyn’s room

“Do you have a fear of intimacy? or a fear of rejection? Or fear of abandonment? A fear of vulnerability? Understanding, examining, knowing, will clean your soul”

Van’s room

“Why are you afraid of becoming him… or worse? Understanding, examining, knowing, will clean your soul”
“I’m not afraid of intimacy or rejection you idiot. As I said before I get pregnant, Demon Lord born. I die, then I burn in Hell for eternity.” Ravyn replied. “Not complicated. Very simple. I understand the problem, you don’t.”

Was standing in a room facing her parents. They were just standing there, looking at her.

“WHAT?” Gem asked

They were illusions and did not reply. But the look in their eyes, was creepy Gem out.

“I have NO fear of my parents. They never knew I even existed.” Gem said out loud so the queen could hear her.

“So you think I’m afraid of my parents?” Gem asked

“Not of your parents… but what they represent.” The queen said to Gem

“They represent neglect.” Gem said angrily. But that statement made her think more about her parents and her acting out. By acting badly, she was trying to get their attention. It was negative attention, but it was still attention. But that was not something she was afraid of.

“I wanted their attention. So what?” Gem said.

Her parents kept staring at her.

“Why did I want their attention?” She asked herself in a more thoughtful way.

“Because I wanted a connection with them!” Gem concluded. Her self-centered behavior, was trigger by a need for a deeper connection with her parents.

“I’m not afraid of a connection, but of the opposite. Of no connection. Of a life of Loneliness.” Gem concluded.

Gem faded away and returned to the dining room.


“I’m not afraid of anything. Just examine my history full of reckless behavior.” Angela had told the queen.

Now Angela was staring at 4 walls, a floor, and a ceiling all painted white. In other words, she was staring at blank walls. She was staring at nothing.

“I’m not even frightened of nothing. It would be boring, but not scarry.” Angela told the empty room.

“Why are you reckless?” The queen asked.

“Fuck if I know.” Angela answered

For a while, Angela waited for an answer.

“Ok, I’ll try harder. Let see, I like pushing the limits. See how far I can go. What I can get away with. Of course, many of those risky things won’t kill me. I’m dead already. Kill me and I’ll just reform in my resting place. But it hurts like hell.” Angela said

Still there was no answer. She thought harder

“I do like pursuing reckless actions, dangerous situations. The riskier, the better. It makes me feel alive, even though I’m dead. I guess I do reckless things because I seek a feeling of excitement.” Angela said after a while.

She looked around the room.

“I fear boredom, or not feeling anything?” She concluded. She faded and returned to the dining room.


"Perhaps you do not need my help. But I ask one more question. Are you afraid of failing. Of not having the will power to resist sex?" The queen asked
"If I was afraid of failing, I wouldn't have done some of the things I've done," Ravyn replied. "As for sex, I've had opportunity and offers. Hell the minotaur thinks we did it. So that offer was there. And I'm in a school with horny adults, i have four roomies that fuck every chance they get. Any chance they get."

"Not to mention, or forget, I have a succubus across the hall that I'm sure that would be more than willing to be a guy and fuck me, Hell I'd be willing to fuck her as a girl." Ravyn snaped. "Sometimes it's about desire, and feelings for an individual, not just carnal lust."
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Raven Queen

“Ravyn, you interest me. You are a greater prize than M’Kael. I saved my loyal followers, the Shadar-Kai from death. They are loyal to me, even now. For they know their mistress will capture their souls and return them to life in the Shadowfell.

And it is my ability to manipulate the souls of the dead that makes me a valuable ally for you. I represent neither law nor chaos—nor good or evil. I’m the meddler, here from my perch astride the river of souls. On occasion, when I spot a soul that interests me, whether because of the potential of the soul, or some other inscrutable reason, I will send my ravens out to flock around the soul and pull it to me.

Maybe someday, you will need me to rescue you. Maybe” She told Ravyn in her mind.

Then Ravyn faded back to the dining room with the others.


Van was the last to fade back into the room. He was laughing to himself as he appeared. “I can’t be worse… because I fear it” he said to himself with some satisfaction.

“Ok… a deal is a deal” Angela started to tell the Queen.

Suddenly, M’Kael eyes cleared up. He seemed to see everyone again, recognized them. That was when Angus horns disappeared. The big minotaur’s head jerk a moment with the loss of the weigh. But the big bull stood there with no emotional reaction. Angela’s porn DVD disappeared along with Van’s bag of mortal anguish. What happened to Gem and Ravyn could not be seen. But Gem’s guilt of seduction while being a babysitter was gone. Ravyn’s memories of what M’Kael looked like naked were fuzzy

“You may go now” The Queen said with no emotions. Her form bursts into a flock of ravens and flew away in all directions leaving an empty chair.

“I can show you the way out when you have finished your meal. And don’t forget, you also made a deal with me” Callo said to everyone
M’Kael shook his head and blinked, like he was coming out of a long as hell sleep. Moving slowly he sat in the empty chair and looked at the group, dazed and confused. “What the fuck happened?” He asked. “It’s like a long as fuck dream”

Rolling his shoulders and neck he flexed his hands and fingers. “Damned that was weird. I thought all of you died..?!”
What the hell happened?

“Well, you tried to kill us! No wonder you thought we were dead” Gem said with bitterness.

“Ok, let’s wait to put the guilt trip on him. He doesn’t remember what happened” Angela said come to M’Kael defense.

“You’re defending him, just because you two fucked” Gem complained

“And you defend Angus.” Angela pointed out. That shut Gem up.

“M’Kael, as far as we can tell, while Ravyn was conducting her ritual, a shadow dragon captured you and brought you here.” Angela said then pointed to Callo “She is the dragon”

“I’m Callo, it was not personal, I was ordered to by the Raven Queen” Callo explained

“There is a time difference between shadow fell and the material plane. So you have not been gone too long. But down here, it was a very long time. Anyhow, I killed all the monsters and saved the day… while Ravyn completed her spell, but things did not work out as planned. She can explain the details, but there are two fiends insider her. Van visited his father and he has been promoted. Not necessarily a good thing. Gem and Angus acquired a few more abilities, armor, and magical staff. I’m still the wonderful, sexy, loving person, I have always been” Angela explained

“Oh brother” Angus moaned at Angela’s description of herself.

“Now that we have you. We are off to find Mr. Pinhead, I owe him a good punch in the nuts” Angela concluded. Then she drank more wine. The glass had magically filled up after she drained it.

“Ravyn…did you want to add to Angela's distorted truth” Gem asked

“I only have one asshole in my head with me. So there’s no Ménage à trois going on in my head. It’s two of us in here.” Ravyn replied while looking at M’Kael. “Is this who we came for? Doesn’t look like much, but whatever. He’s your boyfriend, not mine.”

Looking over at M’kael she quipped,, “She traded your porn stash for your freedom, gonna suck to be you.”

Looking at Ravyn M’Kael snarled. “Don’t know you, don’t care. Angela’s not my Girlfriend, not that I would object if she was.”

Looking over at Callo he squinted as her as he frowned. “You.. ate me. And then spit me on the floor."

“So the flat chested, smart ass, kill joy, virgin has an opinion! Tell me it is not so?” Angela fired back at Ravyn. Then Angus placed his big crushing hand on her shoulder

“Enough” he told Angela


Smiled at M’Kael comment “you ate me. And then spit me on the floor.”

“That is one of my kinks” Callo replied smoothly

This comment caused Gem, Angela, Van and even Angus to start laughing. The bleakness and sadness of the room seemed to be driven away for a moment.

“Callo, you are making jokes now?” Gem asked

The beautiful woman with alabaster skin, green reptilian eyes, started to smile

“So I did” Callo said as she pulled her long white blond hair back into a ponytail.

“M’Kael, I think she is a keeper! Ever has sex with a dragon before?” Angela ask M’Kael

“Why don’t we make it back to campus before M’Kael hooks up with Callo?” Van suggested

“I second that thought” Gem said
Looking over at Angela Ravyn gave her a dead panned look,

“I don’t know why you don’t like me and keep trying to verbally attack me, but it’s boring. And kind of immature for a Vampire. I thought you all had manners. Based on the way you dressed I assumed at least 300, but maybe I was wrong and you’re a newbie.”

Turning she walked away from the group calling out, “I don’t know, and don’t care. You’re annoying. So, either kill me so I don’t have to hear the whiny bitching or shut up.”

Looking at the Alabaster kin and green eyes M’Kael smiled. “Never been with a dragon before, and wouldn’t mind giving it a try. Wanna fuck?”

“Great Angela! Now you pissed off Ravyn” Gem scolded the Vampire. “Ok, everyone, let’s go, follow Ravyn” Gem told everyone as she hurried after Ravyn.

Callo and M'Kael

Callo answered M’Kael question with a sultry smile “Maybe I’ll just suck on you this time”

Angela grabbed M’Kael’s arm and pulled him along “Sex when you get back to campus”

Everyone followed Ravyn, who walked them right back to where Van parked his car. Which was difficult, given the low light, shifting landscape, and the car was invisible.

Van pulled out his key fob and pressed a button. There was a “Beep, beep” sound and then the Caddy with its lights flashing reappeared. He pressed another button and all the doors opened.

“Hop in” he told everyone as he pulled out a cigarette and lite it. The light from the flame, just struggled to be seen in the shadowy world.