Sex & Shenanigans

Is there anything better than waking up with no alarm on a government declared holiday that is based on a religious holiday that you don’t celebrate and therefore don’t give 2 fucks about
I’m just spitballing here , but waking up to things I do give fucks about is pretty cool too. But sleeping in sure is nice too.
Is there anything better than waking up with no alarm on a government declared holiday that is based on a religious holiday that you don’t celebrate and therefore don’t give 2 fucks about
We don’t celebrate Easter but my son wanted something to look forward to/celebrate for Sunday so I made up The Great Chocolate Chip Celebration™️
We will celebrate by eating at least one chocolate chip on top of every food we eat for the day.
We don’t celebrate Easter but my son wanted something to look forward to/celebrate for Sunday so I made up The Great Chocolate Chip Celebration™️
We will celebrate by eating at least one chocolate chip on top of every food we eat for the day.
We do ham and seafood on Easter.
Maybe we should keep our particular traditions separate.
We don’t celebrate Easter but my son wanted something to look forward to/celebrate for Sunday so I made up The Great Chocolate Chip Celebration™️
We will celebrate by eating at least one chocolate chip on top of every food we eat for the day.
This is the best tradition I can think of.
So always dressed, dressed? Or always dressed for working at home, as in mostly not dressed? Or half time from home so half-dressed all of the time?

I am pro all of theses options, just so you know.
I can be called away to meet with a client at any moment. So, my hair & makeup are always done, and I'm always dressed professionally, or in a way that I can throw on a blazer quickly and look good