Seeking RPers & Inspiration 2014

The Dark side

I'm looking to play a sort of juxtaposition of sorts. My character has left her old life behind. An abusive fiancé, a not so great existence. And is making a fresh start. Where she meets someone new. Sweet. Tender. Caring.

I'd like to play out both types of physical relationships. She's really enjoying this tender romance. But her ex finds her, and reminds her of the rougher side she's secretly missing. Shes scared and embarrassed to admit that a part of her wants this.

So two relationships being played simultaneously.
Hi. I'm Mary hunting for storyline detailed rp.

I'm hunting for anyone whom is cool about playing a female character. I've done many different scenarios and have some taboo interests that some people may find a bit too taboo. Please feel free to contact me on my yahoo messenger or through literotica.


Please type it correctly and remember the TL after my name else naturally I'll not receive your message

At present I do have a kinky request

I do have a keen interested in anyone playing as a frigged female.

Like a woman that's not that interested or ever bothered about sex. She's more interested in being helpful. Doesn't mind being touched or even doing things to help out.

Can casually chit chat as things happen.

I've done visiting teacher, shop assistant, traffic warden with a ticket. as well as many others sometimes even museums and transport eg trains and planes. Well I hope to find interests soon.
I am Searching for a Dominant Male writing partner to restart the following story lines. (Note: yes these have a different id on them but i assure you the id was mine. i just cannot get back into it. hence the matching avatar with the old id's name on it.)

The Blood Doll


My Best Friend's Girl

As you can see I prefer detailed writers who post at theast a paragraph but would like 3-5 or more. both threads show my writing style. if you are interested please Pm me with your ideas and thoughts. I am happy to explain the orginal story line of these and where they seemed to go wrong. :) Happy writing!
Update: I am still in need of a thread. If you have a thread in need of a female writer send me a link and ill jump in if I dig the idea.
Looking for Male Writer

hi everyone...
excuse for my bad english...
iam here looking for a male writer to create a story together with me
i love long and detailed story
i want to create story about young stud cop who saved a slutty MILF from a bad guy who try steal her bag.
Discuss first, then after all set up, we can cretae the story
pm me if u interest, but sorry for my english
Seeking a female RP partner

Church isn't where you go to find the women Craig always chased. But there was something about this new pastor's wife (daughter perhaps) that consumed his fantasies. Nope. Certainly not immodest. Conservative really. The confidence exuded a sexiness to where This woman became Craig's goal. His obsession.

PM with suggestions, tweaks, and preferences!
New Ideas

Got a new idea for a roleplay:

Jubilee is a grown woman now and she knows what she wants. That would be her best friend, Wolverine. She just has to make him see that she isn't a kid anymore.
Seeking male for 2 roles

Filled. Thank you The_Gladiator. :)
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Let's Get Dark

Okay gang, looking for a couple of new RP's, but I'll throw out several ideas. Each of these should involve some rough/non-con/blackmail/coercion/etc., and I'm also open to some incest scenes. But here are the blurbs, since some of you have PM'd to ask me:

1. The Bay: I am a young, professional in her early 20s, recently moved to the San Francisco Bay area. I know nobody, and the city is large, intimidating, and foreign to me. One night, I decide to get out of my apartment and make my way to a bar, where I meet you. You find me to be the perfect victim, perhaps only your next in a string of victims, and somehow have your way with me for the next several days (weeks?)

2. Two AM at Waffle House: I'm your waitress after a night of partying and clubbing. You and your two friends are drunk and I am ready to get off work. Though I'm tired, I do think you're cute, and I decide to maybe entertain you. And when my shift ends, your friends have left, you are waiting for me outside, and there is nowhere for me to go to get away from you now.

3. The Drug Trade: Very simply, I need a fix and you are my dealer. I pay most times until the one time I come to you and want drugs, but cannot pay. We make "a deal," a small one at first. Just this one time, I tell myself. But the deal becomes more common and then more elaborate. Eventually, you straight require me to have sex with you for drugs. I don't want to, at all. But yet I do.....

4. Shift Work: I am a hostess and part time waitress. You are my new manager. I complain that my hours have been cut and want more shifts. You are filthy, crude, and direct. "You want more shifts, little girl? You need to earn them..."

5. Tailgating: I'm a college girl on campus, tailgating with friends before a typical game. You and your friends are tailgating next to ours. You're older and not anyone I would consider, but we take to flirting and see where things go. The next week, we are back and so are you, but this time, we sneak off and you buy me a beer. Eventually, we skip the game altogether, and you find yourself inside my apartment and inside me.....

Let's start with those and see if anyone is interested. Let me know.
Long time, no see. Looking for someone who may be interested in some M/f dynamics. Not really wanting the full-on D/s spin but looking for dominant strong males who like taking the lead and taking what they want.

Few favourites: Daddy('s best friend)/(best friend's) daughter, Boss/employee, Teacher/student.

I like violence, "non"-consent (forced against will but secretly wants it) and general depravity.

If you have any ideas or threads that you think might suit me, feel free to PM.
Another Idea for a Historical Thread

I need a male writer for this one, preferably someone who likes historicals.

Tianna is the second daughter to an abusive father in London. All her life she has known nothing but cruelty until the day she is told that she was to be married off. Her expectations are dashed when she learns little by little that her soon to be husband is not like most men.
Lady needed

Lady partner needed for a D/s thread.

I have an idea for a thread that deal with a night intruder, but unknown to her he is a co-worker that she doesn’t give him the time of days. Never mind going out on a date with him, even though the man is nice to her and not a bad looking man either.

PM me if this interest and we’ll talk more about it.
Need male or female writers

I have recently found some images I like that have inspired role play ideas. The characters below can, in some cases, be as much villainess as heroine.

  • "Anti-heroine".
  • Goes after the bad guys with little concern for due process.
  • Her area of interest is environmental destruction, particularly of the planet's oceans and, therefore, all the rivers that drain into them.
  • She gets her name from her affinity for water. In the water, she maneuvers with the same speed and agility of a dolphin.
  • She is anthropomorphic, but her past -- her origin -- is a mystery to her. Is she human? Is she mermaid? Is she fish? She doesn't know. But she has found that as she fights to protect the Earth's waters, she remembers little bits and pieces of her past.
  • Her spear is her power source, though she still has near-superhuman strength, agility, and speed without it.
  • I can see her getting caught up with a by-the-book environmental activist who, while thankful for her assistance, has problems with her methods.
  • He doesn't have a problem looking at her, though, and he probably wouldn't have a problem touching her either if you know what I mean, if ever she decided to allow him to do such a thing.

  • Another heroine out to get the bad guys.
  • She gets her name from the stone she wears upon her forehead, a gem of unknown material or origin.
  • I can see her coming head to head with a developer who is reluctantly planning a major development in a previously untouched but now legally opened Old Growth forest.
  • They each must do their jobs -- his is building and hers is stopping him -- which becomes difficult when they fall in lust with one another.
  • What will happen? Will she kill him? Will he refuse to continue with his project? If he does, how will his powerful backers respond?

  • She can be heroine or villainess.
  • She uses seduction and sexuality to overwhelm the senses of others, defeating them first with their own lust, then with her own womanly abilities.
  • Her secret identity is that of a simple office assistant, a position which gains her access to confidential information with which she picks targets to destroy.

Ilga, the Queen of Blood (An ancient and modern times vampires):
  • Ilga is a murderous heroine.
  • Her army of vampires invades the lands of tyrants and dictators, destroying them to free the people.
  • Of course, they have to feed, too, but they try to reserve do this to "bad" people.
  • I can see this beginning as an ancient times story in which Ilga's army is defeated and she disappears, only to resurface in 2020 after she tracks down the great-descendant of the man who doomed her to a centuries-lasting life in the shadows.
I will fine tune these ideas later, but right now I have real world issues with which to deal.
Still searching...

Looking for a female co-writer for a story about a quiet and shy girl who slowly turns into a teasing, sexually powerful woman. Could be husband/wife, boss/secretary or any of other combo. I love seeing the details of the transformation. Please PM me to see if we click.

Hi. I'm Mary hunting for storyline detailed rp.

I'm hunting for anyone whom is cool about playing a female character. I've done many different scenarios and have some taboo interests that some people may find a bit too taboo. Please feel free to contact me on my yahoo messenger or through literotica.


Please type it correctly and remember the TL after my name else naturally I'll not receive your message

At present I do have a kinky request

I do have a keen interested in anyone playing as a frigged female.

Like a woman that's not that interested or ever bothered about sex. She's more interested in being helpful. Doesn't mind being touched or even doing things to help out.

Can casually chit chat as things happen.

I've done visiting teacher, shop assistant, traffic warden with a ticket. as well as many others sometimes even museums and transport eg trains and planes. Well I hope to find interests soon.

Still hunting.
Hello all. 50 M looking to add a story or two, maybe.

Open to most anything.

Some ideas off the top of my head:

Fantasy world slave hunter. I find them and bring them in. What happens then? Well, that could get interesting.

Your average joe suddenly becomes irresistible to women around him. Why and how did this happen? What wider effects might this have? Does it matter?

Scientist looking to make improvements to the human race. How will these improvements manifest in his female experimental subject(s)?

Just some thoughts. If they catch your interest, or you have ideas to discuss with someone who's generally available to post 5-6 days a week, feel free to drop me a line.

Thanks for looking. :)
I have an idea for an Elder Scrolls-based RP requiring 2 females. Knowledge of the lore would be helpful.

Me: Hermaeus Mora, the dadric prince of knowledge. He is preparing for a series of experiments involving the mortal races of Tamriel and various Daedra. He has an ever-changing number of eyes, and his tentacles spread across his realm of Apocrypha. Anything he does sexually is purely for the sake of knowledge.

The two female characters will be imprisoned together for Mora's sexual interaction experiment.

Female #1: A mortal of any of the human or elf races of Tamriel. She and her father are devoted followers of Mora and have secured passage to Apocrypha in order to find the identity of her brother's killer. Little does she know that that the price of such information is her.

Female #2: A Daedra of the Dremora, Golden Saint, or Dark Seducer races. She was summoned to the mortal plane by a sorceror and used as an offering to Mora. This is risky since if the prince she serves finds out, it will be war.

Belated bump. Anyone interested?
Need a female writer

I am looking for one female writer with a creative, submissive side.

I want to do a story about a young woman of royalty, she is sent to the house of some distant relatives due to and approaching invading army. She has never met these relatives and has never been out of her own country. While she is staying on this large estate she strikes up a friendship with a business man who is a friend of the family. Their relationship advances and he is able to slowly get her to do more and more sexual things.

I would like to find someone who enjoys slow building descriptive role plays.

If your interested please PM me.
I'd like to do a RP about a young man's first trip to Japan, where he meets a local girl. I've no real storyline in mind, though I do have a first post written. If any female writers would be interested in such a RP, PM me. Please read my SRP as well, as that gives a good indicator of what type of RPer I am.

Hope to get this going soon!

Still looking for a female co-writer on this. PM interest.
Department store Santa hits the strip club maybe, finds a girl to sit in his lap and tell him she's been naughty...
She's got no family she cares to think about, and the holidays are a miserable time for a stripper. When Santa comes in, looking just as miserable as she is, they get talking. She feels a little cheered up, and gives him a free lapdance before the boss starts giving her the eye. 'Santa' gives her his number, knowing that there's not a snowball's chance in hell that she'll actually call him, but to his surprise, she calls. Maybe she's got a Santa fantasy, or maybe she's lonely as hell, or probably both.
A sordid and sad little romance to start with, but maybe with a little holiday magic at the end?
So I've been tossing a couple of ideas around, mostly silly ones but whatever strikes your fancy I'm willing to give a shot. Looking for a solo female companion for either of these.

Halt Evildoers!

Had a vague idea about a guy who is about to be wholly jumped on a drunk stumble home. All seems lost, but fear not! Vigilante girl springs into action and saves our loveable protagonist!

Through some bad luck, one of them is injured. In a drunken stupor or a state or grave misjudgement, they are tended to at the others abode. Secret identities become unsecret! Bad guys show up again! Vigilantees assemble!

Just a general idea, if you'd prefer to be the one getting mugged I could flip the gender role.

No Girls allowed!

I guess its a mostly vanilla idea. Girl next door to my character from a young age. They have a confrontation involving a tree house with typical childish results. Flash forward. My character has been living at home and working, yours is just moving back home from a few years of college. They reconcile.

Just a sketch of an idea really. Private message me about either! :)
Holiday Themed Threads!

My all time favorite idea is to play with the seasons at hand and write sordid sexual romps with our current holidays in mind. If you'd like to play around with some ideas or bring up something completely seperate then please feel free to message me.
Need a male who knows how to take orders

My female character is key to solving an international terrorism case, but she isn't exactly the patriotic type. She wants something -- many somethings -- for what she has to offer.

She takes a shine to one particular Special Agent, and tells him that if he does what she asks -- everything she asks -- for 7 days, she will tell him how to catch his terrorist.

I am looking for one male writer:
  • Who will post 10-20 times per week.
  • Does spelling, grammar, and punctuation checks. No lazy cell phone posts.
  • Who will allow me to control the twists. (Trust me, you won't mind them.)
  • Who wants to write a real story, not just an ever lasting sex scene.