Ropework photos

Nice photos, Homburg. I love having roadrunner, now what used to take an hour to pull up. . .pulls up in seconds.:D

Thank you!



thought so.


:eek: what can I say?


YEY! Free ... is good :D
But I am sure that it is not free ... you earned it ;)

*think of what else she could send to add to the content of the "drawer of hard explanations" .... mmmmmmm * :p

I like the sound of that :D
: chuckles : Damn those switches huh. I know you have my stapler btw. I'm out, no more hijacking Mr Homburgs thread, he glares at me.
*looking Innocent* What stapler? *bursts out laughing*


Seriously although, Miss Rebbecca, the picture you shown was really hot! If I am honest, lately I have been having some fantasies of doing rope work on sexy guys! However, I do need to be taught on how to do the tying and getting to know different knots etc. Hopefully my sub friend will be helping out with that experiment! ;)
Right, time for another installement of "Men in Rope". As I stated before, c came by for another tie. Here's the photos. As usual, I was taking the pics, so there are less of them than when someone else takes the shots.

There are two ties here, both simple as we had limited time. We decided on a bit of stress positioning to see how he held up. Not too much, as he has some low back issues though.

We'll start with the light strappado.


Note the frilly panties. DB, Shanks, I'm expecting some happiness over having your requests fulfilled.

And, yes, he does have a head. It's covered int he hood and blends into the background. Sorry about that. Didn't think about it prior.


Closer shot of the strappado tie. This is a typical support line used in suspension. Useful tie.


A direct shot of the frilly panties. Nice of c to respond to requests like this, eh?


Here's a classic wrists up tie. Not as extreme as it looks, as he wasn't suspended by those wrists. Not a safer practice. Also put a chest harness on him, both to liven up the shot, and to show how one is applied to a male torso.


Final shot here is a back shot with some detail work.

Hope you all enjoyed these. Bit of a niche product comparatively.

As alwys, questions and comments are welcome!
Stepping out of lurk....

Lovely, just lovely.....sweet dreams for me tonight..... :kiss:

(I love a man in frillies...and rope... :D ) me some ideas for when I do my experiments....I mean rope work....on my sub friend! :D
Eminently, thank you. As Shyguy said, your taste in exquisite in such things.

Frankly, I would like to add some eroticism to the photos taken of my work. I am too involved in the technical side of it, and, frankly, the performance, to care. Case in point, I did some tying as a club in Richmond on Friday. I did a takata-kote*, then strung her to a rafter, and turned it into a partial suspension, first bringing up her left leg, then dropping it and suspending the right leg.

Among the comments I received on the tie, I was told it was a hot scene. I put a lot of emotion into it, letting myself enjoy the music, the space, and my model (SW from previous posts), and I made sure to put a lot of emotion into the visuals, touching her, tying in a strong and possessive manner. I have no idea how it would have looked to the camera. Probably good, as she ties and photographs well, and the pink rope looked great under the blacklights, but I honestly couldn't say. I was focused on my bottom first, and the performance second, and nothing else was present in my mind.

I do the same thing in other situations too, focus is on my bottom, and usually some techincal aspect or two that intrigues me.


Fantastic! Reminds me that I need more hemp!

And better photography skills. Honestly, if this continues the way it looks to be going, I'll need to buy books on photography, or take a class or two.


Only out of love.

Thank you, both:rose:

Apologies for the delay of reply. I wasn't really drawing comparisons, well maybe I was, though not as has been suggested. I guess the point is I predominantly collect images that I am drawn to, it's auto pilot. The one exception being that out of respect for the craft I tend to critique the perceived rope skills employed in most images of Kinbaku . There were other aspects that presented in the first image, the rope was just a small part in the composite of reasons I kept that one. While I rarely seek specific art imagery with a person in mind , I quite often get it in reverse. "Hmmmn that's beautiful , perhaps X might enjoy it ".

Welllllllll keeping in mind a team most likely set up that still and it may in fact have been the best image out of 100's. If you're able to encompass more with your rigging skills and keeping a pathos to the scene as well as capture it photographically you'll be up for an award I imagine.

Ohh Oh : plugs in micro speakers : I am channeling Burt Bach-arach : smiles :

"The glare of love ".......... Guess we'll outsource this one to Miss Krall link . You reallllllllllllly should play this for your 'v', ooops I meant I humbly suggest, yes that's it :cool:

PS Had to misspell Burt's name, Lit won't host it, weird.
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*looking Innocent* What stapler? *bursts out laughing*


Seriously although, Miss Rebbecca, the picture you shown was really hot! If I am honest, lately I have been having some fantasies of doing rope work on sexy guys! However, I do need to be taught on how to do the tying and getting to know different knots etc. Hopefully my sub friend will be helping out with that experiment! ;)

Oh Miss Cazz, you're loitering in the right thread to develop rope skills. We''ll be expecting details you know when the opportunity presents. Can't say I have the slightest desire to be tying anyone, anywhere, for any reason, I did however like the 'puppet' aspect of that image, erotic meter wise registers fairly high , though I suspect it speaks more to the visual representation of suggested power , control & relinquishment . I seriously have to divorce the fact that the person seated is also bound in order to go there at all. You have done it now, you made me look twice, next I see evocative males in rope I'll be saving them for you.
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Thank you, both:rose:

Apologies for the delay of reply. I wasn't really drawing comparisons, well maybe I was, though not as has been suggested. I guess the point is I predominantly collect images that I am drawn to, it's auto pilot. The one exception being that out of respect for the craft I tend to critique the perceived rope skills employed in most images of Kinbaku . There were other aspects that presented in the first image, the rope was just a small part in the composite of reasons I kept that one. While I rarely seek specific art imagery with a person in mind , I quite often get it in reverse. "Hmmmn that's beautiful , perhaps X might enjoy it ".

I loved the ropework in the shot with the elbows, and the image in the Dance, and the overall composition in the paired tie..

Welllllllll keeping in mind a team most likely set up that still and it may in fact have been the best image out of 100's. If you're able to encompass more with your rigging skills and keeping a pathos to the scene as well as capture it photographically you'll be up for an award I imagine.

:eek: :eek:

Award? *sputters*

If only I could get the photo to be how I see her...

Ohh Oh : plugs in micro speakers : I am channeling Burt Bach-arach : smiles :

"The glare of love ".......... Guess we'll outsource this one to Miss Krall link . You reallllllllllllly should play this for your 'v', ooops I meant I humbly suggest, yes that's it :cool:

PS Had to misspell Burt's name, Lit won't host it, weird.

Lovely song, thank you. As always, I am deeply in love with your aesthetic and style, rebecca :rose:
Right, time for another installement of "Men in Rope". As I stated before, c came by for another tie. Here's the photos. As usual, I was taking the pics, so there are less of them than when someone else takes the shots.


Hope you all enjoyed these. Bit of a niche product comparatively.

As alwys, questions and comments are welcome!

Homburg-sama, your rope work is always very carefully and elegantly executed! Thank you and your "rope-hare" :)p) for sharing :)

On a tangent note ... why is that women in ropes make me hotter than men in rope? Is it because since I don't have a Dom bone in me (at least at the moment) I can identify with the rope-bunny but not with the rigger? mmmmmmm
Homburg-sama, your rope work is always very carefully and elegantly executed! Thank you and your "rope-hare" :)p) for sharing :)

You're quite welcome

On a tangent note ... why is that women in ropes make me hotter than men in rope? Is it because since I don't have a Dom bone in me (at least at the moment) I can identify with the rope-bunny but not with the rigger? mmmmmmm

I would guess that might be the case. Women in rope is vastly more exciting for me too. I work with the occassional hare, as you so aptly put it, because a certain portion of my audience digs it, and because I really do believe that the only way to improve my ability to handle different bodies properly is to work on lots of different bodies. In short, practice, practice, practice.
Right, time for another installement of "Men in Rope". As I stated before, c came by for another tie. Here's the photos. As usual, I was taking the pics, so there are less of them than when someone else takes the shots.

There are two ties here, both simple as we had limited time. We decided on a bit of stress positioning to see how he held up. Not too much, as he has some low back issues though.

We'll start with the light strappado.

Note the frilly panties. DB, Shanks, I'm expecting some happiness over having your requests fulfilled.
How the fuck did I miss that???

Thanks for the frilly panties rope pics Junior. The rope work is great as usual, and the frilly panties nicely compliment the aesthetics. Tell your friend that he wears them well.
How the fuck did I miss that???

I know, especially as you've had some time on your hands today.

Thanks for the frilly panties rope pics Junior. The rope work is great as usual, and the frilly panties nicely compliment the aesthetics. Tell your friend that he wears them well.

He's on Lit, sort of. Don't think he has posted just yet though.

Thanks for the comments, as always.
Yes, go ahead, be mean after I pay you compliments.

Is it MY fault if I live in a hot-single-chicks-who-wanna-date-me-vortex and that I'm alone on VD???


To be utterly honest, I am boggled by it too. If I were a hot bottomy chick living in your neck of Canada, I would be all about it. Wow, lotsa qualifiers there....

Look, I did the best I could in letting my gal offer herself. C'mon, if that doesn't tell you how much love I have for you, nothing else will.
If I were a hot bottomy chick living in your neck of Canada, I would be all about it.

I am a hot bottomy chick. Well, a switchy one, but who's keeping score, right? Too bad I'm not in her neck of Canada. *Goes off to sulk*

Oh, well, I'm still thrilled that my name is on the sign in her av! :eek:
Hey, charlie! I should probably wander through the posts and change your name now, eh? =)


And here is a Public Service Announcement from you friendly Rope Top, and originator of this thread.

Friends, when you are at a fetish club, and doing fuck-all fetish-related because you know that you just aren't cool enough for public consumption, and your girlfriend, who apparently digs public play, asks if the scary bald dude over there can tie her up, say yes. Seriously, think of her needs and feelings. You aren't doing what she wants done, and that bald dude over there will. You want her to be satisified, actualised, and extremely sexually charged up for when you take her home, right? So say yes. For her sake, and yours. The sloppy after-club humping you save may be your own.


Went to the club tonight sans a bottom. I hate doing that. None of my usual victims were availabe, and, as usual, we didn't have a sitter, so "v" couldn't come along. I needed to go anyway to finalise my membership, so I went. Got there, and talked to a number of folks, hung out with some kinky people tha I chatted with last week, and watched a (dull) suspension. And had two different women agree to get tied, only to have lame-ass boyfriends say no.

If it weren't for the exceedingly formal submissive that begged her Master for permission to talk to me, and then proceeded to giggle and blush, and bow her way through a stammered conversation, I would really call the night a wash. As it was, she was so sweet and cute that even I couldn't be grumpy. Usually I dislike the whole obsequious and super-formal thing, but for some reason, it made me happy here. It was probably the gushing fangirl feel to it. I swear she was treating me like a frikken celebrity and she wanted my autograph. Too cute.

(Yes, she was on the hot side, and scantily clad, but that was secondary to the adorable gushing fangirl behaviour, curtsies, and giggling and such.)

Yes, for a moment there, _I_ felt what it is like to be HC...
Hey, charlie! I should probably wander through the posts and change your name now, eh? =)


And here is a Public Service Announcement from you friendly Rope Top, and originator of this thread.

Friends, when you are at a fetish club, and doing fuck-all fetish-related because you know that you just aren't cool enough for public consumption, and your girlfriend, who apparently digs public play, asks if the scary bald dude over there can tie her up, say yes. Seriously, think of her needs and feelings. You aren't doing what she wants done, and that bald dude over there will. You want her to be satisified, actualised, and extremely sexually charged up for when you take her home, right? So say yes. For her sake, and yours. The sloppy after-club humping you save may be your own.


Went to the club tonight sans a bottom. I hate doing that. None of my usual victims were availabe, and, as usual, we didn't have a sitter, so "v" couldn't come along. I needed to go anyway to finalise my membership, so I went. Got there, and talked to a number of folks, hung out with some kinky people tha I chatted with last week, and watched a (dull) suspension. And had two different women agree to get tied, only to have lame-ass boyfriends say no.

If it weren't for the exceedingly formal submissive that begged her Master for permission to talk to me, and then proceeded to giggle and blush, and bow her way through a stammered conversation, I would really call the night a wash. As it was, she was so sweet and cute that even I couldn't be grumpy. Usually I dislike the whole obsequious and super-formal thing, but for some reason, it made me happy here. It was probably the gushing fangirl feel to it. I swear she was treating me like a frikken celebrity and she wanted my autograph. Too cute.

(Yes, she was on the hot side, and scantily clad, but that was secondary to the adorable gushing fangirl behaviour, curtsies, and giggling and such.)

Yes, for a moment there, _I_ felt what it is like to be HC...

Ha ha ha!!!!! :D


I like the formal thing, glad you got a taste of it that you actually liked.
Oh Miss Cazz, you're loitering in the right thread to develop rope skills. We''ll be expecting details you know when the opportunity presents. Can't say I have the slightest desire to be tying anyone, anywhere, for any reason, I did however like the 'puppet' aspect of that image, erotic meter wise registers fairly high , though I suspect it speaks more to the visual representation of suggested power , control & relinquishment . I seriously have to divorce the fact that the person seated is also bound in order to go there at all. You have done it now, you made me look twice, next I see evocative males in rope I'll be saving them for you.
Thank you, Miss Rebbecca, and I look forward to seeing some pictures from you. You are awesome with finding really good and erotic pictures! :eek:

I will certainly share pictures with you, when I finally do some ropework on a guy, which probably won't be for a while, yet, as I have not done any play sessions with my sub friend as yet, but the ropework won't happen in the play session, as we both need to iron out any signals, and to learn more about each other, etc..blah..blah. Safety first, ya know? :D