Reveal the most random fact about yourself.


Ginger Ninja
Nov 23, 2020
While Lit has a lot of threads where people reveal things about them (or parts of them for that matter), I want this to be about you telling us something about yourself that is totally random, insignificant, trivial and/or amusing bordering on silly.

I'll start:

I can sing the national anthems of 11.5 countries.

Now it's your turn, go!
I love it when you lie to me. lol

Hahahaha. Sick burn.

I think in a random way. Like, I really do use chains of thoughts to connect things that people don’t connect. Then they look at me weird when I “change the topic” but I really didn’t change it at all. Just adjusted.
Oops wait...make that three times. Once cheering for my hockey team during an intense overtime with the Flyers.
I was on tv twice...once for a middle school spelling bee and once in college during a self defense class.

"One-Upping" me, huh?

OK, I was also ALMOST selected for the lead in a Disney movie when I was in 8th grade. I was one of the last 3 that tried out.