Psychoanalyzing my fixation on "incest" porn...


Really Experienced
Jul 14, 2022
Inevitably, with porn, I come back time and again to incest themes--mother, sister, stepdaughter. I was just watching a scene in which gorgeous young blonde with a perfect ass, who could have any guy she wanted, was up on the couch in her (the titles of such videos all say step-[name of relation] for legal reasons, but let's pretend) brother's room, beautiful round ass up in the air, giving herself to him, letting him pound her from behind. I was instantly ignited.
I think what it comes down to is this. Most men (except for subs) want to feel like sexual giants and winners, their potency so great that the females just come to them, without effort on their part. Thus my forever fantasy, in which my dick is so big (my sister or mother having seen it and gone mad with lust thinking about it) that a female who because she is my mother or sister would ordinarily never even THINK of doing such a thing, can't help but fall to their knees one day, sucking madly, offering themselves to me and begging me to fuck them. In other words, in my fantasy, were this to happen it would be the ultimate affirmation that I am the king of the jungle, as it were.
Although I am much more confidant these days than I ever used to be, and don't worry about sexual hang-ups like I used to, it's normal I guess to want some external confirmation that you're sexually desirable.
Inevitably, with porn, I come back time and again to incest themes--mother, sister, stepdaughter. I was just watching a scene in which gorgeous young blonde with a perfect ass, who could have any guy she wanted, was up on the couch in her (the titles of such videos all say step-[name of relation] for legal reasons, but let's pretend) brother's room, beautiful round ass up in the air, giving herself to him, letting him pound her from behind. I was instantly ignited.
I think what it comes down to is this. Most men (except for subs) want to feel like sexual giants and winners, their potency so great that the females just come to them, without effort on their part. Thus my forever fantasy, in which my dick is so big (my sister or mother having seen it and gone mad with lust thinking about it) that a female who because she is my mother or sister would ordinarily never even THINK of doing such a thing, can't help but fall to their knees one day, sucking madly, offering themselves to me and begging me to fuck them. In other words, in my fantasy, were this to happen it would be the ultimate affirmation that I am the king of the jungle, as it were.
Although I am much more confidant these days than I ever used to be, and don't worry about sexual hang-ups like I used to, it's normal I guess to want some external confirmation that you're sexually desirable.

Unless you're really going to do it for real, is there a point to Psychhoanalyzing your fantasy? If you were in love with them, ok maybe. Otherwize no, it's just masturbation material to get off IMO.
Unless you're really going to do it for real, is there a point to Psychhoanalyzing your fantasy? If you were in love with them, ok maybe. Otherwize no, it's just masturbation material to get off IMO.
I understand your point, but what I was saying was that I have consistently had these same fantasies for so many years that recently I decided to finally figure out why. After some introspection, I do think I have a lot of that understanding now.
If you want to understand or control this, the first thing you need to do is stop saying, “my fantasy.” It isn’t yours at all.

Instead it’s been pounded into your head by thousands upon thousands of pictures, videos, and stories.

It’s not unlike the way you get an impression about a big corporation. They spend millions of dollars on advertising to plant the idea. If all goes as planned, you don’t have any reason not to accept it, so it sticks.

Both the mind, and sexuality, are much more malleable than most people want to admit.
Well you're certainly correct about the effect of endless reinforcement by porn videos depicting the subject. Same thing, nowadays, with the endless interracial porn--it's at least half the reason white man feel sexually inferior to black men. However, as Sophocles expressed in his legendary play Oedipus Rex, there are certain sexual and erotic themes and urges that are innate, come from deep places within our psyches. Having said that, yes, constant harping on it will tend to increase it's potency. I'm not worried about that in this case, though, as understanding it is enough for me. When I want sexual release in this context, there is no end of taboo video for it.
If you want to understand or control this, the first thing you need to do is stop saying, “my fantasy.” It isn’t yours at all.

Instead it’s been pounded into your head by thousands upon thousands of pictures, videos, and stories.

It’s not unlike the way you get an impression about a big corporation. They spend millions of dollars on advertising to plant the idea. If all goes as planned, you don’t have any reason not to accept it, so it sticks.

Both the mind, and sexuality, are much more malleable than most people want to admit.
Thankyou - this is really interesting to me. I hadn't thought about this and just believed gangbangs and so on ARE sexy (at least in fantasy, and to some of us - of course not to all).

But you're right - with capitalism and consumerism comes being sold beliefs about sex, our sexuality and our fantasies, just as much about which laundry powder washes whiter.

Still - that doesn't change the fact gangbangs ARE a turn-on ;)

Thankyou - this is really interesting to me. I hadn't thought about this and just believed gangbangs and so on ARE sexy (at least in fantasy, and to some of us - of course not to all).

But you're right - with capitalism and consumerism comes being sold beliefs about sex, our sexuality and our fantasies, just as much about which laundry powder washes whiter.

Still - that doesn't change the fact gangbangs ARE a turn-on ;)

We all have things that make us tick sexually and I like you find this infinitely interesting. Especially in the realm of how the porn industry shapes our thinking about certain things. Gangbangs for instance.

When you click a search in Pornhub for instance on GB’s you’re steered by an algorithm much like Google, Netflix, or Amazon. The search will then give you “suggestions“ on other GB’s. The industry is effectively molding content. Therefore they can mold memes and effect change to our collective consumption of content and eventually our actions. Also, all these “Tubes” or Hub’s are owned largely by one company; MindGeek.

In 1990 there were around 90 porn magazines. By the mid 90’s there were 900 online (pay site at the time) porn outlets. I posted on another thread about porn consumption of people ages 15-30. Men admitted to watching it in the 90+ percentile while females reported low to mid 60’s. Those are HUGE numbers and have to have an effect on our actions in the bedroom.
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I didn’t mean to sound judgmental about incest specifically. I just like to be observant about what people are trying to program into us.

Personally, I have a longtime relationship with a woman who is my mother’s age, and it morphed into a mother/son relationship years ago. It’s been fun, to say the least and the best part is that I’m into it, but she’s even more into it than I am.

You have sex with her? A few weeks ago, an older woman neighbor saw me out in the front yard and offered to help me with anything I need. She knows I have a father with dementia. When women say things like that it’s so difficult to tell whether they are just being a good neighbor or if they find me sexually desirable and want to get closer for sex.
If you want to understand or control this, the first thing you need to do is stop saying, “my fantasy.” It isn’t yours at all.

Instead it’s been pounded into your head by thousands upon thousands of pictures, videos, and stories.

It’s not unlike the way you get an impression about a big corporation. They spend millions of dollars on advertising to plant the idea. If all goes as planned, you don’t have any reason not to accept it, so it sticks.

Both the mind, and sexuality, are much more malleable than most people want to admit.

I think you are correct but not entirely. Mother/Son has its own logic. A post-puberty son is a young version of the boy’s father.
My girlfriend has a masters degree in phycology, and my former job dealt with it as well, so this is the sort of thing I really enjoy. I don't think I am alone in that as many of us are naturally curious, and it is good to explore the "why's" of this world, even if they are the hardest questions to answer. In that, there really are no right or wrong answers to phycology questions since everyone is unique, but there are trends we can make note of, and discuss.

Most likely there is some subtle trigger from the formidable teenage years that makes you (speaking of @Beandip478 ) interested in incest. I had a friend who liked that as well, but it stemmed from hearing his mother; the town slut in a very small town, bring home many different men, of which he constantly heard her cries of ecstasy from his bedroom. Outside of town, gossip was such that he knew, other's knew, what she was constantly doing.

Myself, I do not have an incest fantasy, but almost every Sunday, in church, ahead of us a young lady in her 20's, came in with her husband and dressed to please him. An exceptionally pretty lady, she always wore high heels, an anklet and depending on the season, sometimes wore pantyhose. It was not unusual for her to kick her high heels off and play footsie with her husband if the sermon got a little dry. Being 15-18 years old, seeing this every week, I think its why I like a lady in heels, pantyhose and an ankle bracelet.

For a brother that accidentally catches his sister making out with a guy in the back seat of his car, or having a bedroom that lets him hear his parents go at it; I can easily see how such subtle things would entice a person to be drawn to incest.
Sorry - maybe wrong thread, but it's the same line of thought for me.

So I get that cuckolding is as old as time. Probably the roots of the Adam & Eve story, who knows?

But is there anything in the air right now that makes 'being cuckolded' the sort of male fantasy that I see in some of the posts and stories here? That feels unusual - did men talk and think and fantasise that way in the 1960s, the 1860s, the 1660s etc?

Are (some) men questioning who they are, and their post-#MeToo behaviour, to such an extent that freely giving up their wife/girlfriend to another predatory man is such a turn-on for them? Or actively 'being betrayed' by their successful confident sexually-secure wife/gf somehow reinforces these men's view of themselves in the world?

(I know that these are stereotypes of what the cuckold/hotwife fantasy is - so please don't put me right on that. On second thoughts, please do - but maybe PM rather than here!)

It's the sociology/psychology bit that interests me right now.

Thankyou for listening.

But is there anything in the air right now that makes 'being cuckolded' the sort of male fantasy that I see in some of the posts and stories here? That feels unusual - did men talk and think and fantasise that way in the 1960s, the 1860s, the 1660s etc?

Are (some) men questioning who they are, and their post-#MeToo behaviour, to such an extent that freely giving up their wife/girlfriend to another predatory man is such a turn-on for them? Or actively 'being betrayed' by their successful confident sexually-secure wife/gf somehow reinforces these men's view of themselves in the world?
Myself, I think it is just a fantasy of the era we are in. Never before in history has a woman had so much freedom, and that is a very good thing.

I think before, there was sort of this known status where if you were a husband, she was your wife, and death be to any man that tried to take her. I think that nonsense has now been eroded. Through the miracle of the internet, men have realized that there is no challenge to our egos when another man takes your wife. There is no reason to be ashamed, angry, or upset. The truth is, she always had the right to sleep with anyone she wanted too. Yes, there was a promise made at the time of marriage, but people’s feelings change.

Today there are still some personality types at play. An alpha male is going to take this differently then a beta or a sigma male. I am the latter and therefore do not have a bit of jealousy in me. I enjoy our life together as a whole, so if she wants to be with another man sexually, I hope the two have fun together. I know what kind of life she is looking for, and that we have that together. I am emotionally, physically, and mentally strong; so who enjoys her sexually on occasion, is not going to be a challenge to me.

This is the power of inverse thinking: If my wife having an affair is going to be hurtful to me, why not just dispense with the idea of a monogamous marriage, and enjoy her enjoying other men; therefore it will not hurt if she is ever with another?

In some respects, this has come full-circle. In the Victorian Era for instance, it was not uncommon for a husband to have a mistress. This was not kept secret from the wife. While less common perhaps, sometimes they were even friends.
Myself, I think it is just a fantasy of the era we are in. Never before in history has a woman had so much freedom, and that is a very good thing.

I think before, there was sort of this known status where if you were a husband, she was your wife, and death be to any man that tried to take her. I think that nonsense has now been eroded. Through the miracle of the internet, men have realized that there is no challenge to our egos when another man takes your wife. There is no reason to be ashamed, angry, or upset. The truth is, she always had the right to sleep with anyone she wanted too. Yes, there was a promise made at the time of marriage, but people’s feelings change.

Today there are still some personality types at play. An alpha male is going to take this differently then a beta or a sigma male. I am the latter and therefore do not have a bit of jealousy in me. I enjoy our life together as a whole, so if she wants to be with another man sexually, I hope the two have fun together. I know what kind of life she is looking for, and that we have that together. I am emotionally, physically, and mentally strong; so who enjoys her sexually on occasion, is not going to be a challenge to me.

This is the power of inverse thinking: If my wife having an affair is going to be hurtful to me, why not just dispense with the idea of a monogamous marriage, and enjoy her enjoying other men; therefore it will not hurt if she is ever with another?

In some respects, this has come full-circle. In the Victorian Era for instance, it was not uncommon for a husband to have a mistress. This was not kept secret from the wife. While less common perhaps, sometimes they were even friends.

I agree with your post. I think it’s definitely a new Victorian Era paradigm but this time the woman is the one who has the affairs.

The pleasure of cuckoldry is certainly that men today have an anxious awareness of a wife’s options to cheat. He prepares himself for the inevitable by being aroused by the idea of her cheating, and even trying to rush her into it.
Inevitably, with porn, I come back time and again to incest themes--mother, sister, stepdaughter. I was just watching a scene in which gorgeous young blonde with a perfect ass, who could have any guy she wanted, was up on the couch in her (the titles of such videos all say step-[name of relation] for legal reasons, but let's pretend) brother's room, beautiful round ass up in the air, giving herself to him, letting him pound her from behind. I was instantly ignited.
I think what it comes down to is this. Most men (except for subs) want to feel like sexual giants and winners, their potency so great that the females just come to them, without effort on their part. Thus my forever fantasy, in which my dick is so big (my sister or mother having seen it and gone mad with lust thinking about it) that a female who because she is my mother or sister would ordinarily never even THINK of doing such a thing, can't help but fall to their knees one day, sucking madly, offering themselves to me and begging me to fuck them. In other words, in my fantasy, were this to happen it would be the ultimate affirmation that I am the king of the jungle, as it were.
Although I am much more confidant these days than I ever used to be, and don't worry about sexual hang-ups like I used to, it's normal I guess to want some external confirmation that you're sexually desirable.
I’ve had intimate relations with my sister ,since the mid nineties,although now we are grandparents and love on different sides of the planet…..imcestporn does nothing for me ,except one movie,close my eyes….sorry for being a big random
I agree with your post. I think it’s definitely a new Victorian Era paradigm but this time the woman is the one who has the affairs.

The pleasure of cuckoldry is certainly that men today have an anxious awareness of a wife’s options to cheat. He prepares himself for the inevitable by being aroused by the idea of her cheating, and even trying to rush her into it.
Thankyou - and CuttingEdge - what you both say makes so much sense. That 'New Victorian Era' will find/has found new ways of suppressing women's freedoms too, though.

And of course our own fantasies have changed too, as well as our 'practice'.
I don’t know why I am so into it and I don’t even care why. Look years ago growing up I was so turned on by mothers but never put two to two together that I had a MILF fetish. Hell the term MILF didn’t even come around till long after I discovered my incest fetish which that I discovered by reading a mother and son incest story on an area in AOL which shows how long ago this was.

I am a very sexual guy opened to many things. There are things I absolutely won’t do and there are things illegal and taboo I would willingly do. Just how I am wired and accepted that. As long as I stick to my morals and realize what is wrong and what is well let’s just say what many would consider wrong isn’t always that. Some rules and laws I agree with but I don’t need those laws and rules to prevent me from doing things. But for family sex I see nothing wrong with it as long as the two or more parties are at at an age where they are making this decision willingly with the right state of mind. Meaning going through puberty your hormones pretty much control your choices. Those choices you may regret down the road or you may not. My hormones lead me to fucking a woman old enough to be my grandmother. Wouldn’t be an issue but her hygiene was just disgusting. I gagged for three days after that. That one I regret.
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I would have stopped after the 1st sentence. It was eloquent but became immaterial.(y)