Pmann discusses Lit Economics- Demand for P vs V

Lord Pmann

Mar 12, 2012
So Literotica, like most places, works like a marketplace. There are different currencies here- looks, intelligence, humour, writing ability, etc. I know, I know… I’m tooting my own horn. But this applies to everyone.

This makes me wonder, who has the upper hand here, men or women? Let’s discuss.

Here are my theories…

1. Women have the overall upper hand if they just want to interact with a guy. One can look in the Personals and it becomes quite apparent that women win there.

2. Men have a more difficult time just making an initial connection at Lit. In the threads, women have substantially more men vying for their attention than the opposite scenario.

Conclusion: Women definitely have the upper hand in the basic, department store grade interactions. There are a greater number of men just trying to “get in” at the ground level. Whilst there is almost zero demand for low quality dick, there is still decent demand for low quality pussy.

Now, onto Boutique Penis and Pussy at Lit. This is the high quality stuff. Not the standard “i wanna lik ur pussy” type interactions. These are the people who can have meaningful/filthy connections.

1. There is greater demand for higher quality penis. Not that the demand doesn’t exist for high quality pussy. But girls are definitely more selective with whom they share their lady bits. Therefore, they’re not just casting a wide net like guys are.

2. The boutique pussy market, in my opinion, is slightly less competitive than the penis market.

Conclusion: At the higher end of the Penis and Vagina commodities, penis is more competitive. But this only holds true for the luxury genitals, not the run-of-the-mill ones. Demand for boutique genitals are high, but men have the edge here.

So, Lit pervs, what say ye? Who has it easier here? Men or women? Is their a difference as quality increases?

I will be adding graphs, soon enough.
So Literotica, like most places, works like a marketplace. There are different currencies here- looks, intelligence, humour, writing ability, etc. I know, I know… I’m tooting my own horn. But this applies to everyone.

This makes me wonder, who has the upper hand here, men or women? Let’s discuss.

Here are my theories…

1. Women have the overall upper hand if they just want to interact with a guy. One can look in the Personals and it becomes quite apparent that women win there.

2. Men have a more difficult time just making an initial connection at Lit. In the threads, women have substantially more men vying for their attention than the opposite scenario.

Conclusion: Women definitely have the upper hand in the basic, department store grade interactions. There are a greater number of men just trying to “get in” at the ground level. Whilst there is almost zero demand for low quality dick, there is still decent demand for low quality pussy.

Now, onto Boutique Penis and Pussy at Lit. This is the high quality stuff. Not the standard “i wanna lik ur pussy” type interactions. These are the people who can have meaningful/filthy connections.

1. There is greater demand for higher quality penis. Not that the demand doesn’t exist for high quality pussy. But girls are definitely more selective with whom they share their lady bits. Therefore, they’re not just casting a wide net like guys are.

2. The boutique pussy market, in my opinion, is slightly less competitive than the penis market.

Conclusion: At the higher end of the Penis and Vagina commodities, penis is more competitive. But this only holds true for the luxury genitals, not the run-of-the-mill ones. Demand for boutique genitals are high, but men have the edge here.

So, Lit pervs, what say ye? Who has it easier here? Men or women? Is their a difference as quality increases?

I will be adding graphs, soon enough.
This was the first thing I read after groggily waking up from a nap. I still don’t understand what Boutique anything is? Or what low quality pussy is?
So Literotica, like most places, works like a marketplace. There are different currencies here- looks, intelligence, humour, writing ability, etc. I know, I know… I’m tooting my own horn. But this applies to everyone.

This makes me wonder, who has the upper hand here, men or women? Let’s discuss.

Here are my theories…

1. Women have the overall upper hand if they just want to interact with a guy. One can look in the Personals and it becomes quite apparent that women win there.

2. Men have a more difficult time just making an initial connection at Lit. In the threads, women have substantially more men vying for their attention than the opposite scenario.

Conclusion: Women definitely have the upper hand in the basic, department store grade interactions. There are a greater number of men just trying to “get in” at the ground level. Whilst there is almost zero demand for low quality dick, there is still decent demand for low quality pussy.

Now, onto Boutique Penis and Pussy at Lit. This is the high quality stuff. Not the standard “i wanna lik ur pussy” type interactions. These are the people who can have meaningful/filthy connections.

1. There is greater demand for higher quality penis. Not that the demand doesn’t exist for high quality pussy. But girls are definitely more selective with whom they share their lady bits. Therefore, they’re not just casting a wide net like guys are.

2. The boutique pussy market, in my opinion, is slightly less competitive than the penis market.

Conclusion: At the higher end of the Penis and Vagina commodities, penis is more competitive. But this only holds true for the luxury genitals, not the run-of-the-mill ones. Demand for boutique genitals are high, but men have the edge here.

So, Lit pervs, what say ye? Who has it easier here? Men or women? Is their a difference as quality increases?

I will be adding graphs, soon enough.
Is this more masturbation material? What are we doing here?
By high and low quality I mean someone who is just willing to do whatever versus those who are discriminating at whom they wag their bits. I’m not making a character judgment, per se. Or a literal judgment on the quality of those bits. This is a more high level theory than that.

I’m only postulating that some people will just fuck whatever or whomever. That’s not a bad thing if their need is to just have an orgasm. We’ve all been there in the dark of the night, horny as fuck, staring down that shop vacuum like it’s not looking sexier than ever.

However, let’s be real… there are definitely better quality bits than others. It’s why there are $20 hookers and $20,000 hookers. I’m not judging the worth of these people as humans. Just talking sex and jibbly bits.
By high and low quality I mean someone who is just willing to do whatever versus those who are discriminating at whom they wag their bits. I’m not making a character judgment, per se. Or a literal judgment on the quality of those bits. This is a more high level theory than that.

I’m only postulating that some people will just fuck whatever or whomever. That’s not a bad thing if their need is to just have an orgasm. We’ve all been there in the dark of the night, horny as fuck, staring down that shop vacuum like it’s not looking sexier than ever.

However, let’s be real… there are definitely better quality bits than others. It’s why there are $20 hookers and $20,000 hookers. I’m not judging the worth of these people as humans. Just talking sex and jibbly bits.
So bit = fuck.

There are easy = low quality fucks to be had.

There are rare = boutique fucks to be had.

Is that what I’m seeing?
By high and low quality I mean someone who is just willing to do whatever versus those who are discriminating at whom they wag their bits. I’m not making a character judgment, per se. Or a literal judgment on the quality of those bits. This is a more high level theory than that.

I’m only postulating that some people will just fuck whatever or whomever. That’s not a bad thing if their need is to just have an orgasm. We’ve all been there in the dark of the night, horny as fuck, staring down that shop vacuum like it’s not looking sexier than ever.

However, let’s be real… there are definitely better quality bits than others. It’s why there are $20 hookers and $20,000 hookers. I’m not judging the worth of these people as humans. Just talking sex and jibbly bits.
This feels like an open mouth insert foot moment.
Wtf is this bullshit
Still really not sure what makes for Boutique vs low quality pussy?

Body count? (Lower good, higher bad?)
Coupled vs Uncoupled?
Creativeness in Cybering?

Make it make sense.
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Still really not sure what makes for Boutique vs low quality pussy?

Body count? (Lower hood, higher bad?)
Coupled vs Uncoupled?
Creativeness in Cybering?

Make it make sense.
Valid question. I'm curious what the difference is for high quality penis as well. Is it just able to put together a complete sentence?
I find it interesting that people are so offended at the idea of the ideas I proposed. I’m quite sure all of the men who have come here to white knight and say how evil I am are out there jerking off to the hottest girls in porn. We are biologically driven to try to be with the most attractive person there we can.

I know it’s wildly unpopular to recognize any hierarchies. But they exist. They obviously do. It’s almost unanimous that women have the upper hand here online.

There is nothing “alpha male hetero har har har” about the statement. The truth is, some people turn down sex and some don’t. Some people are more prone to find partners while some aren’t. Im not sure how that is alpha male hetero whatever. In fact, I would actually argue Lit is the place where that may prove less true. The first interaction a person has here is usually not based on looks, but on words. This would actually provide a better path forward for the non alpha male hetero har har har types.
I think a more scientific study is required. Using the "p-vs-v" equation below, it should be evident that multidimensional beings that have a "black hole vagina " that sucks in all matter are superior. Scientifically proven. Just follow the chart.

Still really not sure what makes for Boutique vs low quality pussy?

Body count? (Lower hood, higher bad?)
Coupled vs Uncoupled?
Creativeness in Cybering?

Make it make sense.

Valid question. I'm curious what the difference is for high quality penis as well. Is it just able to put together a complete sentence?

Valid questions. And maybe my lack of clarity is why people are in need of some butthurt cream. I’ll explain my thoughts.

There are definitely different types of people here at Lit. There are some who are incredibly discerning. They don’t mess around with anyone. Or maybe they act incredibly choosy about their playmates. Or perhaps they are clever posters and have a following.

On the other side of that coin, there are the opportunists. They’ll e-fuck anyone that winks their whispering eye at them. They’re the welcome committee, who messages every single new girl here who signs up. Ya know, to help welcome them around. They move from person to person, getting off left and right.

Then there is a lot of stuff in between.

It’s not a judgment on the people. We all come here for different reasons. If you wanna masturbate with a thousand listers, by all means do so.

But my question revolves around this fact… women obviously have the upper hand if they just want to get off. But if someone is looking to hook up with that unicorn out there, who has it easier? Men or women?
So Literotica, like most places, works like a marketplace. There are different currencies here- looks, intelligence, humour, writing ability, etc. I know, I know… I’m tooting my own horn. But this applies to everyone.

This makes me wonder, who has the upper hand here, men or women? Let’s discuss.

Here are my theories…

1. Women have the overall upper hand if they just want to interact with a guy. One can look in the Personals and it becomes quite apparent that women win there.

2. Men have a more difficult time just making an initial connection at Lit. In the threads, women have substantially more men vying for their attention than the opposite scenario.

Conclusion: Women definitely have the upper hand in the basic, department store grade interactions. There are a greater number of men just trying to “get in” at the ground level. Whilst there is almost zero demand for low quality dick, there is still decent demand for low quality pussy.

Now, onto Boutique Penis and Pussy at Lit. This is the high quality stuff. Not the standard “i wanna lik ur pussy” type interactions. These are the people who can have meaningful/filthy connections.

1. There is greater demand for higher quality penis. Not that the demand doesn’t exist for high quality pussy. But girls are definitely more selective with whom they share their lady bits. Therefore, they’re not just casting a wide net like guys are.

2. The boutique pussy market, in my opinion, is slightly less competitive than the penis market.

Conclusion: At the higher end of the Penis and Vagina commodities, penis is more competitive. But this only holds true for the luxury genitals, not the run-of-the-mill ones. Demand for boutique genitals are high, but men have the edge here.

So, Lit pervs, what say ye? Who has it easier here? Men or women? Is their a difference as quality increases?

I will be adding graphs, soon enough.
Fuck, you crack me up. Thi is was so well written I want to submit it corporate for further studies 🤣.
Women definitely have the upper hand on Lit. And from what I heard the dick to puss ratio is also skewed. Way more dick than puss. Which is why I’m sure the demand for “quality” puss is less. Any port in a storm you know?
That being said, quality puss or Walmart puss, we still have to sift through all the duds and fend off the rabid dogs.
But we will never lack for want of dick. Not on lit or in the real world
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But my question revolves around this fact… women obviously have the upper hand if they just want to get off. But if someone is looking to hook up with that unicorn out there, who has it easier? Men or women?

I guess it depends on your definition of easier.

Women have more to sift through so there's that annoyance and complications. Whereas men are less likely to get a response for the same reason.
So bit = fuck.

There are easy = low quality fucks to be had.

There are rare = boutique fucks to be had.

Is that what I’m seeing?
I think bits means dicks and pussies. Like my lady bits would be my puss and boobies. Pmanns pmann parts would be his cock. Other than that I think you nailed it