OOC - "New Earth Denied"

Initial Plot

DSES Destiny

  • In the year 2222, the Deep Space Exploration Ship Destiny left Earth's orbit.
  • Its destination was the Earth-like planet of Humar IV.
  • Its 66 passengers and crew were tasked with building a settlement for a subsequent vessel's passengers, to arrive in the year 2297.
  • It arrived at Humar IV in 2251 and work began.
  • The new residents called their new home New Earth.
DST Aruna
  • In 2278, the Deep Space Transport Aruna left Earth's orbit for New Earth.
  • New technology meant that the ship would reach New Earth in only 19 years as opposed to the Destiny's 29.
  • Or so they thought.
New Earth denied
  • In 2297, the Aruna arrived in New Earth's solar system.
  • The first (and for many days only) person awake (or not in "cryogenic hibernation") was its Senior Navigator, Brittany Wilson.
  • Just days after Brittany's "awakening" from stasis, the Aruna passed through a previously uncharted debris field.
  • The hull was breached, with major damage propulsion, communications, navigation, and the cryogenic stasis compartments.
  • Many passengers and crew died.
  • Brittany "awoke" others to assist with repairs.
  • As she waited for their "reanimation", she determined that Humar IV was unachievable.
  • However, Humar III was.
  • She redirected the Aruna towards it.
And thus begins our story...