Millie's terrible day thread. You can post any and of your disappoints for the day, week, month, year, or your life.

My Father isn't getting over his flu very fast. Despite that, he had body scans done yesterday at the hospital to check blood flow, his arthritis, and blood pressure in his upper and lower body. And I don't know what else. He won't get the full results for two weeks. However, the technician told him that the estimated age, based on the scans, was 60 years old. He's 69. He asked her, if the machine thought I am so much younger than I am, why do I feel so much older than I am?
My Father isn't getting over his flu very fast. Despite that, he had body scans done yesterday at the hospital to check blood flow, his arthritis, and blood pressure in his upper and lower body. And I don't know what else. He won't get the full results for two weeks. However, the technician told him that the estimated age, based on the scans, was 60 years old. He's 69. He asked her, if the machine thought I am so much younger than I am, why do I feel so much older than I am?
It’s not the years. It’s the mileage.
I'm burying one of my two remaining family members tomorrow. Well, today. It's past midnight. It's been a shitty couple of weeks, and maybe it's a bad fucking outlet but finding this forum and a new hobby has really helped take my mind off things. Distracting my mind with silly poetry and erotica, not really sure what my shrink would say, hah.

Thanks to everyone who's made these past couple of days a little easier. Today's going to suck.
So the heater in my work truck went bad last week, just in time for the coldest week this winter.

My company of course had no back up plan, no spare truck to give me while mine gets repaired.

I was supposed to take it to the shop yesterday but then the snow came. With no defrost, I couldn't keep the windshield from freezing up. I made it about two miles before turning around and going home because I simply couldn't see.

So now today I get up early to try again. The truck is coated in ice.

Took me an hour to thaw it enough to clear the windshield. Then an hour drive in 19 degrees to get here.

And now I'm in the waiting room waiting on repairs... AND THERES NO HEAT IN HERE.

Fuck this day. Fuck it in the ass with an ice cycle.
Well, this last week has been terrible because I had to pull out a wisdom tooth because the fucker decided to grow sideways. And it's the second one, so I knew what to expect. Of course, what I did not know was that the first was so much easier to remove, this time with the dentists struggling for two hours to get it out, time after which my jaw and cheek was sore from how much they pulled on them, DESPITE being under two doses of anesthetic. And now it has been almost a week and it still hurts, stings, and occasionally erupts in a storm of pain that I can only endure while wishing the world detonates. It also cost me like 34 big macs for reference. Also, this week has been HELL.

But on the plus side, finally agreed on how to write my newest series here, finished the first chapter and sent it for publication and on chapter two... while in this state. Not a first time since I passed out for a whole day from the flu while writing my first one here.
Wait, I was thinking about Mum's temperature, that being C and not F. Crap, it's -1.11111. That's still way too cold for my black ass.
Well, this last week has been terrible because I had to pull out a wisdom tooth because the fucker decided to grow sideways. And it's the second one, so I knew what to expect. Of course, what I did not know was that the first was so much easier to remove, this time with the dentists struggling for two hours to get it out, time after which my jaw and cheek was sore from how much they pulled on them, DESPITE being under two doses of anesthetic. And now it has been almost a week and it still hurts, stings, and occasionally erupts in a storm of pain that I can only endure while wishing the world detonates.

Been there, got the T-shirt. I had one, too, that came in curved, with the root almost touching the next. The pile of instruments on the tray almost fell over. Fortunately/unfortunately, I was between jobs and could simply sleep the entire week after, all doped-up on the pain meds.

So you have my knowing empathy.

My "Oh, shit," this week is realizing I suddenly have a food allergy I didn't have before. My legs are breaking out in hives, and it's really bad at night. Very, very itchy. The only way I seem to be able to deal with it is bathing my legs in hot water to overstimulate the nerves, and an antihistamine seems to help a little. But wait, there's more! My working theory at the moment is the allergy may be chocolate, of which I consume a fair amount as an evening snack (dark, which is low in sugar/calories).

Lord help me that it's something else. :(
My daughter came home yesterday from visiting a friend. This young lady and my daughter have been friends since high school. They got an apartment together right out of high school and she has always been close to our family. She was diagnosed with breast cancer 6 months ago. Last night my daughter told us her friend had asked her for a ride to the funeral home so she could make arrangements for her death. She wanted to get it all taken care of so others wouldn't have to worry about such things on her behalf.

Fuck. Just Fuck.

What? No "Aw shits!" over the weekend?

I have one for this dreary Monday. My wife just found out this afternoon that her first husband passed away last year. They were married for 11 years, so their time together was significant. Some appropriate tears, but not too many, as they split 40 years ago with little to no contact since. Nonetheless, another major life chapter closes for her, as is happening with increasing frequency.

I'm due to experience similar losses, as most of my early adult buddies are 5-10 years older than I, and a couple are in poor health. Already lost two, each several years ago to the big C, but now the others' clocks are running out, as is mine. Getting old is not for wimps.
My daughter came home yesterday from visiting a friend. This young lady and my daughter have been friends since high school. They got an apartment together right out of high school and she has always been close to our family. She was diagnosed with breast cancer 6 months ago. Last night my daughter told us her friend had asked her for a ride to the funeral home so she could make arrangements for her death. She wanted to get it all taken care of so others wouldn't have to worry about such things on her behalf.

Fuck. Just Fuck.

oh honey, I'm so sorry :heart: hug your daughter, and hug her friend. Life is not fair
I'm resurrecting this.

Work is now officially a dumpster fire that someone tried to put out by covering it in forty thousand litres of mad-cow-disease-laced liquid cow pooh. But it's all cool, because our newly-fired CEO gets to keep his massive bonus and probably build a fourth holiday house out of stacks of dollar bills.

Fucking hell. If I weren't wfh I'd go to the pub.
I'm resurrecting this.

Work is now officially a dumpster fire that someone tried to put out by covering it in forty thousand litres of mad-cow-disease-laced liquid cow pooh. But it's all cool, because our newly-fired CEO gets to keep his massive bonus and probably build a fourth holiday house out of stacks of dollar bills.

Fucking hell. If I weren't wfh I'd go to the pub.
Bosses with bonuses will be the first up against the wall when the revolution comes.
I have a cold or the flu. I must have caught it from my Dad, as I was taking care of him all weekend and he has one or the other.