Millie's terrible day thread. You can post any and of your disappoints for the day, week, month, year, or your life.


Jun 5, 2021
I'm starting us off. My pet goat ate something that disagreed with him, my pet dog came down with the blues, my pet wolf scarfed down my pet rabbit, and my pet cat ate my pet mouse, they bird is worried.

But seriously, my father had osteoarthritis, AC1 issues, and, for the first time in his 69 years, high cholesterol. He's not happy with the changes, and I feel for him.
I've caught a bad cold. Perhaps one of the new Covids. It's not bad enough to crawl into bed, but I'm not getting any work done.

That means I'll have to work at the weekend to catch up. And after the weekend my wife is going abroad for a fortnight.

Not a terrie day, just very frustrating.
We all have our little crosses to bear. But, honestly, I don't wear crosses.
Not so bad. But I’m still struggling with the after effects of my triple vaccinations. And I have a bad stomach. And I’m in the office. And I’m getting a cold.

Poor me, right?

I feel for you both I've had nearly a week of the rotten-awfuls.
I've caught a bad cold. Perhaps one of the new Covids. It's not bad enough to crawl into bed, but I'm not getting any work done.

That means I'll have to work at the weekend to catch up. And after the weekend my wife is going abroad for a fortnight.

Not a terrie day, just very frustrating.
I’m seeing Poor Things tonight- probably without a date in a crowded theater. All my matches since joining Tinder last night have been probable catfish scams. I have been victimized by the local trolls. At least I’m trying to write more stories and enjoying video games.
In the words of a former POTUS, "We feel your pain." It is possible he was insincere, but we are sincere. :kiss::rose:
I’m seeing Poor Things tonight- probably without a date in a crowded theater. All my matches since joining Tinder last night have been probable catfish scams. I have been victimized by the local trolls. At least I’m trying to write more stories and enjoying video games.
Most importantly, I'm sorry you're going through it RN. This time of year just has a way of shaking up evil gremlins. It's like they're desperate to make up the full year's performance goals in the last month.

I have a feeling this thread is going to be (depressingly) popular. So glad you started it, to benefit others and, hopefully, you too.
I didn't get enough sleep last night.

I waited up until after midnight for my wife to come home from her "ladies group evening" (I call them her "ladies drinking nights"). It seems they sat around a campfire all evening, and the hostess was very generous in retrieving bottles of wine to refill my wife's glass. She never had to get up for hours, sitting there with a full glass of wine.

My wife needed a great deal of help walking to and from her friend's car, and into the house and into bed.

So, poor me. I didn't get enough sleep, and I didn't even get laid for "staying up all night to get lucky"!
I've caught a bad cold. Perhaps one of the new Covids. It's not bad enough to crawl into bed, but I'm not getting any work done.

That means I'll have to work at the weekend to catch up. And after the weekend my wife is going abroad for a fortnight.

Not a terrie day, just very frustrating.
Sorry about the multitude coming at you. There's no misery "bar" or standard to meet. If something feels terrible to you, it's terrible. Hoping it is just frustrating but manageable.

(shameless side note: ) You ever get the weird feeling you'd almost take being a little sicker to get out of the "no man's zone" fog? Like, there's a level of sick where you just surrender but merely coming up against it is a worse experience. (mentally, not physically)

Or am I just a crazy person? (wouldn't surprise me)
At least she had a wonderful time. Too bad, so sad for you, though. :kiss: :kiss: :kiss: :kiss:
I didn't get enough sleep last night.

I waited up until after midnight for my wife to come home from her "ladies group evening" (I call them her "ladies drinking nights"). It seems they sat around a campfire all evening, and the hostess was very generous in retrieving bottles of wine to refill my wife's glass. She never had to get up for hours, sitting there with a full glass of wine.

My wife needed a great deal of help walking to and from her friend's car, and into the house and into bed.

So, poor me. I didn't get enough sleep, and I didn't even get laid for "staying up all night to get lucky"!
This thread needs a mascot.

My dad recently had a heart attack but he’s ok. The actor Mark Sheppard, who played my favorite Supernatural character, recently had similar issues. I just got rid of my high cholesterol last year.

My cat is crying from lack of attention. Excuse me for a moment. 😸
I don't know if it's going to be a good day or a bad day yet. Not until I have my noon nap, which is just about coming up. I have been in a fog all morning, left over from a fitful sleep brought on from either the hamburger with jalapeños I had for dinner or the three-hours' worth of cardiac stress test yesterday morning.

No matter. I'll finish the coffee here in a couple of minutes and toddle off.

Oh... on Tuesday I was driving the truck with our orchestra's percussion equipment after the concert we'd just finished. I rounded a corner, and to my chagrin heard a big CRASH and a BOOM. Yeah, the cymbals and bass drum had fallen off their perch. I'll tie 'em down better next time.
It's Hanukkah, y'all. A time of praise, gift-giving, and learning to live with the fact my daughter-in-law isn't satin in the flesh but a goy girl with no faith at all. I'm still not 100% from my bout with the phenomena, and I'm over-stressed, working too hard for charities, and planning this celebration and my first Christmas celebration ever. My husband is a traitor, bonding with our daughter in, and telling our son he was wrong on some stupid argument he and she had.

Oy vey, oh woe is me, boo-who. Nobody knows the trouble I've seen!

Is that about right for the thread?
Been like this for 3 years
You (the person, not the whole of the situation) would benefit from talking to a professional. I've done more damage to myself in my lifetime from "maybe tomorrowing" prevention on the false assumption I'll make more headway with the focus "curing" carries along.

One of the things that helped me was to know Therapist have therapists. People who have dedicated the bulk of their lives to mental health, where I have not, still get overwhelmed to that level.

We are social creatures. That's why story resonates with us. (us here, especially so.) Have your story heard in full. Learn from other's stories. Evolution knew we couldn't survive without this ability that's why we have it and why we should use it to its fullest.