Last Daughter of Krypton: Legion OOC

"Ok, gravity still works then. Thats good."

*Head knodding* "uh-huh.....Uh-Huh...."


"What do you mean the coffie is alive and has taken over the kitchen?"
"Ok, gravity still works then. Thats good."

*Head knodding* "uh-huh.....Uh-Huh...."


"What do you mean the coffie is alive and has taken over the kitchen?"

"I've warned you about that thing in hydroponics!" he bellowed, phone cradled between his head and his shoulder as he ducked under a shower of silverware, scrabbling behind a counter. "I warned you, Alec warned you, you should always listen to Alec."

"Anyway, some genius taught it how to grow coffee beans and I promise you I promise you I promise you as much as I love coffee this time it wasn't me!"

A mug hurtled by overhead, smashed against the fridge. "Oh, swizz, that was one of my favourites. 'Mind the Gap.'"

He paused. "I'm sure there was a point to this."

He brightened. "Oh! Right. Yes, Gus and Manny are going to decaffeinate the thing, but what I want to know is, can we switch to plastic dishware if we promise to recycle?"
"Have you thought about modifying a shop vac? I'd love to send it to LuthorCorp."

"Erm, 'ang on," he paused, and covered the mouthpiece of the phone, a high pitched whine and a flash of magenta light coming from the other end of the kitchen.

The acrid smell of burnt coffee filled the air.

"ALL CLEAR!" came Manny's voice.

Instantly, Jamie Hamilton popped to his feet. "Right, then, cheers lads. Now, do either of you remember what we did with that dimensional-displacement refuse disposal?"

Gus frowned. "The DRD?"

Manny adjusted his pack, examined the power-levels on the spectra-thrower. "We pulled the plug on it and put it in Deep 13 storage. Turned out it went to The Phantom Zone."

Jamie paused. "Oh. Swizz."

Uncovering the receiver, he winced into the phone. "Yeah, no, soz, mate. Have to get back to you on that one."
In case anyone's wondering, this is what Tinya's wearing these days.

Special thanks to Lunar (again! again!) for his fantastic picfixing skills.

"'Dragon?'" Jamie repeated, bewildered.

Rose led her father and mother after Kyle, pausing only to scoop up The Crystal.

"'Pterosaurian throwback,'" she told her dad in her most mock-serious face and her most mock-serious voice. "'thermochemical respiratory system.'"

"Ah," Jamie nodded, sage as one of The Three Magi, as if this explained everything.

"'Draggie-door?'" Ceri repeated, bewildered.

"We're going to need a bigger drawbridge," Jamie grinned at her, as they re-entered the kitchen just behind the still-human Kyle.

blast from the past

A thousand years ago, a blue box, larger on the inside than out, shimmered around a dying star. The man inside speaking across dimensions to a woman on Dårlig Ulv Stranden. Bad Wolf Bay as it would be spoken in the American tongue.

Nad with a soft thumping sound that echoed across the soul, the blue box vanished. The light from the dying star fading across eternity.

(OOC: Please don't kill me for borrowing the doctor. Will change if requested.)


First of all, The Doctor is hardly my sole province. It's not like I was even alive when Bill Hartnell was mucking about on The Tenth Planet, I didn't make the guy up.

So, you're hardly "borrowing" him from me.

Secondly, I adore this, this integration of Valor into the feudal mythology of Allana's world. It totally taps into the Arthurian undercurrent present in so many legends of Second Comings.

(Which the aforementioned Doctor will shortly reference, if I have my way.)

Seriously, the Valor shield link gave me chills.

However. Erm.

Thirdly, and perhaps most importantly, The Doctor's presence in this timeline is more complicated than mere timetravel. He alluded to this in his conversation with Dream on the night Naltor died.

The Doctor is from, well, for lack of a better term, a parallel Whoniverse. He's a parallel dimensional counterpart to The Doctor from the show "Doctor Who."

But! That Whoniverse no longer exists. It's been "written over" by The LDoKverse, that Whoniverse has been replaced in hypertime by a parallel DCUniverse. Perhaps by aftershocks from The Last Great Time War, perhaps by repercussions from "Infinite Crisis" or "Zero Hour" or "Crisis on Infinite Earths" or even that version of Mon-El that beat the shit out of The Time Trapper, some cataclysm occurred that has retconned "Doctor Who" and "Torchwood" and Daleks and Cybermen and Raxacoricofallapatorians (oh my) out of this universe's existence.

So. Unfortunately. While The Doctor remembers these things because he managed, by hook and by crook, to preserve himself, to keep himself from getting written over, they never actually happened in this history.

Like "The Dream of A Thousand Cats," the story in "Sandman," our timeline has replaced his.

So the conversation at Bad Wolf Bay didn't happen in this world. The Doctor doesn't belong here. He's not only an alien without a planet, like he's been on the show, he's an alien whose planet has never existed and has been replaced at the center of The Universe by none other than Oa.

I'll explain, in time, in Time, how The Doctor came to be here and where he's going next. But for now, as touching as the tribute was, and as cool as it was that you alluded to the supernova's light from Allana's shield belonging to the same star The Doctor killed to talk to Rose Marion Tyler one "last" time, that didn't happen a thousand years ago.

"Anyway. Gone, now."

So. :: winces ::

That's what's up with that. Sorry, Var. :(
The LDoKverse is so complicated... I don't even know what's going on. Okay... maybe I do. But still... it's huge. HUGE! Like... Pinky and the Brain huge.

I'll explain, in time, in Time, how The Doctor came to be here and where he's going next. But for now, as touching as the tribute was, and as cool as it was that you alluded to the supernova's light from Allana's shield belonging to the same star The Doctor killed to talk to Rose Marion Tyler one "last" time, that didn't happen a thousand years ago.

So. :: winces ::

That's what's up with that. Sorry, Var. :(

crap. edit time.
The LDoKverse is so complicated... I don't even know what's going on. Okay... maybe I do. But still... it's huge. HUGE! Like... Pinky and the Brain huge.

(M'sorry if I'm stepping on your toes wiv this, in turn, Kimmeh... I just figured, because the LDoKverse isn't really altered by that turn of events...

Agh, I never even thought. Is this okay?)
I suck, I'm sorry.

:: hangs head ::

But I've been planning this for so very long...

not your fault. i should have asked first. was just hoping to surprise people with some coolness.

once again. IT's OK. i made the mistake. I'll fix it.
not your fault. i should have asked first. was just hoping to surprise people with some coolness.

once again. IT's OK. i made the mistake. I'll fix it.

For what it's worth, you surprised me a whole Hella delighted bunch with the Valor coolness.

Seriously, I goosebumped.