How do you find male sensual massage providers?


"Alabaster," my ass
Nov 19, 2022
Is there a Backpages type service for gays? Or is there a way to suss-out the availability of sensual offerings from "legit" masseur directories which can't spell it out?

I feel like I should be able to figure this out but I haven't had luck finding local professional providers on the internet.
Is there a Backpages type service for gays? Or is there a way to suss-out the availability of sensual offerings from "legit" masseur directories which can't spell it out?

I feel like I should be able to figure this out but I haven't had luck finding local professional providers on the internet.
Message me and I'll share a site that has kept me "happy" for the past 20 years!
Here is what I discovered very early in my M2M adventures...I reasoned that any masseur who noted he specialized in men...had a very high likelihood of wanting to make the massage erotic. But I love the seduction aspect, so every time I've done this...and it's been many...I do strip nude but also use the towel...and I'd say of the 100+ experiences (not 100 unique people) I've literally NOT had it become highly erotic maybe 3 times.
Thanks for this. Iā€™ve recently moved to a new area and didnā€™t have a good source.

Gave it a quick look and it looks perfect! Thanks again.
Welcome. Check the reviews and the date of the review. Recent reviews count more than old ones. Compare review prices too.

Hope you find a good one.