How do people monetize their writing?

No, not quite. Just because only a few of us will become bestsellers doesn't mean that it's not worthwhile to try. You never know if your book will become popular or not. Just look at Fifty shades. It's not exactly well written so why should it sell at all? Well, it's because the market decides (and the reader) loves it (even if I don't, lol).

But you won't get rich just by publishing only 1 book. The solution is to get started and learn as you go. Maybe just write short stories at first so it's quicker and just learn what works and what doesn't. The first ten titles won't bring you a lot of income, but then suddenly you publish nr 11 and if it's in another genre, you suddenly sell about ten times as many copies of that one compared to the previous ones. Then you know that you've found a genre that works so you can write a few more in the same genre.

That said, over time you will earn most of your income from your backlog. A sort of passive income.
And often you can see that a reader starts with one of your titles, before buying your entire catalogue. So, the more titles you have available, the more your income will increase. It's like an exponential curve, really slow in the beginning before it starts to increase.

So generally, it seems that persistence pays off. You don't have to write all the time, but if you publish a few titles every year, you can maintain a certain level of regular income.

Still, the best part of publishing is seeing the finished product on Apple or Google, and as the sales reports come in, you see readers from all over the world enjoying your story. Nothing beats that (but the money is always nice too, no doubt šŸ˜„)
Love the positive view @Ada Stuart
I think you can't monitize adult content on youtube, like erotica.

AFAICT, adult content puts a channel into a "limited or no ads" category: "You may earn less revenue on this content (because fewer ads are likely to appear)". But that's not the only way to monetise YT content. From what I can tell, adult-content channels can still make money off channel memberships, views by YouTube Premium members, shopping affiliate-link stuff, and "Super Chat, Super Stickers and Super Thanks" whatever those are.