Hottest Gamer/ Comic Book Girls :D

Now I know what you look like! I shall hold you down and do naughty things while Alucard watches.

I highly recomend pissing yourself, followed by a course of praying to your impotent God. Of course there is always time for you to be a good woman and just submit.

When have I ever been someone who submits, Sean-sama? :p

And yay! 2012 - the year we get to know how each other looks! ♥
Everything can be broken in. You just have to try hard enough and you'd make such a beautiful pet.
I will totally make a a DS on a leash if you'll take a pic with it!

Also sadly pet free since 2010.
The only reason I MIGHT be able to summon up the will power to hold you down and do unspeakable things that would get me exiled from Japan for being to graphic is because you actually have a copy of FF2/VI which last I checked is like Earthbound rare and well over 100 bucks. Otherwise you could probably prance around naked and I'd be more upset that you were blocking my view of the Justice League fighting game and Lost Vikings 2 than I would be tempted to touch you. So on second though keep that under your pillow it's like a safe word. Things get to intense you toss out Lost Vikings 2 and run like hell.

edit: or Power Rangers the Movie. Its very satisfying beating up those mechs and Ivan Ooze as a fucking bird.
The only reason I MIGHT be able to summon up the will power to hold you down and do unspeakable things that would get me exiled from Japan for being to graphic is because you actually have a copy of FF2/VI which last I checked is like Earthbound rare and well over 100 bucks. Otherwise you could probably prance around naked and I'd be more upset that you were blocking my view of the Justice League fighting game and Lost Vikings 2 than I would be tempted to touch you. So on second though keep that under your pillow it's like a safe word. Things get to intense you toss out Lost Vikings 2 and run like hell.

edit: or Power Rangers the Movie. Its very satisfying beating up those mechs and Ivan Ooze as a fucking bird.


Guess I shouldn't show you the Famicom collection I have downstairs too... >_>