High Profile Right-Wing Nutcases in the US Campaigning to Ban "Pornography"


Just a Regular Guy
May 12, 2020
Senate candidate JD Vance (R-OH) and Paul Gosar (R-AZ) have made statements in the past couple of days that they seek to ban pornography. There is at least one sitting Senator, Josh Hawley (R-MO), who has this objective as well, although he is more circumspect about his views overall since they would invite pushback, as he strongly advocates what amounts to a conservative Catholic theocracy.

What would you do if Literotica vanished? And all other sexually-explicit media? Then a high-tech law enforcement arm was created to snoop around your computers and bedrooms in search of "illicit" materials. How about Chinese-like censorship of the Internet? Not so far-fetched should these ass-bites get traction in the name of "protecting our children".

Larry Flynt is no longer around to advocate for the right to possess and view sexually-explicit material. So who is? Standing-up to anti-porn interests is inherently risky - who among us is willing to make the "I support the right to have porn" argument in front of their city council? Or a Congressional hearing? I wouldn't; I'd be a pariah and find me and my family's existence made miserable by the crackpots.

Would it go underground? Of course. Would the average US porn consumer understand the reach of the burgeoning AI dragnet? Nope. Many lives would be destroyed until the public got fed-up with it. From direct experience with similar legislation, it would be 20-30 years before the ship was righted.

The solution, right now, is to vote these bastards and their ilk out of office. They are not acting in your interests. None of these fascists are. Be careful who you pull that lever for.
I would welcome a website that specialized in non pornographic fiction. The political section would lack a political agenda, but it would be open to different points of view. It would prohibit the use of obscene words, name calling and insults. Good writing skills would be welcome, but not required.
The solution, right now, is to vote these bastards and their ilk out of office. They are not acting in your interests. None of these fascists are. Be careful who you pull that lever for.

Being anti-Free speech/ pro-censorship isn't fascistic..... just look at every socialist shit hole ever and most if not every social democracy in Europe.... offensive jokes are literally a "hate crime" in the UK.

Dave Chappelle's set would be criminal in most of Europe.

They fucking HATE free speech..... all left wing social democracies.

It's authoritarian, but authoritarianism isn't exclusive to any political ideology/faction/party, authoritarian control freaks exist left right and center.
Internet porn and forums are short term luxuries while energy is cheap. The trek to the crappy part of town to buy smut may return.
JD Vance is a douche. He'll say whatever appeals to the trumpy base. His statements will change with the wind.
Excellent point. Thank you.

Ty, and yw.

Came back to state my own opinion.

I'm a liberal, pro-free speech and only support free speech at the national level and in my state/community. If other states/communities want to restrict their speech such as CA/NY's proposed bans on "hate" speech? OR these anti-porn folks want to ban porn in their county/state?? If their community votes for that??? I think they should be allowed to do so same as with all the other commodity/services regulations and prohibitions at the state/local levels we see.... yay American democracy where we can all have it our way.

Thankfully none of these douche bags represent me and my hub access is not under threat ... I have other fuckin' morons representing me I have to worry about for other reasons LOL
JD Vance is a douche. He'll say whatever appeals to the trumpy base. His statements will change with the wind.
He's saying things that don't appeal to the Trumpy base ... which is uber-ultra-mega pro-free speech to the point they've managed to make it a wedge issue and get the (D)'eez screaming for censorship and look like a bunch of gestapo goonz in the process.

Vance is trying to court the religious right, who are as pro-censorship as the progressive left, but for different reasons.

The Trumpy Base =/= religious right..... the religious right was the "never Trump" crowd. He was too bombastic, brash and socially liberal for them.
It will happen under Republican leadership...guaranteed. This is not a far Right policy...it is a Republican policy. Just as taking away women's rights...1st, 4th and 5th Amendment rights, voting rights, and on and on. But no one will do anything to stop it.
He's saying things that don't appeal to the Trumpy base ... which is uber-ultra-mega pro-free speech to the point they've managed to make it a wedge issue and get the (D)'eez screaming for censorship and look like a bunch of gestapo goonz in the process.

Vance is trying to court the religious right, who are as pro-censorship as the progressive left, but for different reasons.

The Trumpy Base =/= religious right..... the religious right was the "never Trump" crowd. He was too bombastic, brash and socially liberal for them.
Whatever makes you feel good, Sparky.
Being anti-Free speech/ pro-censorship isn't fascistic..... just look at every socialist shit hole ever and most if not every social democracy in Europe.... offensive jokes are literally a "hate crime" in the UK.

Dave Chappelle's set would be criminal in most of Europe.

They fucking HATE free speech..... all left wing social democracies.

It's authoritarian, but authoritarianism isn't exclusive to any political ideology/faction/party, authoritarian control freaks exist left right and center.
Yup, Bobo is back.

Anyone wanna take bets on how long it will be until he advocates for violence again and gets kicked off Lit?
Yup, Bobo is back.

Anyone wanna take bets on how long it will be until he advocates for violence again and gets kicked off Lit?
Why would advocating violence get anyone kicked off lit??

It's not against the rules.

Coati.... illiterate as ever, don't learn what words mean, you would be less entertaining for me :D
Why would advocating violence get anyone kicked off lit??

It's not against the rules.

Coati.... illiterate as ever, don't learn what words mean, you would be less entertaining for me :D
I'm not the fool who has been banned a dozen times.
My fee fees have nothing to do with the fact that the MAGA'z and the Religious Right are two separate groups in the GOP.
Sure it doesn't đź‘Śđź‘Ť
They are the same people within the party.
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Haven't they heard of Rule 34?

I bet someone is already making porno videos of them in action which each other.
Being anti-Free speech/ pro-censorship isn't fascistic..... just look at every socialist shit hole ever and most if not every social democracy in Europe.... offensive jokes are literally a "hate crime" in the UK.

Dave Chappelle's set would be criminal in most of Europe.

They fucking HATE free speech..... all left wing social democracies.

It's authoritarian, but authoritarianism isn't exclusive to any political ideology/faction/party, authoritarian control freaks exist left right and center.
More bullshit from BOBO.

See this post:


NO ONE has been prosecuted for a joke in the UK. Stop lying.
Loserana ....

New Louisiana law requires digital ID to access online porn, raising questions and backlash

Salon|4 days ago
A newly effective Louisiana law is placing constraints on who can access and watch pornography on the internet. And the technology it requires for the ID process is raising concerns. "Pornography ...
The Republicans are Christian Taliban who seek to remake this country into a religious facsimile of Afghanistan. Many Americans agree with them and the rest of them are too lazy to do anything about it. So fuck all of them!