Gypsy's Caravan


Literotica Guru
May 9, 2006
Since everyone seems to have a thread just to post pictures and ideas and whatnot, I'd thought I'd start one too. My theme will be to post a rant or observation or idea or comment, and a picture that ties in with it.

My rant for today deals with playing Spades online. If you're going to bid nil, don't have the King of Spades in your hand. Or at least don't get pissed off at me when I can't cover you. Nuf said.

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Apparently not only were humans and dinosaurs living at the same time during the past, but Tyrannosaurus Rex was a pervert. We really should reconsider using science to create a real life Jurassic Park.

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Because not knowing that the last person to use the shower used up all the hot water is never any fun

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Plots are fine, but there's nothing wrong with a vignette from time to time :)

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GypsyGirl84, I am enjoying some of your threads........

Thought I'd let you know

One of the shows I'm enjoying this summer is called "The Last Ship." And I got to say there is something about a virile balding middle aged man (which the Executive Officer is) that can make me go Vroom Vroom! There are so many things I like about this show and its characters.

Except the epidemiologist's long hair.

Don't get me wrong. I love long hair. It's a hassle, but I'm actually letting mine grow out.

That being said, the show never shows the trouble with long hair. Seriously, the
woman is getting in and out of a hazmat suit all the time, and has no trouble with it.

But other than that, great show!

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When writing fanfiction, most of the time you have to be worried about respecting the canon. On a few, very rare occasions, however, you have to worry about respecting the cannon!

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Two of the most disappointing experiences in my life were the first time I had a real martini, and the first time I played baccarat in a casino. I'm not sure what I was expecting, but all the old James Bond movies had led me to expect a sophisticated, adventurous experience. I definitely didn't get that or this:

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Apparently, black socks and bunny ears can be fashionable accessories.

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Usually, your content should be bigger than your signature. Not always, but usually.

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Reason #26 on why people are/were happy that I've never had superpowers

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In the state of New York, though, uncles can marry nieces. Seriously, look it up. Not Kentucky. Not West Virginia. New York State. Also, is it me, or does the fact that Superman had this spiel down pat imply that he had given the matter some thought already?

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SRP threads are like two nude girls having some good clean fun. Seriously, though, some are going to like the brown haired lass more, and others the blonde. And chances are, you can't change someone's opinion from one to the other. By the same logic, if someone doesn't like something, you're not going to be successful in starting a thread feigning one position, and then try to move the story into the other.

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Happy "Ride with the Wind" Day! (seriously, I'm not making that up!)

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Nice thread. And come one, last two Kryptonians alive? I'd expect a "We have to do it, for the sake of the species" speech.
Fresh out of ideas! I'll just sit in the corner until I come up with some new ones...

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Yeah, there's a picture that'll get me thinking of creative ways to help you earn your way out of detention.
Yeah, there's a picture that'll get me thinking of creative ways to help you earn your way out of detention.

I'm sure you could come up with some ideas, but sometimes a girl just has to hit the books!

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I always appreciate it when my hostess has adequately prepared for the activities portion of the bong party!

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