Guests With Dogs


Mama Tried
Mar 7, 2011
How do I tell folks that they are welcome in my home, but not their dogs? It's not that I dislike dogs...far from it, but not in my house.

In a perfect world, pet owners would realize not everyone shares their enthusiasm for sharing their home with Fido, but many assume otherwise.

I want to be gracious, and don't want to offend, but....
I share your frustration. A handful of years ago, I "grew into" a great many allergies, dogs included. It broke my heart to get rid of my own dog who was outplayed to live with my ex. I usually just tell people that I can keep a heater in the garage or I can provide information for some really great doggy daycares and kennels. Try to keep it light.. tell them that you don't let any leashed animals in the house except husbands ;)
Everyone gets offended so easily nowadays but it's your home and your rules. Be polite but be direct.

I am an avid dog lover. My dogs mean everything to me and often accompany me outside the home. However, I don't expect everyone to have the same enthusiasm or love for my dogs and certainly don't believe they are (or should be) automatically welcome wherever I choose to go.

My cousin has severe allergies, my friend simply doesn't like dog hair, and the other, she doesn't care for dogs .... period. And that's okay. Thing is .... I want to know and if I don't, I'll ask. Without being offended.

I have a responsibility as a pet owner and a responsibility to be a decent guest. If I'm away from home and animals are not preferred, I'll find a pet friendly hotel or reputable boarding facility. If my dogs are invited too, then manners call for a crate, acceptable behavior and other little things, like being groomed outside. It's also just as easy to find a sitter. My mom doggy sits often.

Visiting should be enjoyable, not clouded by conflict and friction. Any reasonable peep will understand and respect your wishes.
Is someone visiting who is nervous of dogs, perhaps? Or allergic? Or could you be developing an allergy? I don't usually fib, but tact might mean its a kindness here.

Gotta be careful with that. If you offer an explanation that's not the real explanation, somebody may try to offer a solution - "oh that's okay, my dogs are a hypoallergenic breed"/"that's cool, let me know when your dog-phobic friend is gone and I'll bring my dogs over then!" And then things get complicated.

If they're making a habit of this, you're probably doing them a favour by reminding them that not everybody is cool with having dogs in the house. Stating boundaries is uncomfortable but the alternatives often end up being worse.
Has an invitee assumed their dogs are welcome?

I'm with others...simply say we'd love to have you, but we can't accommodate pets.

Unless it's a family member and they like camping in the front yard.
Be straight, be honest. It is your house. If they take offence then chances you definitely do not want their dog in your house.
How do I tell folks that they are welcome in my home, but not their dogs? It's not that I dislike dogs...far from it, but not in my house.

In a perfect world, pet owners would realize not everyone shares their enthusiasm for sharing their home with Fido, but many assume otherwise.

I want to be gracious, and don't want to offend, but....

"Oh hey, is that your dog?"


"Wow, he's the cutest thing ever. I think I can eat him alive."

" that was funny."

"No, no, I'm serious. He'd look great on my roasting pit."

"You're kidding, right?"

"Oh no, you should ask Jake. He totally regrets bringing his pooch to my house."

"Did you....wait, don't say anything, I feel sick."

"I also mount their heads in a separate room upstairs. You should see my collection sometimes."

"I think I should go."

"Will you bring your poochie to my house sometimes? I wanna take a closer look at his paws." (insert a creepy grin for better effect)

*Buddy dearest hugs his furry friend close to his chest and backs away slowly, keeping an eye on you*

"By the way, have you heard about those pooch hunting competitions...

*Buddy dearest runs away screaming*

I'm still working on my creepy tone. It should be done by the end of the next week. :)

I like dogs. I own one, but I'm not so receptive of other's pets doing the whole nine yards in my property. Fortunately, most of my friends don't own a canine so I don't have to bother about one either.

Whatever you do, be direct. And polite.

And creepy, if the situation begs for it. ;)

Wow, your dog is adorable! I've got the perfect spot for him to hang out inside my garage.
We had pets; not now, we travel too much. We learned if friends and family were or were not pet people, and they learned about us. If pets would be welcomed in a visit, fine. If not, fine again. All that's needed is some open communication.