Gloria's search for dominance (closed for DreamingOfMyEx)


Really Experienced
Dec 14, 2014
Gloria was a big woman in so many ways. There were the large breasts that she crammed into her supportive bras and the eye-catching round bum that took the gaze of guys as she walked by. She was over 5 ft 7 inches with long brown shoulder length hair and brown eyes. She was good looking and she knew she was. Flirtatious with it, Gloria was always one to make an impression.

Gloria was senior partner in a medium sized law firm in the city and she made sure things ran smoothly. She knew her law and she knew her social skills and she knew how to get what she wanted. She dressed well and caught the eye. In short Gloria was simply formidable.

In her late 40s now Gloria was divorced with a daughter who lived at home and was becoming quite independent. Elaine was still in her studies but had acquired many of the traits of her mother which did not always make for an easy existence for them both. They tolerated each other would probably be the best description. Elaine did not want for money, brains or good looks. She could afford to be choosy.

Gloria and Elaine lived in a property in the best area of town with a nice garden and a small pool. Gloria needed a property large enough to entertain both indoors and outdoors. Her main hobby was amateur dramatics at which she was unbelievably good and flexible. She enjoyed putting on an act. It was now spring though and a Sunday. It was clear that the garden needed work. It was not something that Gloria was going to get involved in beyond supervision so she searched through the internet until a local ad caught her eye for a ‘young gardener/handyman’. She quickly pinged off a mail of interest giving her phone number and asking him to respond within 24 hours if interested. She set down a rate of pay which she felt would be very attractive and also what work would be required. In her thoughts she had sold it and his response would be confirmation. She did not wish to haggle over trifles. There was a job to be done and she was prepared to pay well for good work.

Gloria spent more time on her next ‘chore’. She really liked the internet, particularly for her sexual indulgencies, where she could remain anonymous. She needed to be careful given her position and legal background. However she was not getting any younger and she felt maybe now was a time for her to go further and enjoy more. She toyed with words but wanted to keep them short and simple

‘Mature well-built lady seeks submissive man for play. Utmost discretion required’

She did not wish for it to be very prescriptive. She knew she could be very flexible but only if the man suited. It would be up to him to sell himself and if all the interest proved to be rubbish, there would always be tomorrow.

The ad. went onto this website Gloria had found and she waited as she did for the gardener to respond. In the meantime she took lunch with a couple of female friends who called around. They ventured out to Ricardo's a favourite haunt of hers.
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Tall and attractive, muscular but not overly so, with beach boy tousled blonde hair and the "dreamiest" blue eyes, the server at Ricardo's might have made a successful actor or - male escort. Daniel Fleming, however had his heart set on being an engineer. His family wasn't wealthy enough to pay for his university education - but they had just enough money to deny him all the grants that were available to students from families with low incomes. While he had much to worry about, he was confident that between scholarships and loans and the tips he received from middle aged women at Ricardo's, he would get by. After all, as soon as he finished up this current semester he'd have only one more year to go.

Dan truly enjoyed his job, too. He was a "people person" and the people with whom he was most personable were those middle age women who loved the attention of a handsome young man. It was nothing inappropriate of course, just the smile and little wink that would accompany it. The comments like "and a strawberry daiquiri for the beautiful lady with gorgeous green eyes" when delivering the order. Sometimes the men they were with would get a little jealous, but mostly it was all just fun. The wife flirting with a handsome young man, and him flirting back, to remind the husband to watch his p's and q's or Dan might steal her away.

And the tips. When a pretty waitress sees a table full of men, she knows she's going to be tipped well. When it's a man and a woman, the tips won't be as good. The woman will see to that. But when someone like Dan is the server, the tips are always good. The man isn't going to risk looking jealous or miserly in front of his date. After all, it's all just fun, and he's the one she'll be going home with. In fact, a lot of men bring their wives to places like this with waiters like Dan just to get them "worked up" for what the husband hopes comes later.

But his favorite is when he sees a table full of well-off middle age women there to gossip and giggle. This is what he was born to do. Until he gets licensed as an engineer, that is.

As he catered to the women's needs for lunch, wine, eye candy and flirtations, it became apparent that as good an actor as he was, Dan couldn't hide the fact he found one woman in the group much more desirable than her companions. But he made a valiant effort trying to hide the fact. One more thing, perhaps, for the ladies to giggle about when their server wasn't present?


Meanwhile, as Gloria enjoyed her outing with "the girls" her inbox was flooding with responses from would-be submissives. As much as it might challenge her faith in the future of humanity, most of the responses made it easy to eliminate the sender. They called her all manner of mistress, goddess, etc, often misspelled, while offering to let her bugger them with cricket bats or to lick the dog shit from her heels. And there were a dozen or so pictures of little leaky dicks in frilly feminine underwear. There were prospects in there somewhere, but it was like looking for ....

The subject line read "needle in haystack"


Gloria also received a text message to her phone, though she might not have heard it due to the ambient noise, shortly after arriving at Ricardo's:

"Thank you for your response to my ad offering my services as a handyman and gardener. Your terms seem very generous, but I would like to see the property before committing. I will endeavor to work around your schedule, so please call, text, or email (email address provided) at your convenience to let me know when I may come by if you are still interested. Dave."
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Gloria wore a nice summer dress, floral and loose fitting below the waist. It reached her knee, nothing coarse but it did display the beauty of her bust. Tight and with a low neckline, her boobs were fully on show.

“Are we going out with you dressed like that?” joked Melissa

“OK I’ll put on a cardy for protection” responded Gloria.

“You look great as you are, you always like centre stage, we know you do. You entertain Gloria, take no notice of her, she’s only jealous of them” commented Elaine

“Jealous, of course of I am” Melissa laughed and continued “Let’s go, but bring that cardy !!!”

They were old friends, the three middle aged ladies, going right back to their university days and were relaxed in each other’s company. Melissa and Elaine were affluent, having married well to local businessmen and being promoters of good causes in the community. They liked to lunch together and appreciated Ricardo's.

“I know of him you know, the blonde one, our waiter” whispered Melissa. “Yes his parents both work for my husband, hard workers. You know the sort, dependable, reliable but without my ambition or luck, who just manage to scrape by. He’s hoping to save to go to university I believe”

“He’s clocking you, you know, every time he can” offered Elaine. “Can’t take his eyes of that cleavage of yours but I doubt if you find that uncommon”

“Yes but he is a little bit special isn’t he?” said Gloria. “I’m even feeling a bit uncomfortable sitting here, look at his pants, am I seeing things?”

Alcohol had by now taken some control. Melissa and Elaine, looked at each other, looked at the waiter and then back at each other and giggled. “You’re onto something there Gloria” chuckled Elaine.

“I’ve had enough of this” commented Gloria before beckoning over the waiter.

“Can I have the bill, oh and yes I must have your phone number please”

Gloria smiled at him sweetly as she spoke.

After he had walked away the conversation restarted. “Hey you, you’re not going to date him are you Gloria, surely not, he is young enough to be your…..”

Melissa quietened as the waiter returned. Gloria picked up the tab and with it a card with a mobile number written in hand. She smiled. “Here we are now” she said as she put the card in her purse, after waving it provocatively at the girls as if she had won a prize in the raffle..

“You wait and see Melissa, you wait and see what I have got in mind for him”

On the way back home in the taxi Gloria looked onto her domestic email address and noted the response from the gardener. She went back to him

“Hi Dave, thanks for getting back to me so quickly. I’ve been having a bit of a girly lunch. I am free this evening after 6 pm. It would be great if you can make it. Gloria.”
It had started out just another shift for Dan, and the trio of middle age women which included Gloria was just another table of well-to-do wives out for a little fun lunch on which he could exercise his charms.

Of course there was always the exception - the women who didn't fall for his charms - that occasional woman with the "I'm just here for lunch, go put on your gigolo act elsewhere" attitude. There had even been a few women who put off the same vibe as Gloria, though he would be hard pressed to explain just what that vibe was.

Perhaps it was because he had dominant women on his mind that particular morning, and though Gloria wasn't acting the Dominatrix - somehow he just seemed to know. Or, well, because he had female domination on his mind, maybe it was just wishful thinking on his part.

“Can I have the bill, oh and yes I must have your phone number please”

Dan looked a little stunned. This woman had put him off his game. Everything about her screamed to him this is the woman he wants to worship as a goddess, and it was somewhat disconcerting. He'd been asked for his phone number a hundred times, and he always had a charming response. 'As much as I'd love to...' - 'strict policy against...' - or 'you wouldn't want to see me get fired, would you?' His lips parted to explain why he couldn't give Gloria his phone number, but all that came out was "Yes Ma'am, right away."

He was so nervous he was trembling as he wrote his number on a card. He was going to write a note asking her to please be discrete, but for some reason he didn't. Surely she knows he's not supposed to give out his number. She knows, but she asks anyway, knowing he'll make an exception for her.

Taking a moment to put himself back together emotionally, he returns to their table - Gloria's table - with the bill and the card with his number, almost his usual charming self. He'd just finished his break when the ladies came in, it was far too early for another break - otherwise he would have hidden out in the restroom and relieved the pressure in his cock.


Dave Canfield dressed as nicely as he could for his meeting with his perspective employer. That meant his "Sunday best" - his only suit with a pair of dress shoes that had definitely seen better days. He wasn't planning to do any work, so there was no danger of getting anything dirty.

He'd fallen on hard times, unable to find a job when the factory closed and the work "outsourced" to somewhere what he did could be done for half the price (and a tenth the quality). When he married he'd imagined his wife Julie being able to stay home to keep house and raise children. Now she was the breadwinner, and that wouldn't do. So he put out feelers everywhere, and so far this is the first response he's had.

At 28, he hardly felt "young" but he put that in the ad so they would know he's not some old man unable to work hard or efficiently. Physically he was pretty average, maybe even a little on the "thin" side, but that hadn't affected his stamina or ability to lift heavy objects.

His response to her agreeing to a meeting said he would be there at 6:15.

Whoever answered Gloria's door at 6:25 that evening would see a rather ordinary looking man of 5'8" - on the thin side - with bushy red hair and mustache. He was wearing an old ill-fitted suit worn at the elbows and trousers in need of pressing, looking like something he obtained from a thrift store or a some benevolent organization providing clothing to the needy. He was trying not to wring his hands nervously.
Gloria arrived home on a high having had a great time with her friends and having reacquainted herself with the pleasures of alcohol. Being Sunday afternoon she chose to take a little nap so went upstairs to the master bedroom, opening a window but closing the curtains. She stepped out of her summer dress and hung it carefully in the wardrobe. She removed her earrings and necklace before kicking off her shoes and lying back on her bed in her bra and panties. The challenge to her bra from those heavy breasts was so very apparent. Gloria then reached for and set an alarm as she did not want to oversleep and miss the gardener’s arrival that evening.

Her lunchtime meeting had rekindled memories of their student days. She always had a thing for Elaine but it was Elaine who had come onto her. First with the silly party kissing for a dare and then dancing together. All innocent but there had been something there. They had gone for a picnic together and lay on the grass. They were all fingers and thumbs and it was a bit of a laugh getting Gloria’s bra undone and her breasts into the open air. The feeling was pleasant when Elaine kissed and sucked the nipples but things got so much more serious when her hand went inside Gloria’s panties and ensured the deed was done. They slept together of course, it lasted a few weeks but then came the bombshell. It was all too shallow for Elaine, not enough to come out, she was going with cock and cock she went with. Gloria went with cock too, but when and how she wanted it.

Right now Gloria’s hand was between her thighs and her panties cast aside. It was Elaine again making her feel like this. Wet and wanting, frigging herself. Then that young waiter, standing there, erect. Given the chance she would have directed him to the ladies washroom to pull down those pants of his whilst she leant forward against the wall.

“Now lift up my dress”

“Now pull down my panties”

“Hold my hips and put your cock in me”

“Now fuck me and cum in me”

He would have done that, done as she instructed

Gloria pushed up her torso and pushed in her fingers to her hairy mess and she did it. Breasts bouncing, fingers wet, juice spraying, just a little squirt, but squirt there was from this sexy lady as her body relaxed back flat on the bed.

She dozed.

Gloria woke and text Dan “call me when your shift finishes”

The sleep had refreshed Gloria and she wondered who would be arriving at 6.15. Her mind was on sex, Elaine had awaken her lust. She dressed clean and casual, black bra and panties, a loose skirt halfway up her thighs and a thin top through which there was clear sight of her black bra and cleavage. Well life is meant to be fun she thought. She undid buttons, he could look down and inside to see the meeting of those two soft orbs of flesh, the meeting of her boobs, a home for his manhood. Let him fantasise about fucking them if he wished to.

Gloria was used to promptness and 6.15 was meant to be 6.15 and not 6.25. Her time was valuable. It was therefore a lady seeking to control her emotions and with a heaving chest which answered the door to Dave. Looking at him arriving late she did not smile, her words were simply

“Are you him?”

“Well you’d better come in then”

As she ushered him into the lounge, a little smirk passed her lips behind his back. Looking at him she even felt a little sorry for him.

“Now then shall we start with a drink? I’m having wine, what would you like?” Gloria had already opened a bottle which was in the fridge and first impressions rather encouraged her to have another glass. She doubted that he would mind, he looked as if he needed a job. She would find duties for him, of that there was no doubt.

Dan's legs went a little weak when he read Gloria's text. Outwardly he appears to be in control - flirting with and teasing the female customers, making them feel all giddy that such a handsome young man is lavishing them with his attentions, but inwardly he had a need to submit. To give up control, to be used by a woman. He could easily have (and did have) plenty of female companionship from among his peers at university - but they couldn't give him what he needed.

He had seen women customers who looked as if they could (and maybe would) fill his needs, but nothing had ever come from that. It wasn't as if could ask outright. That would surly get him fired. But then there was Gloria. From the moment he saw her, he was smitten. This was no immature little anorexic clone of every other prospect at work or school -- this was a real woman. No, not a real woman -- this was a goddess deserving of his worship. When it was time to die, he wanted to be smothered by those magnificent breasts. Or between her thighs. Until then, he would serve her in whatever way she desired.

Then he had to remind himself -- maybe he misjudged her in some way. Yes she was giving off those vibes that suggested she could be the Domme of his dreams, but nothing was actually said. Her level of maturity suggested she would be the one in control - naturally - and she did "ask" for his phone number in a way it was clear she wasn't asking - but that doesn't mean whips and chains. It meant she is a woman who gets what she wants. Well, maybe that's the same thing. If she wants him, she'll have him. And if all she wants is a fuck from a man who can satisfy her better than her aging husband, then he's more than willing.

Should he respond to her text with a text telling her when she can expect his call? She didn't say to text, only to call when his shift ended. As he was trying to resolve that dilemma, he rushed back to the table where sat some prominent politician and someone he'd addressed as "doctor" with their wives.

"Ahh, ladies first" he told the MP reaching for his scotch. "I believe you had the white wine, Mrs Barker ... and your lovely friend the Shirley Temple" then with a conspiratorial smile he leaned a little closer - "best to keep a clear head with politicians lurking about, eh?"


David Canfield once had the silly notion he might rise above his station in life and live in a neighborhood such as this. By now it was clear he would never realize that dream unless a box of money fell on his head. Everything about this house screamed "You're not good enough" to him, and when Gloria answered the door, that message was reinforced a thousand times over.

Like pretty much every other male on the planet he would be momentarily dumbstruck by her imposing appearance - then along with those of his sort, the ones who knew their place, lower his eyes in submission.

"Are you him?"

"Yes, Ma'am, I ...." he began, trying to speak confidently as he'd rehearsed his introduction.

"Well then you'd better come in."

"Yes Ma'am" he whispered, and followed the head of household like a well-behaved puppy.

The inside of her residence was every bit as intimidating as the outside, but nowhere near as intimidating to him as Gloria herself.

“Now then shall we start with a drink? I’m having wine, what would you like?”

"Nothing for me Ma'am." Then as he realized how impolite that might have sounded, quickly added "Thank you, though."

Was she merely being polite and offering him a drink, or was this some sort of thing that was more or less mandatory for people of her station - business had to be discussed over drinks? If she insisted he drink something, he would ask for water. Bottled water wasn't necessary, he would be satisfied with whatever came out of the tap.
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"Well I'll get you one anyway in case you change your mind. I don't like to drink alone so amuse me please"

Gloria moved her ample body over to the fridge and poured herself a drink and one for David. She also took him a glass of water.

"Right then we're settled" said Gloria as she sat down opposite David on a stool. She explained to him the work she wanted done and the rate of pay, confirming that he could start very soon. He certainly seemed very keen and to know what needed to be done, at least in theory. It nagged at Gloria though as to how he came dressed so unimpressively and with so little confidence.

Maybe the sight of her huge bust right in front of his face was unsettling him. Gloria decided to change tack a little and went to sit next to him on the sofa.

"So tell me David what is your family life like and what has led to you coming here?"

Gloria listened to his answers with mild interest and followed up his answers with further questions so that she got a good picture. By now though she was a little tipsy and becoming rather unguarded.

She wanted to be outrageous, she knew her idea was but why not. Let's see how he responds she thought.

"I hear you are married, now I do have a little concern over that. I am used to being casual about the place, leaving underwear everywhere, being in a swimsuit by the pool and sunbathing, often topless. I do hope you are not prudish and will not be unsettled by that" she said.

"I have been thinking of a little test, here and now, before I go out and show you around the garden"

"I just want you to put your hand underneath my skirt and feel me. I have knickers on, no worries, you will be protected from my body itself, but just do it and please do it convincingly. Show me that you are not discomforted by the female body.


Gloria knew that she had given Dan a little test of judgement. Just asking him to call without setting down any arrangements. It would be a little test for him. Something they could move on from. She needed to know where to place him.
Dave left the wine on the table and took two sips of the water hoping it would soothe his dry throat. Trying to look anywhere other than at Gloria's breasts, he fumbled a bit with his words thanks to the nervousness she evoked in him.

"Yes Ma'am, you were k..kind enough to thoroughly explain my duties" he responded, suggesting all he'd wanted was to see the area before he committed, then assuring her he meant no offense by it or anything else he'd done since the beginning of time.

It's one thing to be complaining about being laid off with one's mates at the pub, but quite another to be discussing it with a lady of such high standing. He referenced the closing of the factory where he worked - pointing out that his job had been to maintain and fix any and everything that broke. Thus having his handyman credentials in order. As for the gardening, his credentials there were a little weaker, but not nonexistent. They had a garden growing up, where his mom grew flowers and vegetables for the table, and he used to help after school and on weekends. Pruning. Pulling weeds. That sort of thing, assuring her that he would research any plants she had to know the proper way to care for them.

It felt odd talking about his family life. Actually, it felt odd talking to Gloria about anything - as if she were a celebrity or something. He had very little to say about his wife Julie - not because he doesn't love her, but because how does one talk about someone as mundane as Julie in the presence of someone as "not mundane" as Gloria? They were married, 5 years, no children.

Then came the "test". Poor Dave was fumbling with his attempt at an assurance he would behave as a gentleman and had no interest in her ... well, in the 'unmentionables' she mentioned. That's when she mentioned the word "topless" and he froze.

His eyes grew wide as Gloria explained the test to him and indicated where he was to place his hand.

Oh, if this was a test to prove he was not discomforted by the female body, it was unfair to use her body as the testing standard. Instead of feeling for her thigh, he reached for the glass of wine that up to then had remained untouched.

A sip. Another sip. Oh god how he needed this job. Another sip.

"Ma'am... I.. I promise you I... I'll be fine." Another sip. "And I won't do anything to risk my job." Another sip. "I need this job Ma'am."

At this point he realized he was staring at her thigh. Up high on her thigh. A bead of perspiration adorned his forehead. His hand was trembling as he set his wine glass back on the table and looked back into her eyes. "Are you .. s..sure you w..want me to t.t.touch you?"
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“Oh Dave, please be a man, I’m not going to bite, far from it, now let me help you”

Gloria put her hand on top of Dave’s and guided it up under her skirt, first to her thigh and then to the front of her panties.

“There just leave it there, rest and get comfortable”

After a few seconds Gloria continued

“Now move it about, just gently. Imagine I am some sort of sexy body you really want to pleasure and then you will get better at it.”

“Let me help you” said Gloria as she spread her legs wider.

“Yes you’re over my lips there, you can press a bit harder”

“mmm yes that is nice”

Gloria was very patient with Dave. She enjoyed having the guy touch her up whilst under her spell but really things could only get better.

“You’ve got the job of gardener Dave and I’ll throw in the bonus of intimacy training which you need and hopefully will enjoy. They come with each other Dave, it is all or nothing” Gloria said with a little laugh. “Now when can you start?”
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Dave's eyes grew wide as the unlikely-to-come-true adolescent fantasy he and virtually every other young male in the history of the world had was suddenly unfolding before him. So what if he had to wait ten or more years for it to happen - this goddess beside him was worth the wait.

“There just leave it there, rest and get comfortable”

He nodded, but it was unlikely he would be comfortable any time soon. Between his rapid breathing and his throbbing penis and the thoughts in his head going round and round being "comfortable" with this was the last thing anyone could expect of him.

All too soon Gloria urged him to take things a step further.

"Imagine I am some sort of sexy body ..."

" are .. .. sexy ... sexy b..body" he managed to articulate, but his hand wouldn't comply without Gloria's help. Her moans were driving him wild and before long he as wanting to kiss her - this unapproachable woman - this goddess - who was eons above his humble station in life. He wanted to kiss her so badly his own groans of frustrating desire began to match hers of pleasure.

His brain was running behind. It took some time before it registered that Gloria told him the job was his - the job plus a ... bonus? He could certainly use that.

“Now when can you start?”

"Ahh.. I .. uh.. as.. as soon as you want me, Ma'am. Tomorrow?" He was accepting her offer, and he hadn't even seen the outside of her property.


A few minutes later, Dan sent Gloria a text to inform her that he was having to cover a co-worker's shift due to some family emergency. "My shift doesn't end until 11:00. Is that too late to call? I can call sooner during a break, or tomorrow at any time you say." Ohhhh, he hoped Gloria wouldn't be upset or lose interest.

"please please please" he whispered to himself, hoping Gloria wouldn't lose interest.

Then, perhaps not thinking clearly (Gloria apparently had that effect on men) he followed that up with a second text informing her he wasn't working at all tomorrow.
Gloria had to admit that the gardener's interview was turning out to be much more successful than she had anticipated. His actions between her thighs had brought pleasure, real pleasure as she moaned and moistened. She wondered whether in fact he had seen the moment when her eyelids had fluttered and her body had jolted. It was only a little but it happened.

She looked into his groin before saying

"now I can't send you home like that can I? Whip it out"

"yes do as I say, whip it out"

"Yes very handsome"

"Now then" said Gloria as in front of his very eyes she undid her top and took it off, throwing it onto the floor. Reaching behind her back she undid the clasp to her bra and let it fall to the floor. Holding her breasts in front of him, she fondled them and teased the now very hard nipples.

'"they'll do I think. Yes hun you can finish over them. Yes, you got me, I want you to shoot your cum over my immense great bust"

"Come on, let me help a bit"

She fondled him and directed all the while they both had fun using her breasts and nipples.

She loved the tribute, streams of the thick white spunk all over her soft white breast flesh. She rubbed it into her nipples a little

"Very good now Dave you can just slide your hand and feel inside my panties. See what a mess we have caused down there"

She felt his fingers search seeking out her clit. She looked at him as he felt, her lips opening and her head moving towards his. Her eyes were closed.
"now I can't send you home like that can I? Whip it out"

Dave, whose mind was already reeling from all that had happened thus far, was now in even more of a shock. He just stared at Gloria in disbelief.

"yes do as I say, whip it out"

"But I .. can't. Shouldn't." He wanted to do what she said, wanted it so badly. He couldn't remember how many days it's been since he and Julie had made love. (Financial worries have that affect on women.) "I.. I should go." (But he didn't want to.) "Th.. this is wrong."

But he didn't make an effort to go. Or to move in any way at all. He just stared into Gloria's eyes, her cleavage in his field of vision too, and continued staring as her dominant brand of silence broke his will. 'I'm married' he heard himself trying to say, but the sound didn't come out. 'This isn't right' he would have followed up, but didn't.

With one last burst of willpower, his lips parted to tell her "no" - but it was no use when he was also trying to find ways to justify complying with her demands.

It wasn't all that difficult to justify: They needed the money. Julie had been a nervous wreck the past few days watching the money in their savings dwindled as the monthly bills came due. Normally, someone like Dave wouldn't have difficulty finding another job - except it was the factory that closed, putting a whole lot of men and women in the job market at the same time.

That was that. With trembling hand he reached down to unzip his trousers and pull out his penis. Of average size and appearance, like the rest of him, it was rock hard thanks to Gloria's presence in the room.

"Yes very handsome"

"Now then"
said Gloria as in front of his very eyes she undid her top and took it off, throwing it onto the floor. Reaching behind her back she undid the clasp to her bra and let it fall to the floor. Holding her breasts in front of him, she fondled them and teased the now very hard nipples.

'"they'll do I think. Yes hun you can finish over them. Yes, you got me, I want you to shoot your cum over my immense great bust"

Though he'd seen the porn videos in which men shot huge loads of cum some great distances, all he'd ever managed when masturbating was a teaspoon or less dribbling out, or at best shooting an inch or two. No, probably never two.

He began masturbating to the sight of this goddess' breasts - wishing he had some lotion or something to make things flow more smoothly. By this point he was way beyond the ability to say 'no' - though his nervousness threatened to ruin the whole thing.

"Come on, let me help a bit"

"Ohhhhhhhhh godddddddddddd" he groaned at the first touch of Her hand to his needy dick. "Ohhh god!!!" This time it wasn't as long and loud, but was much much deeper - coming not from the depths of his diaphragm, but from the depths of his soul. As he felt the imminent orgasm approach the point of no return - with Gloria 'helping' by using her own hands to get him off, Dave's hands were free to fondle her magnificently perfect goddess breasts.

He didn't maul them - he was too much a gentleman for that despite his lowly beginnings - but he definitely handled them in a manner that told Gloria he'd never handled, or even seen, anything as perfect as her and her breasts.

A moment later his body began twitching violently - then stopped as if every muscle had turned to stone in an instant. And .. out it came. Perhaps not much by pornographic standards, but more than he had ever seen come out of his own penis - shooting all over Gloria's breasts.

Suddenly he was very week in the knees - and everywhere else. Everywhere except the chest, where muscles were contracting and expanding at breakneck speed trying to suck in the air his body suddenly and desperately needed. And in the penis, which was still twitching and slowly growing softer.

"Very good now Dave you can just slide your hand and feel inside my panties. See what a mess we have caused down there"

Dave's eyes were practically rolling in back of his head he did as his goddess/employer directed, but his hand was too weak even to hold it in place, and he slid onto his knees, his head bowed, his forehead pressed to her thigh. Too weak and helpless to do anything else.
Gloria helped Dave back to his feet, giving him some soothing words of comfort. Her breasts were naked and swinging free as she guided him to a seat to rest up. She looked down and saw his cum covering over her soft flesh and nipples

"I'll just go and wash this off. You rest up, don't move, I'll be back with you in a moment" Gloria said as she gathered herself and commanded him.

She returned having cleaned up and with her bust now in her bra but her pussy still aching for some attention. She felt though that there would be none to come from Dave that evening. He had shown keen interest in her body, the kind of interest she craved but physically and mentally he did not seem up to what she really needed right now. It would be great to train him and bring him on, feed him her sex gradually under her strict instruction. She would command him but she would complement him and please him, build up his confidence until he became fully performing and ready to service her and anybody else of her choosing.

"I think we need to tidy you and get you back home" said Gloria. "Perhaps you had better phone your wife and tell her that you are on the way."

"You have the job Dave though, I'll enjoy working with you. If you still want it that is? Do you think that you will be able to cope or would you like to bring along an assistant? I might be able to manage two of you!"

Gloria was enjoying her time with Dave, he was providing fresh challenges, ones that she was unused to.

Later that evening she got back to Dan after checking her diary and making a few calls. She could make herself free tomorrow early afternoon working on her laptop out of the office. She text Dan

"Hi there. Thanks. Meet me at the Crown Hotel tomorrow, room 201 at 2.30 pm. Text me when you arrive and come straight up. Please confirm availability and allow 1 hour."

'Hi John, yes I've got one for you and he actually looks like a porn star. He goes for us mature types so you had better send somebody suitable over. I'll direct of course, and enjoy it !!! Yes have her here in room 201 by 2 pm.
Gloria slept rather fitfully that night given the events of the day and the expectations that lay ahead. She was though in the office early smartly attired seeing that all was moving as it should. She checked with the hotel and travelled over promptly with a small suitcase carrying a camera and a change of clothes should there be a need. She ordered up a bottle of champagne to the room and accepted the arrival of Judith promptly at 2 pm. A lady mid 40s with blonde hair and clothes to bring out the best in her figure walks through the door. She is calm and assured, confident and gives little hint of being a model. Maybe the breasts being so large and firm on her upper body give a hint. Gloria's are larger and fuller and more womanly. Judith's clothes are tight and chosen for presentation.

"Thanks for coming, it was good of John to send you over at short notice" said Gloria

"My pleasure" said Judith "I understand that he is a young good looking guy"

"Yes, he's called Dan but he knows nothing about your background at all. He does not know you are even going to be here"

"Oh I see, how is that going to work then?"

"Well I've got him hooked, he needs money and opportunity for studies and he wants to fuck me. I just thought it would be a bit of fun to watch him fuck you too. Call me power crazy if you like"

"I can understand all that, I mean ma'am you are super cool, authoritative, with a great body and fantastic looking breasts, from what I can see, with you dressed like that. I wouldn't charge you a fee"

'Talk like that brings a smacked bottom Judith"

"Bring it on I say" responded Judith.

Both ladies laughed and then their eyes met and their heads met and their mouths met. Tongues touched tongues and for a good few seconds they kissed.

"mmm that's settled then" said Gloria.

"It's good to see you so well dressed Judith and what I think we will say is that you are an old friend of mine coming back to work and that you and him will be working together on various jobs and in various admin sections, helping each other out. You're single of course and we know how to party"

"I don't know how this will go sexually but I have a kink of being a voyeur and setting it all up, directing it and watching it all come fruition is a real kink for me. If you can really help make it all happen, I will make it worth your while Judith"

As Gloria speaks she notices Judith looking her body up and down. Gloria loves the attention.

Judith looks at her watch, 2.30 is not far away. The camera is handily hidden (for now) as are a blindfold, ties, a vibrator and a strap on with plenty of lube.

"Oh I'd just better show you, the camera works like this" said Julia as she grabs the body from under the towel. "Yes please use it if there is anything going between him and me, not faces if you can help it. I'm counting on you" said Gloria with a little laugh.

The ladies wait sipping their champagne waiting for Dan's arrival.