GLBT Daily Vibe

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Okay! So, here's the latest baby update. Friday morning we met with the midwife and we went over the tests I took Tuesday. Apparently I've got an infection for which I am now on antibiotics for- only the pharmacy didn't have them so I'll have to pick the 'script up on Monday. Everything else looks good.

We got to hear the baby's heartbeat which was SUPER COOL!!!! :nana: B likened it to the sound of a rapid-fire laser sound that you'd get in an old cartoon.

Oh, and the midwife said I had a surprisingly large and deep pelvic area, LMAO.

:heart: :heart: :heart: To everyone. I'm thinking of a nap right now, it's damp and sleepy day here.
Gianna, you know I care about you. That is why, I am every now and then in a protective mood. When it comes to you :)
Wolfman1982 said:
Gianna, you know I care about you. That is why, I am every now and then in a protective mood. When it comes to you :)
:kiss:I am pretty naive about being a therapist keeps reminding me to fear men.
Terra_Cide said:
Okay! So, here's the latest baby update. Friday morning we met with the midwife and we went over the tests I took Tuesday. Apparently I've got an infection for which I am now on antibiotics for- only the pharmacy didn't have them so I'll have to pick the 'script up on Monday. Everything else looks good.

We got to hear the baby's heartbeat which was SUPER COOL!!!! :nana: B likened it to the sound of a rapid-fire laser sound that you'd get in an old cartoon.

Oh, and the midwife said I had a surprisingly large and deep pelvic area, LMAO.

:heart: :heart: :heart: To everyone. I'm thinking of a nap right now, it's damp and sleepy day here.
thanks for sharing Terra :kiss: :heart: :heart: I am excited for you two. Your baby has a lot of Aunts...grin.
Gi_Venus said:
:kiss:I am pretty naive about being a therapist keeps reminding me to fear men.

Just understand, I will try to protect you online. out of love, and you know that. And being naiive is not just a female thing.
Wolfman1982 said:
Just understand, I will try to protect you online. out of love, and you know that. And being naiive is not just a female thing.
Its okay Wolfie, I will certainly call on you if there is a need. :kiss:
Greetings, love and :kiss:es to all!!!!!!

Night_Jasmine said:
I have one..but don't play with it. :rolleyes: When I was married, husband thought it was cool.

As far as work goes, it was going well until my ISP decided to act up. I lost three hours of work and STILL trying to get it going!
and you actually got custody of it when you split?! Good girl! :devil:

So are you back on track by now?!
Just remember, Jas... this is a test... this is only a test...
Terra_Cide said:
:heart: :heart: :heart: To everyone. I'm thinking of a nap right now, it's damp and sleepy day here.

Glad things are mostly good... it is so fantabulous to hear that racing beat, is it not?!?! So good to hear you're both enjoying it!!!!

Bright and sunny day here, but... Ain't no sunshine when she's gone... *sigh* I was tempted to drive right up there after work, but i must be practical. Have too many things to do and Sierra's birthday is Monday. She will be going to work with me as her mom has to work most of the day. Her celebration will be on Tuesday instead. If the weather holds we'll go to the minor league ball game tomorrow and have her birthday announced. She loves that!

Been flitting around a lot since getting home. A little work in the basement, some in the yard... uncovered the brick under the gate and raked things level in the front so the glider works better. I refuse to give up my shade... it looks like such a nice green curtain out the window... so we've decided to do something like a zen garden only not with sand... different colored rock and wood chips under the play set. Need to put in some extra earth around the linden trees so that we can put some hostas there. P has already done some planting by the front stoop and it looks great. Need to slice the diffenbachia as it looks like Sideshow Bob and is just too top heavy anymore. Guess i better do a little research before i decapitate the thing. :rolleyes:
Hi Annie, *hug* Now where the heck is everyone.....I is a saturday night and people have lives...but geez.....sigh!
Gi_Venus said:
Hi Annie, *hug* Now where the heck is everyone.....I is a saturday night and people have lives...but geez.....sigh!
LOL! I am here - should have been out playing tonight and last night but am stuck at home cleaning, working on projects, and packing for my trip to New Orleans - conference with Bushies *sigh*. How are you Gia? And everyone else?

:D Neon

P.s., I am 51 years not-old-or-young-just-me tomorrow :catgrin:
neonflux said:
LOL! I am here - should have been out playing tonight and last night but am stuck at home cleaning, working on projects, and packing for my trip to New Orleans - conference with Bushies *sigh*. How are you Gia? And everyone else?

:D Neon

P.s., I am 51 years not-old-or-young-just-me tomorrow :catgrin:
Hi Neon :kiss: in a few minutes it will be your birthday *Big Hug* :heart: :heart:
I was feeling a little too lonely a while ago.....had some help from a friend...took a loooonnnngg luxurious bath and am feeling much better and smelling much better too....sigh. God I hate that lonely stuff. Happy Birthday Neon! :rose: :rose:
Gi_Venus said:
Angel, I saw you somewhere.....*hug* :heart:
Heya Gi. Muah! big hugs for you too.

Wolfman1982 said:
Weather : fucking insane hot, and in celsius it is at least 25 degrees.
Saw this one and had to laugh a little and shake my head. hottest temp i have ever been in is 48 degrees celsius. average where i live is at least 35 during summer. its currently around 23 and i'm feeling slightly cold. got to 6 last night and was freezing. 18 degrees and myself and my mates all run around rugged up and use the cold as a great excuse for cuddles. which incedently is why i am in such a good mood. but thats another story.
where i might be moving to i will probably freeze to death.. they get negatives down there. and it SNOWS in the town. Brrrrrrr.

Misty I havent seen you in donkeys years. :kiss: for you.

Happy Bithday Neon

Well working the weekend is dull. but last night was fun. movies and a bbq at a friends place. everyone was cuddled up a bit and i felt left out :( but a friend finally turned up after finishing work late :D didnt feel left out anymore. i've spent alot of time with my arms around her. Stupid dumb and little i know. but i am not out yet and the little things make this better for me.

hehehe :cathappy:
Gi_Venus said:
Hi Annie, *hug* Now where the heck is everyone.....I is a saturday night and people have lives...but geez.....sigh!
Sorry hun. My bedtime's have been getting real early these days. I've only just woke up, and the pancakes I said I was gonna make today, B is making them- he was too hungry to wait for me to wake up.

Happy birthday neon, you sexay thang you! You're only as old as you feel. :heart:
AussieAngel said:
Heya Gi. Muah! big hugs for you too.

Love ya little sister. :kiss: :heart:

God, I could have used a cuddle last night. Sigh!

Spent some time writing a Unitarian Reverend a letter......laughing...I am not sure why....I guess it is reaching out for help. Feeling pretty disconnected in online sisters and friends here have been wonderful.....and to be honest I do not believe I would be alive but for the support I have found here. Non computer life is different for that no one believes in any thing I do.....they try to talk me out of the very things that nurture me. My therapist is helping me to stay on my path....grin...whatever that is, but I know it evolves bringing who I am to the fore. So...the reverend got a long letter....I leave it to the cosmos now. Now I must face her in the community with the knowledge she knows all about makes me nervous.
Terra_Cide said:
Sorry hun. My bedtime's have been getting real early these days. I've only just woke up, and the pancakes I said I was gonna make today, B is making them- he was too hungry to wait for me to wake up.

Happy birthday neon, you sexay thang you! You're only as old as you feel. :heart:

Thank you Terra*hug* :heart: Don't not worry hon. *smile* I get restless late at night....and really should be more self reliant in placating myself....Sigh! I love company and people in general and hate being by myself......reminds me of my loneliness. It is time that I should utilize in my creative efforts but usually late at night I am too tired.

Hi everyone....Jasmine emailed me and has lost her cable modem. She is working on getting another one..

Hugs and kisses all :heart: :heart:
okay....this night is getting lonely too....where is my babysitter?....grin....Jasmine normally puts me together, it has been days...I am disjointed. Sigh. Better than last night......*whistling looking around straightens the painting on the wall* babysitters... I am okay actually...grin...well I wasn't five minutes ago......and an hour ago I was thinking of .....never mind.. So I am going to pass out in front of the TV watching some episodes of northern exposure.....everyone have a lovely evening.....sweet dreams. :kiss: :kiss: are waiting for me to go to work are'nt cha?....then everyone is going to rack up pages and run and hide when I come back.....I know you. Do I have a bad cyber smell? *wrinkled nose*.....betcha Lezli's goats don't smell too good...ick..
Nah, Gi, you don't smell bad. Personally, I haven't been at my computer to post much. My home PC is down for repairs - the damned graphics card's fan stopped working, so the card was overheating and cooking itself into inoperability. So, back to the manufacturer it goes!

Tomorrow marks the first time I'm going to go into public as Sara... A 40 minute drive from my home to the support center for my second Transgender Rap meeting. Broad daylight, and a not-guaranteed-to-be-friendly environment. Wish me luck!!
Hi all. Back online - FINALLY

During work on Friday, I noticed lag issued. 2 hours later with job techs, we realize - it's my ISP. So when roomie got home, used cell to call my provider and after nearly an hour, they discover my modem wasn't registering on the network. They tried to tell me that I'd have to wait until MONDAY to get a new one. I'm like - hell no! I have to work Saturday and need the damn modem. I can't miss work on Saturday and part of monday!

Long story short - new modem arrived yesterday. *sighs*
Night_Jasmine said:
Hi all. Back online - FINALLY

During work on Friday, I noticed lag issued. 2 hours later with job techs, we realize - it's my ISP. So when roomie got home, used cell to call my provider and after nearly an hour, they discover my modem wasn't registering on the network. They tried to tell me that I'd have to wait until MONDAY to get a new one. I'm like - hell no! I have to work Saturday and need the damn modem. I can't miss work on Saturday and part of monday!

Long story short - new modem arrived yesterday. *sighs*

*jump jump jump* hi NJ :) mega hug coming your way :) I hope you and I can talk later today :)
Night_Jasmine said:
*hugs Wolfie* I'll be on yahoo IM after work. Dunno if you'll be around 6 p.m CST or not.

Don´t worry, I will probably be online at that time. :)
Sounds good to me, Wolfie. Time to head back to work now. lol..sounds funny considering it's right across teh room.

*runs to grab water and tylenol*

See ya after six!
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