gijoe downtime (closed to kohona xavier19


Literotica Guru
Feb 15, 2012
"Welcome to the PIT, maggot" a harsh voice announced as the blind was removed from me eyes and we began a slow decent on a large, open lift that brought us down from the desert surface. Here it was cool from powerful AC units compared to the arid above but then the voice slapped me back, "eye front!" And they snapped as ordered.

This man was a beast, towering over me well over six feet and his head covered by a green balakava that masked his features except piercing eyes and a boisterious voice. "Grab you duffel." Everything from him was a command as the lift touched the bottom and before me lay an entire world under the surface that was crawling with people and vehicles with bright flourescent lights suspended above that was as bright as day.

"Follow me!" He commanded stepping off and fumbling with my duffel on my back I followed with my eyes wide in wonder at this place.

I was just a twenty year old, volunteered for the Army and went into basic at 18 to do four years but halfway through my enlistment a man came into my colonel's office and gave me two choices; go to Afghanistan for a year or fifteen months or go to Nevada to have "special training" I did not know what he meant by it at first because air assault and airborne school were not in Nevada and really nothing else except Area 51 and Nellis Air Force Base, oh, and Vegas. But I figured being in the desert was better than being shot at in the mountains so I joined up and here I was now under the desert and being pulled by an invisible leash by this man as he took me deeper into the facility and show me to where my first stop was.
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Scarlett and I stepped off the treadmill a little breathless. She took a sip of her water while I dabbed the sweat off my face and chest a bit. I watched as my red headed friend grabbed her book while I finished wrapping the cord of my head phones around my Ipod. "Ready for the showers?" I asked her. Strands of her messy red hair stuck to her neck. Not that my long black hair was any different. When we worked out, Scarlett had hers up in a ponytail. I kept mine in a bun.
"Ready." Scarlett and I would walk out of the gym and head for the showers. Both of us in sports bras for tops but she had on camo pants while I had on a pair of shorts. Both of us were in great shape and had smoking bodies.

The two of us were talking with the towels draped over our shoulders when we had to come to a halt to keep out of the way of HIM and some new guy. My blue eyes trailed after them and Scarlett nudged my sides. Making me snap my attention back to her. "Eying the new meat, huh?"
"What? You're crazy. Come on. I don't like feeling sweaty for very long." I said. Brushing off her statement as we continued on our way.
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"Keep up!" He said and I did, constantly having to jog to keep up with his deliberate pace. I believe he was trying to smoke me by having me carry a burden and run and I was working up a sweat. If we did pass anyone. Could not focus on whom because in a flash we would be down th wall. Any dawdling might mean me having to do push ups with this duffel.

Taking a right at a t intersection the man said to hold up while he approached a desk to talk to someone. It was aGodsend bcause it allowed me catch my breath and look about. There were computer monitors in long ros where people stared at the screens intently and seldom spoke. Wiping the sweat from my brow with the cuff on the wrist I had to wait as this man put everything together
As Scarlett and I took our showers, we chatted and were planning on taking our time since our muscles were a little sore. But as we were finishing washing our hair and rinsing our body wash off our bodies, one of the other female officers poked her head in. Since we're all pretty much friends and hung out a lot on our off days, she didn't hesitate to be infomrla with us. "Hey, Sam!"
"What's up?" I ask. Turning to face the beautiful blond and green eyed girl.
"I know you were planning on napping after your shower-"
"As always but...."
"But...Hawk wants you to be the one to show the new meat around."
"Drats..." I mutter.
"Bummer." Scarlett says as she looks to me. I can only nod.
"I'm setting your uniform out for on the bench." I hear Jessy call. I tell her okay and turn back in the water with a groan.
"Why me?" I ponder aloud to Scarlett.
"Cause you're always so friendly?"
"You're friendly too. Plenty of us are."
"Yeah....but look at how I treated Duke and Ripcord, huh?"
"Hm. Good point." I said with a laugh.

I finished my shower quickly and reluctantly left Scarlett's side. Drying off and dressing into uniform, I towel dried my hair then quickly put it up in a ponytail for now. I would blow dry and straighten it later. After putting on some eyeliner and lipgloss as my max amount of make-up, I hurried to Hawk's office.
Waiting outside an office, the MAN that herded me here was inside but what they were talking about eluded me. This was some S.E.A.l training or even Ranger so I thought 'what the hell is this?' As the wait turned to ten minutes then fifteen. It seems they were intent on torturing me in waiting for something.

Looking at the polished brass name on the door it read "General hawk" which made me scoff. What a cool name, but I never knew or heard of a family name such as that, but it was the only thing to do. Sitting on a chair in the corridor, my duffel between my knees I kept flicking my eyes either way to glance at anyone else, but there were none of the dozens of people from earlier.

Lowering my head down I ran a hand over my bristly short dark brown hair then leaned back and yawned shuttng the lids to my dark brown eyes. Very tired. The flight in the back of a bouncing C130 can take it out of you.
As I got to General Hawk's office, I noticed the guy from earlier sitting there outside it. I arched a brow. He looked exhausted...and they wanted me to show him around? Poor guy. General Hawk should have made it wait till tomorrow. Maybe I could get lucky and convince the General to let me show him to the bunks where he could rest. I knocked softly on the door and walked in once I heard the General's voice. I was still just a 'kid' in his eyes. I hadn't even had the chance to go straight into a JROTC school after graduation before Hawk's men found me. Apparently I had done something right in my high school's JROTC to be able to come here. "You wanted to see me, General?" I asked. Standing at attention with hands behind my back. Hawk looks up from his discussion. This man was kinda like a father to me. It had only been a year since I came here and in days time, on the 28th of June, I would be twenty.
"At ease, Private." I relaxed and felt all the better for it. "I take it you've noticed the new cadet outside?"
"Yes, sir. He looks really tiered. Had his eyes closed." I said as I watched Hawk. He seemed to sit there and think for a moment. I knew the look in his eyes. He was reconsidering. He grabbed his cain and got up to his feet. Clasping his hand on my shoulder.
"Show him to the bunks, will you, Sam? You can show him around tomorrow. 0800."
"Yes, sir." I smiled and he let go of my shoulder as I turned and went back outside. I looked at the guy sitting there still almost half asleep. I nudged his feet softly with my foot to get his attention.
Letting out a snort and eyes jutting open they saw the ceiling of pipes and wiring then the towering, square jaw of aman. Sitting erect for just a moment as my eyes focused the collar had stars on them, a general! Immediately I snapped to attention as we were in doors I should not salute but being that young and niave I did anyways, "Sir!"

His thin lips clamped shut te general briefly returned the salute and turned his head over his shoulder, "Sam?" A figure came up from behind him. The general continued, "Duke and others might have a field day with this one" noting my slim frame, lack of kuscles, and wide eyes, "try your best to make sure they don't break him."

I did not know what it meat when my ears picked up on iy but I feigned deafness.
I had noticed that the General had followed me out, but when the new guy it startled me and made me back to keep from getting hit by his sudden movements. I watched as the General moved in front of him and began talking with him. "Sam?" I walked up to him. Hands relaxed and at my side.
"Duke and Ripcord might have a field day with this one." I looked over my apparent new charge for tonight and tomorrow morning. Slim fram, lack of muscles, eyes wide...I sighed. He'd break under Duke and Ripcord's sense of fun for the new guys. "Try your best to make sure they don't break him."
"Yes, sir." I said with a nod then moved up to the side of the Hawk and smiled at the new recruit. Holding my hand out to him. "At ease, kid. I'm Samantha, but everyone calls me Sam."
Wanting to say 'ma'am" I kept my trap shut and merely nodded in a quick tilt of the head as General Hawk excused himself, but not before saying "good having you onboard, kid. Have fun." The way he said it was rather tounge in cheek. When he disappeared the man with the balakav appeared and gave me a hard slap on the back.

"See ya later" and chuckled as he walked away.

Now nursing a sore back I erected myself in front of Sam as my eyes went over her figure. The fatigues hid some it because they were slight loose but she had a well toned figure,rather unheard of from my old unit and her hair hung in the back in a ponytail. It was not regulation but I dd not want to call her on it and me a nitpicker. Instead I held out my hand and nervously smiled, "hello. Nie to meet you."
I blinked when only nodded and my hand fell to my side. I watched Hawk leave then I looked after the man with the blakav as he walked by and gave the recruit a hard slap on his back. Making me wince a bit. I waited till we were alone before speaking. "You don't have to be too formal around here. Everyone's pretty relaxed." I said. Watching him nervously smiling and holding his hand out. "Nice to meet you too uh..." I scanned my eyes to read his name tag.
Boggled the greeting and recouping from the the slap on the back I replied "charles" then kicked myself once again. "Lennox" because that was my last name. All I knew was that she was Sam but it was a start at least. I was eager and with her as my guide I was ready, as many new recruits were, to prove themselves but there was the dolt of just botching th greeting that had me worried that Sam had me pegged for some fool.

"Well, Lennox, grab your gear and follow me. I'll show you to your bunk first."

"Yes, ma'am" replying eagerly turning about and snatching my duffel. On the way down irealized my error and start to curse under my breath. Sliding my arms into the staps and carrying it on my back I was ready with a wide, beaming smile.
I couldn't help but laugh at him. He was so tense! I would have to do something to get him to relax. "Charles Lennox. Nice to meet you." I said with a smile. After shaking his hand, my hands fell to relax at my side, though they did rest on her hips for a second. "Well, Lennox, grab your gear and follow me. Hawk said I can give you the full tour tomorrow at 0800. So I'll show you to your bunks." I said. Turning and starting to walk off. I paused when I hear him say 'ma'am' and it takes everything in me to not snap at the poor guy. "Just....Sam or Samantha. No ma'am. Geesh. You really gotta learn to relax around here." I tell him as I lead him to the side of the building where the bunkes were. Us females were on the other side of their walls. In the hall just beside them. Knwoing he would be on the side with the boys, I would have to ask Snake-Eyes to make sure Duke and Ripcord don't break him over night.

Snake-Eyes....He was such a strange guy. Never said a word. I always found him odd but I knew he was Asian. And Asians were always hott! But I didn't know if he was from Japan or China. Either way, the fact we had a ninja on the team had left me blushing with fangirl syndrom whenever he was around. It was amazing that I didn't stutter around him. I did't even know what he looked like!
As we wet through the corridor I walked to the left rear of Sam to make not to get in the way. at an intersection we took a left and went to a large, open room, where several pople were sitting around some tables; a few playing cards others arm wrestling or, in one case, off in a corner doing some pull ups.

As soon as we entered almost all the eyes became focusedon us and I could feel my heart racing as Sam walked casually on, undetered.

"Who's this?" One of the men called out, a dirty blonde hair man with blue eyed and a growingmatching beard, brawny arms and a light green shirt covering his rough abdomen.

"That's one of the new guys. Lennox" Sam replied.

Looking me over the man just laughed and went back to his card game. Keeping up with Sam my eyes flicked to the corner where the man was doing pull ups, over handed ones, and lowering his body till he feet touched the floor he let go and turned around. His whole face was covered, even the eyes! He reached for som weights and a teather and tied the weights to his feet before resuming. My jaw dropped as Sam paused and fluttered her eyes.

Lwho is that?" I cautiously asked in a whisper.

"Oh, that's...that's Snake eyes" Sam replied holing up a hand to cover her mouth.
I walked him through the corridor and took a left near the left. Lennox moved up to my side and I just gave a friendly smile. At the intersection, we took another left and came to the rec room. Next to the gym, everyone mostly hung out here. We kept extra gym supplies cause of Snake Eyes. We could never get him to come to the gym with those of us who went. Everything from arm wrestling, to poker, to reading letters from loved ones, to reading, to listening to music, reading emails, sending emails, even just talking...the rec room was our hangout room.

As soon as we entered, I saw Charles tense as all became focused on us. Well mestly him. I was the only one who was undetered and completely normal under their gaze. "Hey!" I stopped with Lennox and looked to one of the men in the room. Dirty blond hair, blue eyes, matching beard(in the process), brawny arms, and a light green shirt. "Who's this?"
"A new recruit. Lennox." I answered back as we started to walk again as the man just laughed. I ignored him but paused again as I caught a familiar figure in his corner doing pull ups. Over handed pull ups too. His body lowering till his feet touched the floor. I watched as he would let go and turn around. Doing it over again.

As usual I saw from head to toe was covered in his usual black suit that stretched with his body. I felt my face warm a little bit as I watched him reach for some weights and a teather. Snake tied the weights to his weights and resumed. This man never stopped amazing me. I blushed a little more but squeaked as Lennox's words brought me back to reality. "Oh, that's..." I had to stop to clear my throat. Turning to face Lennox, I covered my mouth with my hand. "That's Snake Eyes. He's the Joe's ninja." She said giggling and made an attempt to not wanna give one of those god aweful fangirl screams.
" We have a ninja?" It began clickingin my mind that either this was a joke or I was in a whole new world than I realized. Looking at these hulking men they could use me for a javelin but they held back on their reigns. Sam was till gazing upon this ma lifting his frame on the bar as weights, perhaps an additional hundred pounds, hung underneth. My jaw dropped as apparently did Sam whomcleared her throat and said "Let's keep going" and we quickly departed the rec room as the men at the table watched us and winked at one another.

In another corridor I asked Sam, "so wait, what does Snake do, exactly?" When the word 'ninja' is used I picture my movie fueled mind to have men in black carrying out assassinations and melting into the darkness. "What else you guys got in here? A terminator?" I was actually hopeful for that one.
I couldn't take my eyes off Snake. All I could do was nod. "Yes. Yes we have a ninja." I told him. I kept watching him. He had added an additional hundred pounds to his weights. God, I knew he had to have been ripped! I wished I could touch his muscles. Skin to skin. Get to know him. But he always so distance from everyone. Yet out everyone...he somehow always ended up being there when I was down and needed someone I could talk to who would just listen. And if I got a headache and couldn't get away from Duke and Rip fast enough, he was there!

Reality struck back with a huge reminder in my head that I was suppose to be showing Charles to the bunks. I cleared my throat again and fought to make my blush die as I looked away and started walking again. "Let's keep going." I said. We got to another corridor and Lennox spoke again.
"So, wait. What does Snake do exactly?" I thought for a moment. I had been out on the field a few times with the Joes. But I mainly staid back and hacked computers with some of the others. That's not saying I wasn't trained to fight on the field. I was. I just didn't have as much experience. And I usually went when Scarlett couldn't.
"Snake....Snake does....Well, know one actually really knows what he does here. But he's good. REALLY good. Just get out on the field with him and you'll see."
"What else you guys got in here? A terminator?" Okay. Now I laughed.
"No. No evil robot wanting to get rid of the human race." I said with a laugh. "Snake is the only ninja I know and I believe the only we have. You'll be meeting the rest of the team tomorrow."
I just prayed that the 'rest of the team' was as kind as Sam was and not those men in the rec room. Even though there were no Terminators there must be other tempting treats around in this place. the size of this place, with all of these personnel, the budget had to be emence to support them. Perhaps Sam would be kind enough to show me even more tomorrow. It made me grasp the straps of my duffel ever so tighter as my back straightened up to show some strength.

As we walked Sam was somewhat distracted, perhaps in thought over something and her cheeks had fading red but I just could not put a finger as to what was causing it. When we left the room and kept walking the corridor was empty, just the two of us.

Sam was a good looking woman and when she walked her hips swayed ever so lightly that was a beacon to my dark eyes but I made sure not to keep them on those cheeks for very long for Sam looked like a woman that could break me in two within a few seconds.
My mind was stuck on Snake. This wasn't saying that no one else around here was handsome or good looking. Even for such a skinny guy like Lennox, he was good looking too. Still though. Snake held my interest more than any guy around here I knew. And that was saying something, since Rip was such a womanizer. There was only the two of us now in the corridors. I really needed to focus on my job. I slightly glanced over to see Lennox standing a little straighter and gripping his duffel bag in an attempt to show some strength. It made me chuckle. Once we got the bunks with the guys, I came to a stop and turned to face him. "Well. This is where you and MOST of the guys stay." I say most, because everyone knows Snake has his own quarters. I've been the only in and out of them. And sadly nothing sexual was even happening between us! I say sadly cause I sorta have a crush on him.
"Most of them?" asking and taking a look into the room where some of the men were racked out already and some were coming out of the shower, their bodies wrapped in a towel. They saw me standing there but paid not attention at first until they saw Sam. It must have been common to see a woman there because they made no attempt to shy away nor even boast like most men I knew would.

Because we were underground the only light came from the bright flourescent lights that would ruin a body clock. It would be five in the morning right now and I would not even know it perhaps it would help productivity because they would stay up later but it would also deprive them of much needed sleep, but I was not worried about it at the moment.

"Where does Snake Eyes stay?" I asked, "In there?" quickly pointing into the room.

Just the mere mentioning of his name made Sam change. she rapidly changed her feet and brought up her hand to cover her lips once again and jerked her head away from my sight for moment. I heard a quick 'spit' then she faced forward and the rosey cheeks had returned and my eyes raised inquizatively for it occured that I must have stumbled upon a trigger on Sam.
Some of the men were coming out of the shower and heading into the room. I just closed my eyes and waited till I knew they were in the room to look again. Everyone had their own clocks in their their rooms or some sort of a clock that kept the time for them but it was mostly ignored. Our bodies were too far adjusted to car about time anymore. And our amount of sleep. As Lennox mention Snake again, I had to cover my mouth and I turned my head away. Squeezing my eyes shut tightly as I started to blush. I coughed a bit, and spit a bit to help clear my throat a little before I looked back to him. My cheeks bright again. "Um...N-No. He has his own quarters. He's sorta....a lone wolf. Keeps to himself. A lot." I said. Shifting my feet a little. In an attempt to change subject, I look into the room for Duke and Rip.
"Oh,okay, so I just grab a bunk in here?" Asking after a moment to allow Sam a chance to cool off. If Snake Eyes was a trigger then perhaps there was more to Sam than just her good looks and long ponytail.

"Yeah," she said, "just head to the back and grab an empty one. There's sheets and pillows already on them so drop your duffel and catch some sleep. I'll come get you at 0800." And she calmly turned and walked back from the direction we came and I swear I hard her mutter something but did not ask.

Looking back at the room men were getting dressed or sleeping, about half in half and straightening the straps on my duffel I took a breath and walked in careful to not look at any of the faces just for an empty bunk.

I did not know what time it was but once Sam was gone fatigue began to catch up and my eye lids were heavy then I remembered the sports watch on my wrist and it read 2200 or 10pm an only then did it dawn that I was up for nearly 24 hours since I started out for this place!
I didn't see Duke or Rip and figured they must be in the training room. Well that was good. Kinda. Meant Lennox could get some sleep and not be bothered by the two. "Oh, okay. So I just grab a bunk in here?" I heard Lennox ask. I poke my head out of the room and turn back to face him. Nodding my head, I smile.
"Yeah. Just head to the back and grab an empty one. There's sheets and pillows already on them, so drop your duffel and catch some sleep. I'll come get you at 0800." I said. As I calmmly turn and walk back from the direction we came, I mutter something to myself about needing to control myself better with the mention of Snake's name.

Coming back to the rec room, I yawned a little and leaned against the wall to rest for a moment. Work outs plus warm showers, plus relaxed muscles from said shower, plus showing the new guy to the bunks, plus hyper like energy spent because of the mere thought or mention or sight of Snake....equealed a sleepy me. I should get to my bunk and crash for the night... I thought to myself before letting my eyes scan the rec room for a minute. Thinking that maybe I over looked Duke or Rip in here.
There was no one there except Heavy duty and h had crashed on the couch watching television. Smiling Sam walked up and turned the telly off only to have Duty's eyes flutter open, "What time is it?"


"Shit..back to bed." Duty smiled crossing his arms and falling rightback to sleep.

There was no Snake either. He had put the weights back where they belonged and retired to his room once again, never saying bye just melting into the shadow.

It was easy for him. For me I reached the very back of the rom then one bunk became available. With the sheets taut and no name I threw my duffel into the wall locker tok out the padlock and secured the locker and removed my boots at the foot of my bed. They aired out an were swollen from walking justlike our 15K march in boot.

Too tired to groom or clean I laid out on the bed and closed my eyes as someone turned off the lights and in a few seconds I nodded off but the rattle and talking of the rommates awakened me. Damn it was going to be like that then? I took the pillow and smothered my face with it.
There wasn't anyone in the rec room except for Duty. i couldn't help but to smile softly at the sleeping black man on the couch. He was from London and it made jealous. I'd always wanted to travel out of the states and ever since the Cobra's happened...well...It looked like I was never gonna get to see Paris. I blamed Duke and Rip personally for that shit. Still though. I assumed he had been watching television before he seemed to have dazed off. Walking over to the couch, I turned the TV off and had just turned around to walk away when I heard him speak in a rather groggy voice. "What time is it?"
"2200." I answered softly.
"Shit. Back to bed..." He said with a smile. A strange way of him telling goodnight and to get my butt to bed. It made me smile and as I walked off I could hear his light snoring. I took notice of Snake's weights being back where he got there from in the room and that he was no longer in his corner. I knew he must have gone to bed.

With a reluctant sigh, I leave the darkened rec room for the corridor to the female bunks. I had bottom bunk. Scarlett slept above me.
When I fell asleep I was out cold. Never a light sleeper but a good shake would wake me up, but I wished it weren't so. If it I were heavy I could have slept right through it and light I could have woken up immediately before they were upon me but alas it weren't so.

Sliding their socked feet across the cold tile floor black figures stole through the room and were at the foot of my bed. In. A flash they pounced and I was wrapped in my own blanket and hefted over a shoulder and a gag shoved into my mouth. Arrested there was nothing I could except wiggle but the arms were too strong to break and we were bounding out into the same corridor except it was dimly lit by red light.

I could not seemy captors but heard som whispering that told me there were at least three but I wondered, and worried over what they were going to do to me.