Educator Roll Call


I keep all my teachers safe. I am part of program for cops in the schools. I just wish I had more time to help out the lady teachers in the building.
Young New Inexperienced Teacher...

Well i graduated college in 2009 and got a job in a resource room at the junior high level 2 weeks into the school year. I was thrown into a sink or swim situation with no support so you can guess what happened. I sunk and administration was hostile towards me which made my first year teaching hell. I almost left the profession but then I started being a substitute teacher. I have taught at high school and elementary and love both levels. I have learned a lot too. I may not have my own classroom but I am learning more in the 75 days I subbed then the entire time i taught my first year.
My goal is to get a job teaching kindergarten, first or second grade, Special Education Elementary or work in the resource room at the high school level

Plus...I love being naughty...maybe that is what keeps me sane...
Definately sounds like you got tossed to the wolves....rough go the first year.
college prep

Hello everyone,

Not a teacher but I work with a college prep program for low-income students whose parents never graduated from college ("first-generation") called Upward Bound. We do SAT/ACT prep, supplemental counseling, workshops, campus visits, assist with financial aid and admissions app's etc. Love it...I actually get to see the "fruits" of my labor at the end of the year when we start seeing the kids' acceptance letters.

Welcome back to the school year! I live in the south and the kids in our district all went back today ...including my own :-]
scared to death

Teacher institute is Aug. 30 and 31 at my new school. Found out that the paraprofessional is being pulled out of the library to be put in a classroom so I will be on my own in a new school, new library system, and a new state with all the new laws and policies therein. Plus I have to move so I'm not commuting an hour one way during the nasty winters we have. What in the world have i done??
I'm not an educator, but I'm related to many, friends with a few more. Just wanted to wish everyone good luck this school year! You are all more appreciated than you'll ever know. Thank you for dedicating your time and talents to our youth!
Good luck on the search sexyanghellic, and you're an educator dirtymind so welcome :)

You'll do great ebunny :)

Been back at the school for two days now...getting back into the swing of things, unfortunately including having to get up early in the morning :(
so i have a question for my fellow teachers??

Why do you teach?? What makes you get up for school on the daily??What makes you endure all the politics and BS??
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thanks ya'll

Definately sounds like you got tossed to the wolves....rough go the first year.

Yeah!! Definitely doesn't help my confidence at all...I am still trying to get my confidence back that I am a good teacher...that i will eventually get a job...but its hard when your first year is hell...

But I know I made a difference the kids keep telling me Miss D when you coming back...We need you...No one cares about us anymore...Its sad but true... Karma is a bitch so I'm waiting for that to come back on that school which it is because most teachers are now asking to transfer away from the school or make the jerk of an admin i will see how that goes...

Good luck on the search sexyanghellic, and you're an educator dirtymind so welcome :)

Been back at the school for two days now...getting back into the swing of things, unfortunately including having to get up early in the morning :(

Thanks for the kind words...School here doesn't start til Sept 7...
The politics is such bullshit. It makes the job miserable even with state legislation making it even worse. The only thing keeping me going is the kids.

I hate that certain people get preferential treatment for either being "yes men" or kissing ass and I hate that society says they support us then votes down the funding we need to be successful.

As you can see, i'm very frustrated. Two weeks in and I'm not enjoying this year. Sad, because the kids are amazing, as always.

Oh and then every kid seems to be special ed these days. Back when I was in school, some kids would just be labeled slower or lazy. Now, everyone needs a hug and a pill.
The politics is such bullshit. It makes the job miserable even with state legislation making it even worse. AMEN!!!

The only thing keeping me going is the kids.

I hate that certain people get preferential treatment for either being "yes men" or kissing ass and I hate that society says they support us then votes down the funding we need to be successful. AMEN!!!

As you can see, i'm very frustrated. Two weeks in and I'm not enjoying this year. Sad, because the kids are amazing, as always.

Oh and then every kid seems to be special ed these days. Back when I was in school, some kids would just be labeled slower or lazy. Now, everyone needs a hug and a pill.

I think with the amount of kids that are ADHD there shouldn't be a reason they are in sped teachers need to realize that the generation is all ADHD and adjust accordingly...Are some kids in need of meds YES but a majority NO!! My good friend says "Label jars not people!!"
Been back for a week now, missed a day because of Hurricane Irene, getting back into the flow though. It's good to be back, seems to be a good group of kids this year.
Back to school time here in NYC. Been teaching history for 6+ years. Hope everyone has a nice n naughty kickoff to the school year!
I'm a sub. Stitute. Teacher.


I like to teach the arts mainly, but have been known to do a bit of biology and English too.