Bibles could become scarce thanks to con artist tariffs


Literotica Guru
Jun 5, 2006
It seems inconceivable (yes, I know what the word means) that bibles in this shithole country could become scarce considering the number I find at used book stores, yet thanks to the con artist's temper tantrum, this may become a reality.

Tens of millions of bibles are printed in China each year, with some estimates as high as 150 million. Publishers large and small testified against the proposed tariff in hearings last month, saying it would make the Bible more expensive for consumers and Christian organizations that give away Bibles as part of their ministry. The proposed tariffs are currently on hold as trade negotiations resume following months of parrying by U.S. and China officials.

Bibles are printed on "unusually thin paper" that requires specialized machines, Mark Schoenwald, president of HarperCollins Christian Publishing, said in testimony to the U. S. Trade Representative. Up to 75% of what it costs a publisher to make a Bible, with its complex illustrations and ultra-thin pages that make it portable, is spent in China and can't be handled elsewhere, according to Schoenwald.
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"U.S. printers moved their Bible printing facilities abroad decades ago, leaving no substantial domestic manufacturing alternatives," Schoenwald said.​

As if that wasn't enough, the poor and lower-middle class might not be able to afford bibles if the tariff goes into effect. It's not as if they couldn't go to one of those used book stores mentioned above and find the bible of their choice for $1.

Also, it's interesting how Christians like to complain their faith is being persecuted in China yet go about supporting the very country doing the persecuting. The mind wobbles.