Joe Biden Has Created A Dangerous World

You posted about this before. This is old news France pulled out, and as such broke the deal, leaving the Americans holding the bag. The least you could do is remember that you posted this shit before.....I honestly don't expect you to ever be correct.
Check the date, clown.
BLOODBATH: Illegal Alien From El Salvador Murders West Virginia Woman by Lighting Her on Fire
By Cristina Laila May. 14, 2024 5:40 pm

An illegal alien from El Salvador who entered the US on Joe Biden’s open border invitation was arrested in the murder of a 33-year-old West Virginia woman.

David Antonio Calderon, 46, was arrested in Virginia after authorities found an unidentified woman on a burning couch in a field in Martinsburg.

“Early findings from the state Medical Examiner’s Office point to burn injuries as the likely cause of death.” West Virginia News reported.

According to police, Calderon, who went by the nickname “Amigo,” also attacked two homeless people with a baseball bat in April.

Biden's foreign mercenaries are killing Americans. When do we get to fight back?