Ben Carson's debate strategy

Because Facts don't matter

Twitter hilarity.


"The Romans had airplanes. We know this because of Pontius Pilot."

"Roombas are cyborg anchor babies."

"The Taj Mahal was originally built to be a handball court."

"It is my belief that the so-called Great Wall of China is actually an elaborate stone Hotwheels™ track King Solomon built for his nephew."

"And Pharoah said, 'Like Mannatech from heaven, behold my grain pyramid!'"
Yes racism coming from the left is still racism. Don't let them try to fool you that it isn't.
Yes racism coming from the left is still racism. Don't let them try to fool you that it isn't.

I have yet to see anyone on the left bring up Dr. Carson's race, only his rather loose association with honesty.
Perhaps you can enlighten us Mr_FailTroll.
3 coloreed fellers rancor president

2 were treated like shit

1 was treated grea


We know why
If it's true that

1. Carson personally saved white students from a horrible fate in high school during the post-MLK assassination riots


2. That there were 150 people in the course in which Carson was rewarded for his honesty, an incident that was supposedly documented by a newspaper photographer

then shouldn't some of these people be willing to come forward and say "yes, this happened?" Rupert Murdoch's paper went looking for such evidence and couldn't find any.

It seems pretty obvious what happened here: Carson talked up his own heroism and moral superiority to sell books, long before he thought about a political career. Now he's running for President, and without a track record to fall back on, he's got nothing to sell to voters but his own character. Unfortunately, most people regard shameless bragging, lying, and excessive self-regard as character flaws rather than assets.
Gen JC Xtian patriot
New York Mayor Ed Koch once asked Ben Carson to serve as Batman #BenCarsonFacts
did we ever find out whether or not ed koch was gay? not that matters. my brain is just made of randomness.
Didn't he end up doing a Judge Judy type thing on telly or am I thinking of someone else?
Where were the Lit wackos with their cries of "racism" when the birthers were running amok?